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Author Topic: Eggs?  (Read 146 times)


« on: February 21, 2006, 04:05:56 pm »
This is not a rant it is open for debate in fact i would realy like that for i thank that the price has gone up way to much. But thats my take on it and remeber this is not a rant. its just a quary on what other peoples take on it is.

hey i have been wondering why the cost of a box of eggs has jumped to twice its pirce when i first in like the last 5 weeks i mean if i remeber right the corn is still in the same place and the chickens are in the same place and it takes i thank i herd it takes like one more corn  to get an egg but does that mean the price should jump to twice its price and that fast i might add i have been on here for 5 or 6 months and from then to about 6 weeks ago the price of eggs jumped from 2k to 2.5k to 4.5k to 5k i mean i dont thank there is any danger in getting them unless you make the chickens mad im not naming any names (SEN) lol it was funny man but still i dont thank that a chicken will kill you. So all i see is that it takes some time to get the eggs but 4.5k and 5k for a box of eggs is a little unreal even in a fantasy world and i dont thank im the only one that thanks this but hey i might be wrong but still 5k for a box of eggs thats 143gp for 1 egg i mean dang but this was not to be ment as a rant so if you feel as tho i did im sorry and i did not mean it that way.

"a hero is no braver then an ordinary man he is just brave 5 minutes longer"
"courage is fear holding on a minute longer"
"he who fears being conqured is sure of defeat"


Re: Eggs?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2006, 04:28:35 pm »
How do you get eggs anyway? I've never even attempted it, I don't even know who uses them...

I think the reason for the high value on them though is that a lot of the more powerful characters who need them in large quantities (A box being 35 at a time) probably have more interesting things to do with their time than mess around collecting eggs, either that or because it's a tedious job they don't mind paying other characters to do it on their behalf. Yes, 5000 is a lot for a box of eggs when you think about it logically, but its all to do with supply and demand, if the characters that can afford to pay that much had the time or inclination to do it themselves the prices wouldn't be so high.

That's my take on it anyway. I'd probably sell them myself for a quick coin when it was convenient for me to do so, as my weaponcrafting isn't making me much gold at the moment :(

Aryn Ravenlocke

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Re: Eggs?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2006, 04:54:02 pm »
THe priceof CNR items like eggs is all about supply and demand. Yes, eggs are relatively risk free to procure. They just take a VERY long time to procure in large numbers. Learning to scribe will run a crafter through an entire box of eggs on only a few minutes, even without batch crafting. Depending on rates of success and other factors, a dedicated scribe might go through as many as 20 or 30 boxes of eggs just to get themselves to a point where they might start making useful scrolls. So many other steps go into making any attempts at scribing, that collecting eggs just becomes burdensome. As a result, characters with loads of coin are willing to part with the easily made coin in order to save themselves a LOT of work. As it is the will still have a bunh of other hoops to jump through before the can make even one attempt at scribing something.

It used to be that only one or two characters in all of Layo would be truly dedicated to scribing at a time.  Then, once they had reached a 'useful' scribing level, they would move on and only scribe as necessary. Now however, many more people are attempting to scribe. This results in eggs being even harder to come by in massive quantity now than they were before. Is 5000 gp per box of eggs a bit excessive? Sure it is. But on the other hand, some characters can afford it, so they might as well. It's a nice way for lower level charaters to raise some money and even learn a bit about cooking. If they are willing to spend the time at low levels gathering the grain and finally the eggs, they will be set for cash once they achieve a slightly higher level and are suddenly able to make use of some of the nicer items available.



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    Re: Eggs?
    « Reply #3 on: February 21, 2006, 05:06:58 pm »
    Why did I think he was talking about eggs in real life grocery stores, LOL. Sorry.


    Re: Eggs?
    « Reply #4 on: February 21, 2006, 05:08:15 pm »
    yes supply and demand may be one of things that made the price go up but with the price that high the people that dont have that much money or the time to get that done puts them in a bit of a problem but when you got like 10 people all selling boxes of eggs would not the price be lower then that of 1 one person that is selling a box of eggs but all of them are selling them at 5k each and what is not helping is that people dont say anything when some one offers to sell them the box at 5k for some reason i have no idea why i mean if you back a few weeks it went from a fair amount for them to an unreal amount. i mean i see things that take mabey a little less time or about the same but with a risk in it that go for less "aloe" would be one of those items and unless you can use invis to get pass the tree tirants you'll have to fight them for it if you want the aloe and it goes for what a box of eggs used to go for //PS: (this is not a reason to rasie the price of aloe as well to an unreal price)\\\\. I mean i have a char that buys and gathers them himself and yes the work is tedious job but i realy thank that 2k or 2.5k is a fair amount for it not 5k.

    "a hero is no braver then an ordinary man he is just brave 5 minutes longer"
    "courage is fear holding on a minute longer"
    "he who fears being conqured is sure of defeat"


    Re: Eggs?
    « Reply #5 on: February 21, 2006, 05:43:10 pm »
    Amaduena has offered 3500 per box and got NO replies from people who want to make that much.  So I end up getting the corn myself when I can.  If someone won't do it for 3500 gold they sure won't do it for 2k - 2.5k so the only two options are getting it yourself or paying more.  I'm not going to pay more and cash strapped characters will be out of the money Ama is offering for easy work.


    Re: Eggs?
    « Reply #6 on: February 21, 2006, 11:12:12 pm »
    Ye gots ter foind ye market niche fer da season, lad.  Supply an demand always fluctuatin based off da wealth of da crafter ye supplyin, and da market of what da crafter around ye lookin fer.  Always keep an ear to da ground in da crafthall and watch what em rich buggers makin.  Ah remember when ah sold meh eggs and honey fer em scribers, den dey dun need anymore fer awhile.  Next week it were da enchanters lookin fer sand, found un what just needed it glass, so ah trained meh glassmakin up and supplied im wit ah couple hunnerd bags da week.  Learned meh ah whole lot while he made lotta crystal rods wit it.  Den der always demand fer ore fer jewelry, armor and weapons, pelts an silk fer tailors, poisons fer idjuts and pies fer giants.

    Point is, ye stagnate on just un resource, ye gonna start seein ye sales figures droppin off sharply after ye supply everybody around wit dat same product.  Switch off ye harvestin lad, foind da next ting ter sell and do dat awhile till em surplus resources ye gathered dry oot ah bit.  and always, ALWAYS look fer da richest folk ter start off wit first.  Most of em master crafters and bidnessmen git too lazy to gather dey simplest components half da toime, and dey da uns what gawrt money ter burn.



    Re: Eggs?
    « Reply #7 on: February 21, 2006, 11:57:33 pm »
    ummm i was not talking about selling the item i was asking why it should jump in price for some thing that is for the most part and easy task but yes the time it take to get and the supply and demand is always a factor. and yes it might have some thing to do with the fact that people that need the eggs and have the money might not thank about how this might affect the people that dont have the money to buy the item when they buy if for an price that is higher then what is has been i mean when you think about it not all the players have loads of cash it mostly the people that spend a large amount of time on the game but you have to think about the people that dont spend but 1 or 2 hours on it a day and dont have the time get gather all the stuff needed for it or have no clue on how to get them but they want to start in Scribing (using scribing for Example but it might also happen in other crafts as well). I mean if you have the money to buy it more power to you but think about it i mean gathering ore takes about as much time as gather eggs but with a danger to it but you dont see people that are selling it at an unreal price to people that cant get it or dont want to take the time or go thro the danger to get it (i might be wrong but i dont buy ore and i have seen no one say anything about it being priced to high) and i have talked with a few chars IG at the time a found out that some one was selling a box of eggs in Hlint for 5k a few of them said that was an unreal price for some thing you realy have no chance at dieing unless again you get over run and beaten by the farm animals :) and not having your armor on. but any way all i was trying to say was i thank yes the supply and demand may have made the price go up but it sould have gone up to maybe 3k but (and yes i feel to im harping on the price going to 5k but thats the way i feel about it) 5k is a bit much.

    "a hero is no braver then an ordinary man he is just brave 5 minutes longer"
    "courage is fear holding on a minute longer"
    "he who fears being conqured is sure of defeat"


    Re: Eggs?
    « Reply #8 on: February 22, 2006, 06:18:34 am »
    Based on their raw value, yes, 5k for a box of eggs is too much.  But, as has been mentioned, it is not too much in light of demand.  The more someone wants something, the more they'll pay.  

    Point and case:  Cole used to make a fair bit of money selling mahogany.  when he started selling it, he old it for about 150 per branch.  That was until a bunch more people discovered he was selling it, and starting wanting it, and lots of it.  In response, Cole raised the price by 50 gp, to 200 per branch.  He kept doing this as more and more people started bothering him for it, until he was charging (and getting)  300 gold per branch.  Now, demand on mahogany has leveled off a bit, and the current price sits around 200 per branch.  (and if you're reading this and are thinking of buying maho from Cole, think again, as he doesn't sell the stuff anymore.  If you want to buy some, visit the QTA store)

    So, if you think 5k for a box of eggs is too much, then don't pay 5k for a box of eggs.  And don't worry, that price won't stay around for too long.  Inflation burns out as fast as it blows up, so in time the price will drop back down to something a bit more reasonable.

