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Author Topic: Heads up for massive typos  (Read 51 times)


Heads up for massive typos
« on: November 27, 2007, 02:10:18 pm »
And not the drunken kind this time!  Since Sunday the ring finger on my left hand had been horribly infected from an ingrown nail gone horribly wrong.  It got to the point where it was changing colors from dark beet red to a ghostly whitish yellow, swelling to double its natural size and throbbing with pain so badly that it felt like the 30 seconds right after you smash it with a hammer... you know, when the pain itself throbs in tune witht he heartbeat.  

After putting antibiotics on it for 24 hours and no improvement, I finally snapped last night and drove to the local emergency room, fearing that it would fall off or something.  I sat in the emergency room for around 6 hours, waiting with hoardes of poor people with home improvement tools stick in their skulls, shrieking babies with fevers above 105, a college girl whom all doctors on staff couldnt convince there was nothing wrong with her who seemed to have taken some bad LSD causing her to flip out and be detained by cops, and a cute little black girl who wanted to braid my red hair while her mom was on the phone.  Meanwhile I was mostly marvelling at my finger changing colors over time.  If I had a mood ring, it would have been a christmas show.

After 6 hours they finally called me in and did surgery on my finger.  They injected both sides of it at the base with some anesthetic that immediately made it dead numb, and sliced open the infected portion, draining what seemed to be several buckets of pus, covered it up with some prescription antibiotics and gauzed it up so ludicrously large that the big white wrapping looks to be the size equivalent of a hitchhiking cartoon characters thumb.  The beet red/ghostly white discoloration is now a "healthy" shade of blackish purple, and a full day after the surgery I still can't feel my finger from whatever they used to shoot it up with.  Good stuff!

Needless to say, If you see me online in the next few days, expect some heavy typos.  I already used spellcheck 20 times in this posting.  Meanwhile, at least I can't feel it anymore, and with my A-button of my wasd configuration out of commission, My characters will be making a lot of right hand loop-ti-loops in lieu of left-hand turns.


Re: Heads up for massive typos
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2007, 02:37:51 pm »
heheheh, niiice.


Re: Heads up for massive typos
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2007, 02:42:21 pm »
Ugh.. was trying to eat dinner when I read that. :)


Re: Heads up for massive typos
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2007, 05:02:28 pm »
nothing like a nice juicy abscess before a meal...


Re: Heads up for massive typos
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2007, 05:07:47 pm »


Re: Heads up for massive typos
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2007, 05:11:32 pm »
Pffft, lonn's gone soft. Hospital? Anesthetic? Antibiotics? And you reckon i'm old?!?  :P


Re: Heads up for massive typos
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2007, 05:23:05 pm »
I don't mind pain, as long as its actually from something I did... like if I hit my finger with a hammer and it was throbbing like that, I would have let it be and waited for it to heal.  Infection though, that just spreads and gets worse as you wait.

On the plus side, I think I was their favorite patient for the night.  Whenever they injected me with the needles, I'd pretend they were giving me backrubs and saying "oh, that feels heavenly!"  The nurse slapped me for making her laugh when she cut open the boil... was speaking in a cockeny halfling accent and said "oi, now there's the tastey, creamy center!  Like a wee lil bloated twinky!"  

On the forms for contact info, I put my emergency contact as Name: Jesus, Location: Look up, waaay up, Contact #: Put two hands together and pray if I'm looking that bad.  Then under allergies I put "exceedingly complex hospital forms for emergency rooms where people are moments away from dying."  The receptionists were giggling and pointing me out to their co-workers during the wait.


Re: Heads up for massive typos
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2007, 06:05:10 pm »
That is one of the funniest things I've heard. I hope your finger gets better soon