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Author Topic: Please pardon my stupidity  (Read 84 times)


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Please pardon my stupidity
« on: March 08, 2006, 02:52:09 am »
A few of you might remember me - a few of you might just recognize my name - a lot of you won't know who I am.
  But with that said, I believe I am back. Hopefully to stay this time, as I've missed this magical world. Now, having been away for what seems like a year but is more about 6 months or more, a lot of changes have been made and to that, I do have some questions. I hope you won't throw me off right away, as I've been browsing the forums, looking for suitable answers but have fallen short. Here are my assorted list of questions.
  1) I got numerous of old characters that I don't just want to die because they are a part of me and I love them so. Is this possible in the current storyline? Also, more technically, will it need to be recreated since I'm sure there are a lot of handles, items and what not required for the newer versions that I'm sure they don't have.
  2) I've been stunned at the development of this place and am happy to see that it have become the home of more roleplayers over the years. But what is LORE? It looks to me like some sort of Wikipedia, an online handbook like the one Ed made back in the days.
  3) Last and most importantly, are any of the good old people still here? By this I both mean PC and person. I see a few still active and I hope I can get a greet from them. :)
  Sorry about all these rather stupid questions but I feel like they are needed to ensure I can come back into the world.


RE: Please pardon my stupidity
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 03:25:00 am »
Welcome back!

Firstly, I believe the characters are not deleted any longer, they are just stored somewhere. Somewhere deep and dark and only orth knows where  :)  But seriously, I am almost sure the characters are still there and useable.

I will leave the second question to the creators of LORE to give a detailed answer.

Thirdly, many of the older players are still playing and quite a few returned after a pause. Nyralotep, Warrior_Erik, 8bit, Yosemite Sam, Blackguy come to mind as I write this.


Re: Please pardon my stupidity
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2006, 05:19:16 am »
O_O  >>>>>>>>>>*Stunned (incase you can't tell)*


Re: Please pardon my stupidity
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2006, 05:35:37 am »
Hello and welcome back. Still quite a few of the older player here and many are coming back, then leave, then come back etc. :)

LORE Rocks! :)  Lore is sort of a wikipedia in the sense that is eveything official about Layonara--but oh so much more. You can see online characters, you can mark others as friends and send them in game messages, you can write books, poems, parchments etc. and store them in game.  And this is the tip of the iceburg of what LORE is going to end up being in the long haul.


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Re: Please pardon my stupidity
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2006, 05:55:21 am »
That sounds very darn amazing, L. So glad this place is still processing and that it is still here, even after absence. Not that I'm the center of the universe but you can't help feeling guilty if you leave a wonderful place and stop the support for it like that, spiritually and all that weird stuff.

But will I be able to login and have a splendid time with no problems whatsoever?


Re: Please pardon my stupidity
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2006, 06:16:46 am »
I don't see why you wouldn't/couldn't. If you do see your characters are missing for some reason just let us know and I am sure we can find them in an older back up.


Re: Please pardon my stupidity
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2006, 06:25:21 pm »
(random remark; quote from my English teacher)
Questions are not stupid; people are.
Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


Re: Please pardon my stupidity
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2006, 06:30:10 pm »
*waves to Trillex*  Welcome back!

