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Author Topic: Positive Vibes  (Read 236 times)


Positive Vibes
« on: May 03, 2007, 04:17:30 am »
I've seen an incredible amount of motivation from numbers of people in the past few weeks.
 I don't care what anyone says, it's there.
 The issue, and this whole declining attitude, is that everybody is feeding off each other's negativity.  All the while, the folks working incredible projects or more importantly working miracles of roleplay in game are keeping their mouths shut because they're either too busy or too complacent.
 There are incredibly fun things going on, and it has to work on all sides to make sure everyone feels it.  The people having a great time in game need to spread it around.  They need to realize the motivation they give each other in a bright spark of good roleplay, and probably divert their attention to making sure it's there for others.  The people who are acting a bit edgy in game need to snap their fingers near their ears and wake up.  And hey!  I'm not innocent!  Next time I'm in game and find myself off on east by myself doing nothing but wailing god knows what, I need to snap my fingers near my ear!  We all do at times and we all know how things could be better.  We've all had the glowing moments.  You just need to get that smile on your face because you know inside what this game can be like if everyone just snaps their fingers at once.  Because we definitely feed each other's moods, and it's a quick spiral downwards if folks stay down, and the opposite is just as true.
 I'm not ignorant, I know things come in waves.  And I know everyone has their time to shoulder the burden of keeping spirits up.  You think it's anything new that in a time of server changes there's a decline in motivation?  That the people usually on the forefront of maintaining excitement are perhaps so nose-deep in things that they're not out there with constant reminders of how great things have been, are, and will be?  Heck no!  It's always like this, on every update, change, and evolution on every server I've been a part of.  And there shouldn't be one shred of surprise in this.
 But I will say this, and it is a pointed statement.  It's the best of communities that keeps it together and picks up slack.  It's the best of communities that doesn't come bickering to the forums about some player or group of players but instead heads out with open arms to that despised person or people and instead tries to bring them into the fold.  It's not hard.  We weren't all born unto roleplay greatness and internet morality.  It takes some time and it takes a good community to help *everyone* find their place.
 I could post up pictures of this that and the next beautiful thing to come, but they're all empty areas, and monsters without theme, meaning, or any real reward... without people that are happy to be here.  And heck yeah I'm excited about these things people are working on and getting ready to put out there, but it all breaks in one swift blow over our knee if the motivation of the community isn't there when it comes.
 Be positive, show your best, spread the vibe.  I'm no hero in this sense but I'll try a bit harder too.  It's a fun ride uphill if we can just carry each other.
 And I sincerely thank every single person who is already working at this or reads this and maybe goes in game and tries to get things going positively, or remarks on IRC with things that will keep the positive vibes circling around.  It takes a village, and there are no exceptions.  We are all one community.


Re: Positive Vibes
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2007, 01:47:47 am »
Well said Chongo!  I couldnt agree more.  I think part of the malaise might be due to the player community not having a specific direction in mind.  By which, I mean there were the Dragoncalled and Bloodstone before now.  We all knew who the enemy was and that sooner or later he'd have to be smacked down.  Whether we were good or evil PCs, we were united in that goal.  And it was a common topic of discussion for everybody.  Everybody knew who the enemy was.

This isnt a slight on the GMs at all.  I have no doubt that in the very near future new threats will be more apparent and the player base will start to polarize again (or we'll kill each other off and fail miserably).  Right now, I think everybody is a little clueless.  Without a clearly defined common enemy, bickering and infighting is bound to ensue as we all have the breathing space now to slow down and take a look at each other.  Especially with the advent of evil PCs, we're looking at a whole new facet of RPing for the server.

I can understand the headaches the GM team has with the above, but I think the above will actually make things a whole lot more interesting down the road.  In the meantime, we all have to suck it up and get used to our PCs dealing with each other.  I think its a growing pain.  And probably a good thing.


Re: Positive Vibes
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2007, 02:31:59 am »
What do you get when you give a paint mixer forty cleric levels and load his spell slots with healing?

Some REAL positive vibes. :D

(It's late; consider this my official statement of "I'm Stephen Zuckerman and I approve of this post"... post.)

