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Author Topic: Loot splitting - question?  (Read 200 times)


Loot splitting - question?
« on: November 28, 2006, 02:47:30 pm »
Far be it from me to rehash something thats been probably rehashed a thousand times, but . . .

The splitting of loot is outside normal RP, yes? Correct me if i'm wrong.

I try to play the most untrustworthy rogue on server but I have always split loot perfectly equitably amongst party members at the end of a run, although doing so is completely NOT 'him'. It's starting to bug me when the looters get a little casual with this ... ESPECIALLY WITH ITEMS!! (Check it out, caps lock on, I must be annoyed)

I don't care if it's a couple of dusts, a scroll of summon I and another Bracers of the Scout. Split these too!

LORE link:


Re: Loot splitting - question?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 03:12:22 pm »
In my view yes, the handling of loot is outside normal Rp and as such there are certain rules and ediquite..(I can't spell that) That go along with it, as outlined by the link you provided.

However if it is out of character (and this is just my take) I would say do it your way, (Say for example your character finds a sword of some sort). For one with the new looting system in place it could be rped as the other seeing the sword. As in "Hey ____ What happened to that sword you picked up?"

Or roll a bluff check...

However I can see where a bad roll (causing you to sneak away with the object) would cause troubles as well...

Im just adding my 2 True, definitley wait for GM opinion on this but I think its outlined in the Link


Re: Loot splitting - question?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2006, 03:44:08 pm »
With the new loot reporting system, if the rogue looter picks up a pair of Bracers of the Scouts, noone wants it or cares to comment, and he keeps it for himself, I see no problem with it; no need for a Bluff roll. Then again, I'm usually the looter... But, as that looter, I have a reputation to uphold; I walk away with stuff other people want, and they probably won't let me loot again. (The one or two times I've not distributed at all were complete accidents and noone seemed to mind; laughs all around. Then again, it wasn't much loot...)  For higher-end items, however, it's VERY preferable to let people know what you've come across in some way. Even if it's just a Tell to the party leader saying "When Jocaim was looting the bodies, you noticed him stuff a nice-looking pair of gloves into his tunic... But he hasn't presented them, yet." Then you take the RP from there.  Sadly, for the simple reason that every player won't know what you pick up, you have to let them know in the interest of fairness. After all, the DM isn't sitting across the table, sipping a beer from his own brewery and telling you what you found.


Re: Loot splitting - question?
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2006, 04:10:38 pm »
Pseudo, I don;t think you *have* to split loot equally if it is in the best interest of RP in your character. I think it is fair to attempt to retain a unfair portion should you character should choose to do. Having said that, I think it *is* proper etiquette to say the amount of gold yo have looted truthgfully and then cite your intention to keep a portion of it for yourself by using some form of reasoning. :)

Remember this may get you a bad reputation if it is done too many times.But from what you have posted this is your intention anyway right? :P


Re: Loot splitting - question?
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2006, 04:22:18 pm »
Hmmmm. I must disagree.

I don't think it should be dependant on my observation of the looter to see if s/he gets away with something... I, as a player, am a hopeless multi-tasker and it is often all I can do to engage in combat, make an IC quip here and there let alone track what the looter is picking up.

My point is I don't know whether it should be necessary to RP one's way to a fair split of loot, especially as very often it comes (for me anyway) late at night at the end of a run when it is all I can do (as a player) to keep my eyes open and I just wanna crawl in bed.

EDIT: Just noticed Tanman got in there b/w Stephen and me - my post is in response to Stephens . . .

Tanman, I must disagree with you too, if you open it up to that, with a/my rogue's nature, ability to bluff, hide, use sleight of hand, etc, it will inevitably lead to something I think is extremely unfair for everyone else very quickly. That's my view as a player of course, not that of my character!!!


Re: Loot splitting - question?
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2006, 04:35:19 pm »
I agree with your point with that situation. I was merely saying that if you wanted to play your character to be untrustworthy and want to play it that way thats fine. But that you tell the amounts you acquired them honestly and know when to stop the RP and dish it out evenly if it needs be.



Re: Loot splitting - question?
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2006, 04:45:16 pm »
Yes, while it is true that it is against the rules to pick pocket and get other people's possessions, that does not apply to unfair proportion of splitting up loot in your favour  (if you follow what i said before about being truthful about the amount you got)


Re: Loot splitting - question?
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2006, 05:57:13 pm »
Tanman - 11/29/2006  11:35 AM

I agree with your point with that situation. I was merely saying that if you wanted to play your character to be untrustworthy and want to play it that way thats fine. But that you tell the amounts you acquired them honestly and know when to stop the RP and dish it out evenly if it needs be.

Why would you want to play an untrustworthy character as untrustworthy?

Also, I fail to see the distinction between pickpocketing another's possessions and unfair splits of loot. *shrugs* Especially if the looter has a ridiculously high skill check (be it hide, PP, or whatever) to RP the theft.

However, it that's the official words, bring it on!!
*waits for official word*


Re: Loot splitting - question?
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2006, 06:27:33 pm »

I try to play the most untrustworthy rogue on server

i am just reading what you wrote at the beginning.



Re: Loot splitting - question?
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2006, 06:37:17 pm »
Mind you...having said all of that...if the players themselves start to get annoyed, and it gets into an OOC debate i reckon its a good idea to splitting up normally then. :)

Its just like that time when my character was in the Grey Peaks with Gard and Axeman, and she started to pretend that she forgot about the loot...and didn;t have any. Gard decides to does a *move silent check* gets a *3-17*  result, and Axeman decided to intimidate my character, in which case he *talked* my character into submission. hehe

At the end, we still split it fairly, but we had a good laugh with the dice rolls. In other cases, it may not have. IF my character did get away and the players were angry about it, then I as a player would still have split fairly. Thats what I am referring about.


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    Re: Loot splitting - question?
    « Reply #10 on: November 28, 2006, 07:12:44 pm »
    I kind of remember another thread about this not too long back, maybe a month and a half? If I'm remembering it correctly [and I won't swear that I am], the 'official word' was basically this: If you're character would try to get more than his/her equal share, than it needed to be handled with emotes and rolls. Something like, *looter x tries to make off with such and such item* *insert appropriate roll*, or looter says 'I only picked up x amount of gold' *bluff check*

    Even if this wasn't the official word, I like the way of it. It makes complete sense IC, even if it may bother you OOC as a player. If you're trying to bluff your way into some extra gold, somebody is going to call you on it unless you're VERY good at it. Same with an item. Also, a halfling is not going to pocket a greatsword and expect that nobody saw it. Maybe that should warrant two rolls, like a bluff and hide check or something? I dunno. I'm kinda tired and possibly being too hard on looters in general since I try not to be one.

    But, that's my two coins.


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    RE: Loot splitting - question?
    « Reply #11 on: November 28, 2006, 07:17:42 pm »
    I think this whole thread was opened with the official word.

    Frankly I'm unsure what else is needed.


    Re: Loot splitting - question?
    « Reply #12 on: November 28, 2006, 07:19:26 pm »
    Tanman, you and I could go back and forth all day (until our post counts had us at Prismatic Dragons!).

    I just find the LORE entry addresses the need vs greed issue but is a bit unclear on the matter of essentially theft prior to actual possession.
    But, if the official word is 'go for it with appropriate rolls' and people don't metagame a bad result then . . look out!!! :)


    Re: Loot splitting - question?
    « Reply #13 on: November 28, 2006, 07:23:08 pm »
    By default all loot should be split equally, that is the fair and right thing to do for individuals in the community.

    With that said...if it is made clear within a party (by a player) that there is one that will 'steal' some loot and it is RP'd out thatn is fine. So long as it is made clear BEFORE it happens (IE when the party is formed is a good time) AND everybody in the party agrees it is acceptable (in an RP fashion). If people in the party do not think it is in spirit of RP and rather the player is being greedy (not the character) or for any other reason then the loot theft should not happen (not be RP'd either).


    Re: Loot splitting - question?
    « Reply #14 on: November 28, 2006, 07:31:05 pm »

    *Arkolio rubs his hands together gleefully*


    Re: Loot splitting - question?
    « Reply #15 on: November 28, 2006, 07:32:57 pm »


    Re: Loot splitting - question?
    « Reply #16 on: November 28, 2006, 08:21:38 pm »
    At least it makes some skills more useful and the dicebag gets a good working over.
    I'm all for the sneaky rat.  The world often seems too clean cut these days.


    Re: Loot splitting - question?
    « Reply #17 on: November 28, 2006, 08:29:50 pm »
    I think if it is IC for you to sneak a few coins here and there go for it, if someone is paying attention then good on them, if not, then too bad. :)



    Re: Loot splitting - question?
    « Reply #18 on: November 28, 2006, 11:41:58 pm »
    Vyris - 11/29/2006  5:29 AM

    I think if it is IC for you to sneak a few coins here and there go for it, if someone is paying attention then good on them, if not, then too bad. :)


    But then, you get some interesting arguments as "My character has 30 wisdom and a 50+ spot. He should have noticed it, but I as a player didn't.".

    If you want to steal, notice the party OOC-ly first, so they have the opportunity to counter it, at least. Which is... *Smiles and points up at what Leanthar wrote.*


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      Re: Loot splitting - question?
      « Reply #19 on: November 28, 2006, 11:46:05 pm »
      being a sneaky SOB IC is all well and good.  But OOC we are all supposed to be friends, sharing a game, and enjoying each other's company.  If you let me know that your Character is going to try to pull something over on my Character, then great, I'm all for it.  If you, as a Player, try to pull something over on me, as a Player; then lo the heavens will open and there will come such a terrible noise that all of creation will shake at its passing.