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Author Topic: Housing and Guilds  (Read 757 times)


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    Re: Housing and Guilds
    « Reply #40 on: November 07, 2006, 06:22:31 pm »
    My two cents...well, four cents...

    First, Drizzlin & Chongo, 'nough's 'nough, whether it's put nicely or said flattly, it's cool.  Oh, Drizzlin---"I think when monthly chest wipes start occuring, so should monthly wipes of xps, gold, and any equipment you are not wearing. If you don't get that level within a month of when you started don't deserve it anyway. I hope people can see how rediculous that sounds. To address what Lilswanwillow said, I have never made, nor will make, a paladin or good aligned PC. So how about we remove the paladin class and all good aligned PCs made? Sound fair or reasonable? The lag monster will be tackled when there are less PCs in play with the removal of the goodies and paladins. It sounds as fair as your argument that "just because I don't, everyone else shouldn't either"."---I've never laughed so hard.  :)

    Second, some of us don't like the 'join the guild' idea.  It's one of those things we bring to Layo from RL, you know "Fight the power" kind'a deal.  My character (god help her, I haven't played in a while due to computer problems) crafts, she's not a great crafter...ok, she's not even a good crafter and her level is soooo low, well, she's better at fishing.  She crafts just because she likes to.  She'll craft a dozen robes and usually ends up dumping them in the trash.  It's her hobby.  Somewhere in one of these threads I read where everyone who crafts should join a guild is why I'm stating this...what would be the point in my character joining a guild?  She rarely has money, so that cuts out on the guild getting any dues out of her and her skill is so low you'd have to dig a hole to see the top of it, so that rules out...well, crafting in general.  

    As what idea was brought in a looong time ago (look at the first 9 or so threads), have something like a flea market.  You buy a stall, it holds 2 chests and a small storefront.  You can keep whatever you like in the chests (one for finished products and one for the 'not yet made' stuff) and it's yours.  

    *When Layo-mart is to far of a walk-
     and the horse just broke it's last leg-
     stop by the Layo Flea Market!
     We have what Layo-mart won't stoop to sell!*

    I could go on, but I won't.  Just my 4 cents.


    RE: Housing and Guilds
    « Reply #41 on: November 08, 2006, 05:22:57 am »
    I know this is getting off topic, but I want to chime in; when the Bazaar was added to Everquest, and everyone had a mule they could park and forget about with all their stuff for sale, two things happened; one, the human factor was totally removed from the game.  Characters used to have one zone (mainly...EC anyone?) to shout out their wares, and deal directly with individuals.  People had to interact.  Two, the economy tanked, hard.  Price wars were common and ugly.  

    Now, I know that there is not much in common between Layo and a MMORPG, but I fear that a marketplace would bring about the same problems here.  And since it's been shown that we as a community (I include myself at times) sometimes have difficulty policing ourselves, I would say that it's a bad idea.  Keep the trade board.  Keep people in communication with each other.  Create situations where people meet and exchange goods directly, in person.  And keep those prices competitive.

    My 2cp.  Oh, and one house per person max, regardless of server.  Just to throw a bone at the topic :).


    Re: Housing and Guilds
    « Reply #42 on: November 08, 2006, 05:39:37 am »
    Honora, what you're saying kind of reminds me of my days on Ragnarok Online, Where The merchant class were able to set up shop in the street. In RO Prontera was like a big equivilant of Hlint. Now imagine the Hlint main road packed with merchants on each side so you could hardly see the road. Most of which on AFK just sitting there.


    Back on topic...

    I think Layo regardless is fine the way it is now. A market place only open at certain intervals would work out well because people would literally have to clear out at certain times therefore limiting the whole parking aspect. (But Then I suppose it would need to be regulated or a script would have to be in tact to open and lock the door. I dunno).

    However I think setting up a Hlint Yard Sale (Maybe with the premission of the house owners behind the houses of Hlint because that place is there, and yet no one really knows) put on the calander perhaps once every two weeks so people can gather and sell their goods.


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      RE: Housing and Guilds
      « Reply #43 on: November 08, 2006, 06:00:53 pm »
      Honora - 11/8/2006  7:22 AM

      I know this is getting off topic, but I want to chime in; when the Bazaar was added to Everquest, and everyone had a mule they could park and forget about with all their stuff for sale, two things happened; one, the human factor was totally removed from the game.  Characters used to have one zone (mainly...EC anyone?) to shout out their wares, and deal directly with individuals.  People had to interact.  Two, the economy tanked, hard.  Price wars were common and ugly.  

      What I'm saying is that it would be EXACTLY like a flea market, If you ain't there to sell your wares, then your wares don't get sold.

      LynnJuniper - 11/8/2006  7:39 AM
      However I think setting up a Hlint Yard Sale (Maybe with the premission of the house owners behind the houses of Hlint because that place is there, and yet no one really knows) put on the calander perhaps once every two weeks so people can gather and sell their goods.

      That's also a great idea.  It's almost the same as a flea market but more like that huge yard sale that happens over here (start in Alabama and head north about 800 miles) every's called the worlds largest yard sale.

      Don't get me wrong, on WoW you can buy and sell things without even being online...while that's pretty cool, it takes away from the reality of it...if you walk in a store and no one is there, you take something and leave the money on the table, you get arrested for shoplifting and that money was there before you got there.  Simply, if you're not there, you can't buy or sell anything.

      Anyway, as Leanther said, scripting most of this would take more time than cost feesable...Maybe we could hint at this getting tossed into Layo2?  *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

