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Author Topic: Orc Quest 2  (Read 104 times)


Orc Quest 2
« on: September 20, 2005, 11:20:00 pm »

*Varka looks for posts concerning the orc quest in Hlint – finds nothing… so he takes out his laptop, starts the wireless internet and begins to write*

First of all. WOW dude. Good job!!!!! You have once more achieved the impossible.  Out of 5 dwarven axes I give you 6.

Now serious again:

Harlas…I would like to know if it is okay, to plan a bit head concerning the orc quest….And if everyone, only the people who participates on the quest or only the orcs can come with ideas?

Another thing:
As I will move in the near future (to Roskilde) I can not attend to the following series. I hope though that I can contribute with useful ideas and solutions.

So... is it okay to plan ahead while we are working in the mines? ;)

*grabs Bill, screams at him, shakes him a bit and drops him on the ground – and the following thought comes to Varkas mind*

“phew that was close…we have to torture Bill at least every 5 min. or they will get suspicious”


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 11:35:00 pm »
// Aye this is very fun indeed, how often can you get away with hitting and yelling at wizard of a higher level than yourself... *Hits Bil and whispers to him* "it is for your own good" *looks innocent*... Besides that Skarp has proven to be a almost native orc just being his usual old self.

Thumbs up!!!

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2005, 12:28:00 am »
Varka. You are technically together with the other orcs, and the army. So you can come up with as many ideas as you can figure out. There is no reason for not posting ideas, plans or whatever here on the forum, where the whole group gets the chance to see it and contribute. So... shoot!

And do not be too hard on poor Bil - remember there will be a time when this series is over. :)


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2005, 12:44:00 am »
"Bil it was for you own sake...ARGH!!!!" ZAPP *a pair of boots indicate where Skarp-Heiden was standing just a moment ago*

I still wonder who got the stupid idea of bringing a slave into that camp... just before the first encounter with the orcs I wanted to warn bil about the danger but i just didn't get the time...


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2005, 02:14:00 am »
Bil may prove to be the key member of the quest.  If we cannot get close enough to the leader in his sleep, a favored court jester with some harmless magic tricks may be able to do so.  We can even say we stole him from the queen when he stuck his nose out the castle gate at the wrong time.  Yes, we would be sending him to his death, but at the moment, I can't see how any of us will get out of this alive anyhow.  The mission must be accomplished.
  Alantha and I can flirt with the leader if we get the chance.  Looked like females might be in short supply there, so that would be another possibility for getting close enough.  We each have a ring to make us prettier, and I have a couple of pretty spells to boot.  Ayla got a little experience at flirting, distracting a city guard earlier in the quest.  Of course, I got to borrow a prettier outfit for that.


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2005, 03:09:00 am »

As far as i understood the orc that gave us the potion we are only suposed to be near the leaders tent, perhaps within 100 meters or maybe more we don't have to be sitting on top of him or anything. We just need to be close and drink it at a time when he is sleeping.

As long as we haven't alarmed the whole camp i bet we can sneak out invisble, we should have plenty spells for that. *lays a hand on Aylas shoulder* you worry to much, besides if you keep showing that you are afraid you put us all in danger, a orc wouldn't be afraid in the midldle of a orc camp would he.


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2005, 03:51:00 am » is something to think about.

1. By the ending of the quest the "orc leader" by the mine said. "first you work. Then you bow to the mighty one" (or something like that)

I think he meant - that we will have to devote us to Grand (the Orc God).
BIG PROBLEM A) as Rolf and Harg are clerics for other Gods. And I know for sure that Harg would rather die than bow. B) I will not bow either - "kill as many as you can. Before you die". That would be my motto. (battleragers are not afraid of dying). Since I am not there well (that is up to Harlas).

C) So if I am right and we have to bow. We need to find a way to avoid it...There is no alternative way. Trying to convince Varka to bow will be impossible. (Still thinking on how to solve that - some help plz).

2. Bill and the ladies. We have to make sure nothing serious happens to them.

A) If an orc would make a move on our - ladies - (not including Bill) I do not believe it would the kindly and verbal way. More the cave man style or "Conan".

A possible solution) without ANY hesitation Skarp (or another brute) should just stand up beat the crap out of "the orc that approaches the ladies" and afterwards tell him "do not touch me woman or I kill you" (I believe badly wounded/near death/or just *RP it* would do the thing).

Remember - fear is what works in tribes or that is what I believe (I would like to have some response on that from Harlas. My Lore skill and being a barbarian should give me the knowledge on that one. No?)

Gotta work again…more will come

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2005, 03:57:00 am »

Regarding your knowledge Varka, I can give you some input via a PM, but it will be focused on your clan/tribe. Varka does not really have any knowledge about the life of an orc and orcish society in general. :)


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2005, 05:19:00 am »
I'm a cleric, too.  I follow Aeridin and "fight" with a quarterstaff.  Bowing to Grand isn't a choice.
  Perhaps we can claim to worship Sulterion, evil god of the gray dwarves, who got mad at a bunch of his followers and delivered them to us for dinner.


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2005, 05:44:00 am »
*sighs* haven't you priests ever heard of swearing falsly? but i promise you this, I wont let anyone of you put my brothers or my own life in danger just because of your stupid pride.

Besides i really can't see why it should help claiming a third religion.


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2005, 07:01:00 am »
My point one more time.

The orc (by the mine) wants us to devote to Grand (the Orc God). Not to claim a 2. or 3. religion.

Remember the 2. "orcquest" - Corash (our super orc) wanted all leaders to follow him/follow Grand. One orc leader said no and was killed. Dot.

(As I was not the that 2. orcquest - I would like to have that confirmed 100%)


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2005, 07:27:00 am »
Can't say for sure Jacc and Glokk where the only ones to watch the whole thing as far as I remeber.

But people must face up to the fact that they must lie in order to make our mission succeed. Furthermore, people might think that they can deny and just die themselves but if any one of us deny our cover might be blown and we would then all face death. So if anyone refuse to do what is neccesary it must be considered an act of selfishness.


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2005, 08:22:00 am »
So, I guess you get to kill 3 of us.  I will not fight back.


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RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2005, 09:01:00 am »
We are not going to kill anyone, I think perhaps there is a point in us worshipping another god. Does Grand have alliances with other gods? if so we could claim to be the worshippers of one of those and they could not make us renounce that god for it would perhaps anger said god and weaken its alliance with Grand. Don't know if this is doable as I am not wise in the ways of the gods.

Also, we have clerics amongst us, they could claim to be shamans of such a god, I know it's bordering on bowing to one, but we all know it to be lies, and most importantly I think a god would understand such lie to do the greater good. In any case if there are shamans you can not make those renounce their god, and as we are a clan we worship the same god.....problem solved...I think


EDIT: addition and typos


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2005, 10:33:00 am »
Well. Here is more.

1.First we have to work.
-   Find out which way we are digging.
-   Why are we digging that way?
-   Is there something hidden?
-   Check if the structure of the tunnel could collapse (see nr. 5)

2.We are going through some ritual – something about “the great father” (words from Harg)
-   Who is “great father”?
-   If it is Grand. We have to find a solution to avoid bowing/devoting/dedicating to him.
-   If we just have to swear to be loyal to the army – well that I can do.  

3.If we are still alive we will have to use the potion to see the dream.

4.ather more informations that could be useful.
Just seeing the dream and run would be stupid and staying there too long too risky.

-   Find out what they are up to?  
-   The demons. Why are they here? Does someone or somebody control them? Is it shamans and if yes – how many are there?

5.Find way to get away.
-   We could sneak away or.
-   Try to weaken the army (not stop them. That is impossible)
A)   Place bombs in the tunnel by “weak-points”
B)   Call upon an earthquake.
A +B) make the tunnel collapse partly. That would delay the orcs and some would probably die.
C) If demons are controlled by shamans. Could we kill the shamans so the demons would go wild?
D) Try to find away out of the place – throw the mountains. Best would be a narrow path to give us an advantage.
E) If there is only one way in and out - could a fireball or two blast “the gate” open?
F) Being invisible and hasted would help the party if the last idea is chosen.  

One thing though. We are running from an army? Would it be possible to do it while making all the damages?

6.This I don’t know of but how does Greater Sanctuary work?
-   Is it treated like the spell invisibility or is it an astral spectre?
-   If it is treated like an astral spectre. Someone could travel through the tunnel walls and see what lies ahead?

Well…that’s what I had to offer for the moment.


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2005, 01:13:00 pm »

"Please Varka, devils not demons" *Daeron gives the dwarf a warm smile and pats him on his shoulder for the effort*

"At this time the most important thing we should focus on is the blade, either destroy it or at least remove it from the orcleader. As a result the coallition will break apart. It might be wise to think about some extra measures to quicken the collaps in their ranks though. The things you said about collapsing the cave or creating an earthquake might suffice for that."


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2005, 11:51:00 pm »
*Varka looks at Daeron working besides him in the mines and whispers*
“Devils it is”…
“About the Blade I probably have to disappoint you lad. I have fought the leader one on one outside Hlint. And I have killed him around 5 times.
While he was dead I tried to remove the Blade….not possible.
I couldn’t even chop of the hand which was holding the Blade.”  

The Blade is stuck to him…but maybe some magic will work? Thought about it and talked about it while you were looking for that the magebook in Port Hampsire. Remember?

“And killing the leader while he has his army around him? Is it not a bit risky? Could his shamans not raise him after we run?

*Varka waits for an answer*


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2005, 11:52:00 pm »
I suggest that we simulate the death of all that can not swear alligience, by turning them invisible and colapsing a tunnel or something similar. That way we might delay the orcs and weaken them a bit.


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2005, 02:30:00 am »
*Jacchri looks at all the others gathered around the fire at dinner and starts taking in a low voice*
  Varka is correct -- we need to find the reason behind this digging and perhaps delay it till we know more of the objective. -- the sword cannot be removed, it has been tried without success; Corash (the leader) and the sword might be binded to each other by the demons/devils and the sword is merely a sword and that Corash actually have the power in himself given to him by the demons/devils
  Our objectives should be -- see the dream, that should give us more information -- determine the objective of the digging, by sneaking deeper or going invisible and delaying it by collapsing the tunnel -- get closer to the leader gaining in rank....perhaps Varka could challenge someone on the "war party council"           and so gain a seat in the inner ranks.....       ....or Bil could be given to the leader as an entertainer but his handler (one of us) should            always be with him -- speak to as many of the other orcs as possible without drawing attention to find out what they know -- determine the size and strenght of the army and try and feed this information back to our forces by using a animal companion or familiar or someone sneaking out -- try to weaken the army, by collapsing the tunnels or perhaps poisoning the food to make them sick
  As far as bowing to Grand, that could possibly be avoided by saying that we only follow someone or something that is visible and tangible. So we would gladly follow Corash (the leader) rather than an unseen god, but due to the fact that he follows Grand and we follow him, we indirectly follow Grand. This could flatter his ego perhaps and allow is to avoid bowing to Grand, but rather bowing to him.
  *looks to the others*


RE: Orc Quest 2
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2005, 03:38:00 am »
*scratches his beard*

And what if it ain't enough for him that we bow to him and not to Grand? This guy has killed another orc leader, who properbly followed Grand without any hesitation. why should he hesitate one moment to kill followers of another god then Grand even if the gods are allied? We have no choise but to do excactly as he wants as long as we are in the middle of HIS camp.

I suggest that we find a way to avoid the possibilety of a priest or a dwarf standing in the middle of an army refusing to do what the leader says, that would be certain death for all of us.

And trying to get closer to the leader by gaining rank is, not a good idea, the longer we stay the higher the risk to get cought, i suggest we wait until we have seen the dream and run as fast as our legs can carry us out of here.

*spits on the ground*