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Author Topic: Wolf Spirits - Dezza - Thanks for the Character Development  (Read 58 times)


Wolf Spirits - Dezza - Thanks for the Character Development
« on: August 08, 2006, 10:42:09 pm »
Hello Layonaraites,

I would like to acknowledge the quality and effort Dezza display on Jin Lun Lee's Charater Development Quest, "Wolf Spirits".  

Dezza showed true flashes of brillance during this Quest.  The Dream Reader Mother Elys would be one of them where he involved all the members of the party, providing perceptive insights to their lives and their future.  The outcome of the Quest hung in the balance and was result of the actions were unknown till the last moments.

I would not hesitate to nominate Dezza for your Character Development Quest.  Just remember that it takes pain to build character.  The outcome was unexpected... I asked for a token link to the Prince of Wolves... what happened... Well why don't you read it and find out.

Oh yes... and Dezza said that the quest was a successful outcome...

Nibor21 your next! *evil laughter*

Happy Character Building,



RE: Wolf Spirits - Dezza - Thanks for the Character Development
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2006, 11:26:22 pm »
I would like to add how enjoyable Jins CDQ was (especially for those of us who weren't the subject of Dezza's evil plans and were just there to hit things). Thanks Dezza - really looking forward to seeing you make Karana cry next :P


Re: Wolf Spirits - Dezza - Thanks for the Character Development
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2006, 06:43:04 am »
Good job Dezza.