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Author Topic: Mac/Linux Support for NWN2  (Read 118 times)

Talan Va'lash

Mac/Linux Support for NWN2
« on: January 08, 2006, 12:59:00 am »
Do you want mac/linux support for NWN2?

Demand mac/linux support for NWN2.

This sticky on the bioware forums states their position on lin/mac compatibility (which isnt too favorable) and has a link to a thread to post in on the Atari Forums to petition for lin/mac support.

"NWN2 will ship supporting DX9.0c only. There are currently no plans for anything else, and only Atari can make the decision for an OpenGL version of the graphics engine. Asking for one here doesn't improve the chances of a port; if you want something, you have to ask the right people (see link above)."

-Bioware Moderator (from the link I posted above)

Edit: Incase I was too oblique... Everyone spam the atari thread!


RE: Mac/Linux Support for NWN2
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 01:19:00 am »
I just commented and was reading the other posts...

Has anyone else seen this?

NwN is a game for a different kind of gamer it seems. Who'dda thunk.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Mac/Linux Support for NWN2
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2006, 05:14:00 am »
Hehe, I saw that.  Though the results there reflect who is still playing the game X years later, and (fairly) active on the bioware forums.

I think the vast majority of the "buy it, play for two weeks and forget about it" market segment are windows users.

If that poll were truly representative of copies sold then whether to support linux and mac wouldn't really be a question.

So, no one get lulled into a false sense of security, if we get enough names (unique posts) on the atari thread then hopefully atari will notice and fund the port.

As Orth (and I think OneST8) have said elsewhere before, An NWN 2 without linux support is an NWN 2 without Orth and OneST8.  Therefore, linux support is an important point as to whether Layo will go into NWN 2.

So, everyone post!  Just write one line.  Unique voices count more here than anything you say.  Every unique voice means 1 more copy they'll sell if they port to linux/mac.  Lets add 300 more voices here.  There are already close to 500.  Each person means money to Atari, and if we get enough, it will become enough money to make them notice.

Even if you run windows go post.  If you want to see Layonara in NWN 2 in the future, go post.

Get your mother to post, get your brother to post, post from every public workstation in the campus library!  er.. maybe not the last one... anyway, I'm rambling... but, having linux/mac support for NWN 2 is an issue thats important to everyone who plays layonara, not just those that use linux or mac.


Edit:  If you really want to go all out, write Atari a letter, or give them a call.  I think I might call them.. hehehe  Here's all the info:

Atari, Inc.
417 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10016
North America

Tel# 1-212-726-6500


RE: Mac/Linux Support for NWN2
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2006, 09:52:00 am »
I don't think that they'll add *nix/mac support, since they've already left the "planning phase" (it's much more diffucult/takes more time/costs more to do it now). :(


RE: Mac/Linux Support for NWN2
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2006, 01:37:00 pm »
I read somewhere a post by one of the NWN2 developers where he talked about DirectX vs. OpenGL. He mentioned the similarities of OpenGL 2.0 (or is it 3.0, I haven't done anything with OpenGL in awhile, in any case the new rev of the API) and the DX9.0c API. I'll look for the quote, but he basically said, "DirectX does things that OpenGL doesn't right now, but once the new OpenGL API is officially released and supported, the differences are trivial, and someone like me who works with both API's can port things fairly quickly." I don't know when the next OpenGL changes will be supported by ATI/Nvidia, but once that happens, I think we'll see Mac and Linux NWN2 fairly soon after. Obsidian claims they are keeping all the code except the graphics engine cross-platform, and are still compiling for all platforms.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Mac/Linux Support for NWN2
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2006, 02:26:00 am »

Have your voice heard.


