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Author Topic: Disapearing oxen  (Read 319 times)


Re: Disapearing oxen
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2010, 06:10:14 am »
//OOC my heart goes out to all and sundry who have lost an ox like this...not to so much for the ox, but for the goods it may have been carrying. I saw Xanya Enyafailm lose one in Hlint when someone dragged some goblins into it.

There is one consolation.... I almost lost my horse (badly wounded) who was tethered near Xanya's ox at that time, and a horse is a pretty hefty investment to lose.

So now I tie my horse up as far out of potential harms way as I can :D .


Re: Disapearing oxen
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2010, 06:23:14 am »
I think my ox and I are spiritually connected.  Every time I drink, he wanders off somewhere and gets lost, picking up strange minerals I don't remember mining.  Clearly Rotherburger is a magical, mystical ox of drunken fortitude.  Might be part dwarf.


Re: Disapearing oxen
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2010, 10:40:52 pm »
Quote from: Nehetsrev
*Valanca rolls her eyes at the comments of Xian Shu and replies*
 What you say makes my point further.  I'll remind you that it is because of headstrong, careless adventurers who were with the volunteers at the Orc's Rift camp that many good folks from Hlint died in an unnecessary confrontation with the Orcs who had come to negotiate peacefully, their repressentatives slain before they could even open their mouths to state their grievances.  As well, after the fighting began I'll have it known I was doing my part as much as anyone else, raining arrows upon the enemy and healing those I was able to reach with Ilsare's blessings and healing potions.  Further, while the disrespectful adventurers sat on their rears after the fight, I personally helped to dig the graves of all those volunteers who died in that fray and performed the final blessings to send their spirits on to the heavens.  So, while you storm off in a childish fit vowing not to return to aid Hlint in the future, I'll be thankful for that blessing.  As well I hope the gates don't hit you in the rump on your way out, because we wouldn't want to have to clean off the taint such contact with your person would leave on them.
 *stares down Xian Shu defiantly, her eyes ablaze with fierce passion and pride for her hometown.*

//as I wasn't there for the last installement of the quest I wasn't aware of that, but eh no matter.//

If yer army had been mor up te et's task in t'e foirst place, yer townsfolks wuld nay have doied and ye nay would have had te call on us in t'e foirst place. Instead t'ey had te call on us, and ye blame us fer t'e incompetence of yer army?

*He stands back toward her, looking down from his towering 6 foot + at her with a dwarven pride and stuborness towards an elf, and then he thumbs toward poltrie*

He be broight enouf to recognize t'at we "Adventurers" *makes the motion again* be needed. Nay only fer t'e defense of yer town, but fer t'e economy te.


Re: Disapearing oxen
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2010, 12:22:02 am »
*Valanca continues to stare down Xian Shu*
 You're still here?  I thought you just took a vow to leave and not come back?  In any case, our townsfolk are far from incompetant, but for suggesting we are perhaps you ought to be thrown out on your rear.  As to Portlie's remarks, *she turns for a moment to Portlie* and take no offense when I say this Portlie, *turns back to Xian Shu* the fellow spends far too much time in his cups to be taken seriously by anyone.  Hlint did absolutely wonderfully before the Dragon-called or other adventuring outsiders ever set foot in it, and we will continue to do well without their presence or so-called aid well into the future.  Now leave, and don't come back as you've vowed to do, or are you one who carelessly and rashly makes a vow with no intent to honor it?  Your presence here dishonors all those good people who lost their lives at Orc's Rift so long as you continue to slander the people of this community with allegations that they were and are incompetant.  Not that I would expect an adventurer like yourself to care anything about honor.


Re: Disapearing oxen
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2010, 12:52:37 am »
*Xian laughs a bit*

Vowed? Nay vowed anythin' OI said Maybe we should... and yeah.. Hlint did alroight before.. roight.. et did get overun by darkies.. and ot'er bandits over et's history, and who saved yer town? "Adventurers" *And again makes the motion*. And Oi let ye know, t'at before ye opened t'at little elfy mouth of yers, Oi was quoite happy aidin' yer town. Talk about honor will ye? Ye are t'e one turnin' yer back on t'e people t'at aided yer town, bled and got killed. "Aventurers" *makes the motion yet again* givin' their loives to defend what belon' te Hlint.. And how de ye repay t'eir sacrifoice? By sayin' t'ey should never have been here in t'e foirst place? And should stay away from yer town after t'ey gave t'eir blood and loife? Who is wit'out honor here? Don't talk te me about honor, when ye have no Oidea what honor is. But ofcouse.. nay one should wonder if an elf loike ye wuld know anythin' about honor. Ye care more about how ye look, t'an how ye act, speak, and commemorate t'e loife of yer fallen comrade. IF t'at wasn't true, t'en ye would have been spendin' yer free toime preparin' yerself back at Orcs rift, to avenge t'eir death instead of tryin' to fix yer pitty uniforms and turning t'e captain deaf on propositions of puttin' flowers and more colors te de uniforms. Et's only when t'e attack was imminent t'at ye started te act as someone who cared. Even when we were in t'e river bank, ye were pranzin' about how good ye should look, instead of praisin' t'e death of yer friends, how well t'ey fought, and how much an honor et was fer ye te foight by their soide. Buut nay.. nay *shakes his head looking at the others, thumbing in her direction* She be preferin' te think on how to arrange her armor and how te look good.

Ye speak loike a viper, askin' fer help when ye know ye can't win, and when youf win, ye turn yer back on t'ose t'at made it possible. Yer just as distasteful and back stabbin' as t'e darkies. And because of t'at, ye be a shame te all t'e blood t'ey spelled for ye, and yer town. Ye are even worth less t'an the ground on which t'eir blood fell. And killin' somethin' as worthless and honorless as ye, even fer tryin' te insult me honor, wuld make me dishonorable.

But unloike ye, OI wont ferget t'eir sacrifoice. And Oi'll be sayin' praise fer th'eir valor and honor te Vorax, with each drink Oi drink and each toime Oi foight. And fufillin' my commitment in t'eir name**.

*He spits right on the ground at her shoes and turns to walk away from her to join Portlie*

At least ye have honor mate, maybe ye nay have fashion sense loike she pretends te have, but ye have honor. Drinks are on me lad!

//** that is if I didn't miss the last one due to RL.


Re: Disapearing oxen
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2010, 08:07:28 am »
*Valanca continues to stare down Xian Shu*
 Your words were, and I quote as best as I'm able to discern through that thick accent of yours, "We'll be staying well away from Hlint and refuse to help even if you plead with us to the dying of your fine folks children, because you are too whiney to defend yourself properly and be needing the help of adventurers."  Since there's no "Maybe" in that phrase I took it that your were seriously giving your word, so maybe you really ought to consider what you say before you open that ale-hole of yours and spew forth such thoughtless nonsense and be sure you really mean what you're saying.
 As to my talking with my fellows about changes to our uniforms during the marching when not in combat, that was a good humored effort to help keep up morale.  I should think even a dullard like yourself would realize that folks are able to fight better when their spirits are high.  As to being prepared to fight when nescessary, not a single member of the Ragrian's Halbardiers stepped foot outside the gates of Hlint without being completely and utterly prepared for the task we set out to accomplish.
 Like a typical adventurer, you seem to think that honor comes from drinking an fighting given your words on the subject just now.  Well, let me tell you, real honor comes from standing and doing the right thing, like protecting the people and the community you care for as those who died did.  It doesn't come from seeking fame or glory or wealth through fighting with everything that moves.
 Do you know why so many good folk died at Orc's Rift?  It wasn't because I was chatting about looking stylish, it was because of adventurers who couldn't be bothered to ask for advice, or stop to follow orders from the command of the volunteer unit they'd supposedly pledged themselves to in joining the hunt for the bandits.  Because of the hasty "if it's an Orc, kill it" attitude of you and your beloved adventurers, the Orcs did come in outrage and that is why many good folks from Hlint and the surrounding towns died defending our camp.  Against my advice the adventurers with us in the campaign looted a sacred burial chamber of an Orc chieftain, and called that an honorable act because "they're only Orcs and they're dead so they don't need the gold."  Then, when the Orcs came open-handed to speak of their grievance peacefully, the adventurers with us slew their peace-delegates before they even had the chance to speak!  So of course they attacked our camp in force after such terrible provocations.  I never thought I'd see a day when I'd say Orcs acted with more honor than those who claim to be civilized, but up in Orc's Rift I did see such a day.  They at least kept their word once they were given the chance to give it.
 So, by all means, since you obviously won't listen to anyoen with any real sense or graasp of what honor is, go find your honor drinking and killing.  But don't do it in this town, because here you won't be welcomed, not be me, nor by the majority of Hlint's honorable residents.  If you truly cared about this community, you and your fellow adventurers would have acted as representatives of this community, with care for what your words and deeds would do to affect it's future, and you would have all followed the orders of those commanding the campaign and acted with true honor, instead of doing whatever pleased your lust for blood or booze on your own selfish whims.
 If anything, it's your own careless disregard for what you say and do that's come to bite you in the rear like a viper.  If my words sting so much, then there must be a load of truth to them that you don't want to hear because it might mean you'd have to develop some real honor and start thinking more about how your words and deeds affect not just yourself but the rest of us in this world as well!