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Author Topic: Hurricane Katrina  (Read 399 times)


Hurricane Katrina
« on: August 29, 2005, 10:11:00 pm »
Just a quick note to those affected by the hurricane.  I feel your pain, I bought a house in Long Beach, MS last Monday (Long Beach is about 5 miles west of Gulfport, MS).  I flew back to work on Thursday to Nevada leaving my wife and kids there.  Sunday morning they evacuated to Mephis before the hurricane hit.  I am unsure of the status of the area but if anyone sees my house floating by please let me know.  Problem is that like many people, I was told that my house wasn't in the flood plain, so flood insurance is not needed.  Come morning hopefully we know more about the damage to the area.  Seriously best wishes and my prayers with those of you in the wake of the storm.


RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2005, 10:37:00 pm »
That just sucks man.

Move to Montana, no torandoes, hurricanes, dramatic floods.

We have the occasional earthquake, but noting major, worst thing you have to deal with is cold winters and the occasional forest fire.

Of course, the econmy sucks here, so be prepared to work for half salary and half scenery.



RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2005, 12:02:00 am »
Then you have Washington. All of what Montana has PLUS a better economy. ;)


RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2005, 12:54:00 am »
And then there's Canada... Nothing bad in Canada. :)


RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2005, 01:10:00 am »
Move to Denmark instead.

We have only had one hurricane in the last hundred years (2001 i think), and the medias didn't cover it, they didn't believe that we where hit by one. I have never read about any reported earthquakes in historical time, have heard about ice winters but never experienced one. Forest fires, well only 10 % of the country is covered by forest so it is never a major problem. Good economy, health care, pension etc. but above all, we don't have a president...


Look on the bright side of things, I hear house boats are pretty expensive...


RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2005, 01:13:00 am »
There's always New England! Come, experience the wonders! The joy! Come, to New England! Everything bad about Robert Frost's poems can be seen here!

Now build that wall, hillbilly! You don't want none nobody to put they's seed in your farmer's daughter.


RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2005, 01:22:00 am »
Vyris - 8/30/2005 7:37 AM  We have the occasional earthquake, but noting major, worst thing you have to deal with is cold winters and the occasional forest fire.

  And lightning...


RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2005, 05:19:00 am »
Forget the rest come to
Old England.

Meet the Queen, See the sights, Drink good beer eat bad food, Meet the friendly cops with there funny hats,
Say hi to a cheeky cock-a-nee Black Cap driver who are always happy to talk to new visitors in town. See the
happy Londoners run throw the odd rain storm and wave at the happy go lucky small car drivers pottering
Along to work in the sweet clear air of Soho and the congestion zone.
Marvel at the luxuriance million £+ red brick town houses some with as
many as 3 bed rooms. And why not Shake the hand of a nice traffic warden and ask him the time of day as he tows your car away.

(Some times theres Bumbs, shooting and mugging but dont worry, stiff uper lip and all that)

Yes come to good old London
Where life as a hole new speed

//To be honest I would stay where you are.

//What I wont to know is how to I get to move to the all them places in the USA.


RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2005, 05:36:00 am »
when having trouble deciding where to live, move to TEXAS.  

if you like mountains, move to west Texas

if you like hills, move to central Texas

if you like desert, move to south Texas

if you like swamp, move to east Texas

if you like plains, move to north Texas.

and all between the hills and the swamps are forests, if you like big trees and such.

PLUS, we have hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, flash floods, droughts, blizzards, and, to be honest, simply the most unpredictable weather patterns in the world.  Monday it's a foot of snow, Tuesday it's a nice balmy 80 degrees Fahrenheit.  

so grab your boots and hat and 'pick your poison'

Texas is so big, we've got it all y'all.



RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2005, 06:10:00 am »
miltonyorkcastle - 8/30/2005  2:36 PM

when having trouble deciding where to live, move to TEXAS.  

if you like mountains, move to west Texas

if you like hills, move to central Texas

if you like desert, move to south Texas

if you like swamp, move to east Texas

if you like plains, move to north Texas.

and all between the hills and the swamps are forests, if you like big trees and such.

PLUS, we have hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, flash floods, droughts, blizzards, and, to be honest, simply the most unpredictable weather patterns in the world.  Monday it's a foot of snow, Tuesday it's a nice balmy 80 degrees Fahrenheit.  

so grab your boots and hat and 'pick your poison'

Texas is so big, we've got it all y'all.


That's a lot of things missing in the Netherlands. We have no mountains, although we've got a very big hill in the south that we call a mountain. So yeah, we have a few hills, mostly dikes though.

We don't have deserts, but we do have a lot of sand at the beach. I guess if the sea wasn't there you might have called it a desert. Oh and we Dutchies have even started restoring some of the swamps. So we have those, and even more in the future, all in the name of progress.

Plains.... seriously, why do you think they called it the low lands?? Ohh, and we have forests as well, about 5% is actually natural, and not just planted.

So we only miss mountains, which we don't since we've named a very big hill a mountain.

So, we have all that and 50 % of our country lies lower than the sealevel.


RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2005, 06:29:00 am »
Well all those places sound nice ... the problem is when you are in the military you go where you are told to go.  *shrugs*  We should find out more information about it today.  My house is behind a railroad track, those act like natural levees, so I may have relatively minor damage due to flooding.  *crosses fingers* Here's hoping.


RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2005, 06:34:00 am »
>when having trouble deciding where to live, move to TEXAS.

I think Texas is about the same size as England so lets see how we do

>if you like mountains, move to west Texas
Yep have them in the Lake Districkt o and with lakes

>if you like hills, move to central Texas
If you dont go to Derbyshire befor you die you will never know what a Hill is.
(in the LOTR films thay spent 10,000 makeing a New Zeland hill look like a darbyshire one odd but true)

>if you like desert, move to south Texas
Now a Desert is a place that has 10cm or rain or less a year and belivet or not there are places in England that have less than 10cm a year.

>if you like swamp, move to east Texas
As I see it a swamp is just a hot bog, and on dartmoor we have bogs you have to see to balive.

>if you like plains, move to north Texas.
"Norfolk" nuff said

>and all between the hills and the swamps are forests, if you like big trees and such.
Robin Hood spent some time in ours with a lot of guy men or was it merry.

>PLUS, we have hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, flash floods, droughts, blizzards, and, to be honest, simply the most unpredictable weather patterns in the world. Monday it's a foot >of snow, Tuesday it's a nice balmy 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

We have a saying in England "if you dont like the waither just wait a moment and some thing better will come along".
I have know it to Snow, rain, be hot and sunny all on the same Summers day.

Kind of ok
but rember you have to share all the above with 50,000,000 others and one qween.



RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2005, 06:36:00 am »
Diamondedge - 8/30/2005  3:54 AM

And then there's Canada... Nothing bad in Canada. :)

Except that horrible shade of grey that seems to blanket everything in the country. *Shudders..*


RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2005, 07:17:00 am »

Isn't she pretty? Hehe...

Well might look pretty from up there, not so from close...

Bah, come to Finland... We have... um... I dunno. Trees and lakes? Snow?



RE: Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2005, 08:03:00 am »
I wish you the best Aragon...It would be pretty painful what you are going through right now.  To anybody else that has been affected you have my best wishes as well.

Zizz Zelan

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    RE: Hurricane Katrina
    « Reply #15 on: August 30, 2005, 08:04:00 am »
    Hello, old friends,

    I figured this was as good a place to post as any. I'm back in the house where I finished editing the Layo handbook last year, and my how things have changed. Now it looks like our city is pretty much annihilated, and it's getting progressively worse. Check out for a good source of information on New Orleans; and those of you who are suggesting places to live, well...I'll be taking your suggestions into consideration. ;-)

    On the bright side, I don't have much else to do for the next month or so; maybe I should make a new Layo character....


    RE: Hurricane Katrina
    « Reply #16 on: August 30, 2005, 09:26:00 am »
    Come to Estonia

    One major plus, a mostly untouched nature, as good as it gets!

    One major minus, we claim to have four seasons, but in reality we just get rain all year round.



    RE: Hurricane Katrina
    « Reply #17 on: August 30, 2005, 09:32:00 am »
    don't quote me on this, but I am pretty sure Texas is considerably larger than Great Britain (the isles anyway), not that being bigger really changes the landscape comparisons.  =P


    RE: Hurricane Katrina
    « Reply #18 on: August 30, 2005, 09:40:00 am »
    Hi Z! :)  Good to see you.  Other than the hurricane mess....I hope everything is going okay for you.

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    RE: Hurricane Katrina
    « Reply #19 on: August 30, 2005, 02:55:00 pm »
    Lol i live in washington, the only thing that sucks about it is eventually here the sandreas fault is gonna burst and all of the west coast will get screwed over.  HUUUUGEEEEEEEE EARTHQUAKE!!!!  other then that, no storms or anything here.