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Author Topic: Movie: Advent Children  (Read 482 times)


Movie: Advent Children
« on: September 19, 2005, 12:05:00 pm »
Okay, I've confirmed it. FFVII:Advent Children
-does- make the world spin faster.


RE: Movie: Advent Children
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2005, 12:46:00 pm »
Really?  I got my copy from from Play-Asia on Saturday and watched it the same day.  I didn't like the move at all.  Here's a review of it that I did on another board.

I expected the plot to have just a bit more depth. But instead it leads up to a way to obvious battle that is resolved in one on one combat in about as exciting a fashion as the game did (IE use your Limit Break!).

Whatever character development Cloud was supposed to have gone through in FF7 is washed away. He's still the same hardass loner jerk he was at the start of that game. So I mean, I don't really know what the point was other than to pander to the fans I guess.

The CGI is pretty good, and the action is intense I guess. Still the combat all comes across as a little too Matrixey. There's no real magic use outside of some blasts shot by one of the bad guys, and one summon. The laws of physics are flat out defiled in this movie, and it culminates in some pretty ridiculous scenes (Cloud being thrown into the sky by his friends, the motorcycle battle in the tunnel, and Cloud and the villain flying around at the end). It's fairly typical of anime I guess, but seems a bit odd in a Final Fantasy movie.

I realize the whole thing is fanservice, but you'd think they'd show the other characters a bit more. The Turks get more screen time than Barrett, Yuffie, Cid, Vincent, Cait Sith and Red XIII. Vincent gets the most time out of those three which is weird I guess. He's the only one who seems to say anything of substance (Although Yuffie talks a bit).

I did enjoy the music though, FF7's soundtrack didn't stick with me as much as some of the others, but they put it to good use in this movie. The piano version of one of the boss theme's was really good I thought. The music video portion of the credits is dumb though, and Cloud looks like a woman in it. Which makes me realize I didn't say enough about the overall Bishieness of this, but meh. I just don't care now.


RE: Movie: Advent Children
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2005, 10:08:00 pm »
Arr!  I be agreein with the long winded lad


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    RE: Movie: Advent Children
    « Reply #3 on: September 20, 2005, 06:33:00 am »
    Square-enix Japan:

    And with that said:

    All images came from FF7

    I look forward to seeing the movie in all it's glory. :)


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      RE: Movie: Advent Children
      « Reply #4 on: September 20, 2005, 08:30:00 am »
      I thought Tifa's fight scene was pretty hot.  *wonders* Just what is it about women who kick ass?

      Talan Va'lash

      RE: Movie: Advent Children
      « Reply #5 on: September 20, 2005, 10:15:00 pm »
      So... um... The second picture... is that to illustrate the starring role of her breasts?



      RE: Movie: Advent Children
      « Reply #6 on: September 20, 2005, 10:36:00 pm »
      Talan Va'lash - 9/21/2005  8:15 AM

      So... um... The second picture... is that to illustrate the starring role of her breasts?


      That or it's simply taken by some male person. Heh...

      I want to see this movie... Will probably a while still though.


      RE: Movie: Advent Children
      « Reply #7 on: September 21, 2005, 03:26:00 am »
      Well, it's not tifa. And the picture is supposed to show
      enough of her face and clothes to give a big enough
      hint for even the not so clever FF7 players to under-
      stand who it is.

      Talan Va'lash - 9/21/2005  7:15 AM

      So... um... The second picture... is that to illustrate the starring role of her breasts?



      RE: Movie: Advent Children
      « Reply #8 on: September 21, 2005, 02:38:00 pm »
      Cid kind of looks like Mel Gibson!

      I hope this one doesn't tick me off as much as the last FF movie... or the poorly translated ending in FF7.

      "Oh no! Sepheroth!  I am your clone!"

      "Your clone, my clone!  We are all clones!"

      "Look at red dog! He is clone too! MegaMan 3 flashback!"

      Then it just kind of trailed off, and while Japanese people got to see Aeris come back to life, we got lots of gratuitous chest shots of Tifa.  I'm not complaining, just confused... and scared.

      I think the closeup of Vincent is pretty wicked.  I really hope they get more in depth with his involvement in Shinra and the undoubtable horrors he had commited before his transformation.

      Aryn Ravenlocke

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      RE: Movie: Advent Children
      « Reply #9 on: September 21, 2005, 03:09:00 pm »
      For those truly anal about FF VII and wanting to know facts versus rumors.



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        RE: Movie: Advent Children
        « Reply #10 on: September 22, 2005, 02:53:00 am »
        U.S Offical site:

        Its in stores now in Japan according to Square-enix japan.

        (I was looking for this site for a few hours hehe)


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          RE: Movie: Advent Children
          « Reply #11 on: October 03, 2005, 11:23:00 am »
          I just got to see the movie a friend of mine found an import copy in J-town (official Square-enix import).

          One word: Thrilling

          It was the best thing I've seen in a really long time that made me feel so excited. I watched it with a bunch of friends we ended up watching it like 5 times afterwards trying to catch all the little things we missed the fist times around.

          97.5% none stop action, lots of story in so little time. Sword fights, gun fights, motorbike fights... wow. Parts of the movie are haunting and chilling as you recall FF7 the game over again.

          Now there is talk of FF7 being remade just like the movie with AC added onto it. It will take 3 years and will debut on the Ps3 if it happens (I really hope so Cloud is to cute :D)

          I can't wait for the official U.S. version to come out. :) Square, you out did yourselves again the next generation of games/movies is about to begin.




          RE: Movie: Advent Children
          « Reply #12 on: October 04, 2005, 01:37:00 pm »
          Sakura - 10/3/2005  8:23 PM

          I just got to see the movie a friend of mine found an import copy in J-town (official Square-enix import).

          One word: Thrilling

          It was the best thing I've seen in a really long time that made me feel so excited. I watched it with a bunch of friends we ended up watching it like 5 times afterwards trying to catch all the little things we missed the fist times around.

          97.5% none stop action, lots of story in so little time. Sword fights, gun fights, motorbike fights... wow. Parts of the movie are haunting and chilling as you recall FF7 the game over again.

          Now there is talk of FF7 being remade just like the movie with AC added onto it. It will take 3 years and will debut on the Ps3 if it happens (I really hope so Cloud is to cute :D)

          I can't wait for the official U.S. version to come out. :) Square, you out did yourselves again the next generation of games/movies is about to begin.



          Completely agree. Have been hearing a lot of complaints about
          the action and shallow story though. For those who played and
          enjoyed the game will understand that there are a lot of visuals
          that has a lot of meaning to them. So basically, the story is
          there if you paid attention to the game.

          I guess I have to agree with Ioskeha that it is a movie for fans.
          Still, it doesn't make it less great.

          Thunder Pants

          RE: Movie: Advent Children
          « Reply #13 on: October 04, 2005, 01:44:00 pm »
          Sakura - 10/3/2005  11:23 AM

          I just got to see the movie a friend of mine found an import copy in J-town (official Square-enix import).

          One word: Thrilling

          It was the best thing I've seen in a really long time that made me feel so excited. I watched it with a bunch of friends we ended up watching it like 5 times afterwards trying to catch all the little things we missed the fist times around.

          97.5% none stop action, lots of story in so little time. Sword fights, gun fights, motorbike fights... wow. Parts of the movie are haunting and chilling as you recall FF7 the game over again.

          Now there is talk of FF7 being remade just like the movie with AC added onto it. It will take 3 years and will debut on the Ps3 if it happens (I really hope so Cloud is to cute :D)

          I can't wait for the official U.S. version to come out. :) Square, you out did yourselves again the next generation of games/movies is about to begin.



          the talk of the remake of the game is entirerly rumor, the made a demo to show off the abilities of the PS3, but there is currently no plans on making or rather remaking the game


          RE: Movie: Advent Children
          « Reply #14 on: October 04, 2005, 01:47:00 pm »
          Thunder Pants - 10/4/2005  10:44 PM

          the talk of the remake of the game is entirerly rumor, the made a demo to show off the abilities of the PS3, but there is currently no plans on making or rather remaking the game

          The thing is that they actually do a lot for their fans over there.
          So if the fans keep pushing for it, it will likely come. Money is a
          factor, so it just needs to be enough of them to make themselves

          Advent Children being a very good example.


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            RE: Movie: Advent Children
            « Reply #15 on: October 04, 2005, 02:29:00 pm »
            Yes the movie was completly made for fans that played the game no doubt about that.  Money makes the world go round, FFX is a great example:  FF 10 comes out.. it ends the people demand a sequal a year later FF 10-2 is out in stores.   In production (or out in Japan) right now:  FF IV (GBA) FF XII (Ps2)  Dirge of Cerberus - FF VII (Check it out!) Before Crisis - FF VII (Check it out!) DW & FF board game (who would have thought...)  All from the offical japan site. If your wondering yes I like my games. :)


            RE: Movie: Advent Children
            « Reply #16 on: October 04, 2005, 02:58:00 pm »
            And I hold the world personally responsible for said sequel. I will have my revenge! Argg.

            Talan Va'lash

            RE: Movie: Advent Children
            « Reply #17 on: October 04, 2005, 03:07:00 pm »
            um... I liked final fantasy 1.  That was a good game.  *coughs and looks around before walking out of the room*


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              RE: Movie: Advent Children
              « Reply #18 on: October 04, 2005, 03:23:00 pm »
              im still waiting for Final Fantasy III to be realised here in the UK. It's the only game i haven't brought yet. (Yes ok I admit it. I'm a Final fantasy addict) *grabs his gunblade, sticks on a fake scare across his face and runs around acting mean and grumpy shouting 'It's none of your business', in the true Squall fashion*
              (Final Fantasy VIII is still my favourite one.)
              Can't wait to get my hands on this movie though. I wonder if they'll make one for FF8 aswell... *begins to dream up plans on what it could be about*

              Talan Va'lash

              RE: Movie: Advent Children
              « Reply #19 on: October 04, 2005, 03:26:00 pm »
              US Final Fantasy III or Jap Final Fantasy III?