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Author Topic: Racial issues Rp  (Read 955 times)


Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
« Reply #60 on: February 10, 2007, 02:43:10 pm »
I think you are underestimating the power of the drow.

The impression I have is that when drows are attacking a small village, they generally succeed. The guards would not be able to stop them from burning the houses, killing the villagers and do other nasty things.

What they would not be able to attack successfully is the much bigger societies, like... Voltrex. The elven continent is extremely powerful, more so than Mistone and Dregar (I think). And... heh... yeah... on that continent, the guards you would see would most probably be level 15+ (remember that not everyone is a guard). :P

Drows have attacked the surface cities before, and succeeded. Drow invasion of Spellgard springs quickly to one's mind.

A drow elite warrior would be truly exceptional elite warrior on the surface. The way their society works leave no room for the weak. A normal surface guard would be no match for a drow guard.

I didn't say that most people say that drow are on their top 10 fear list (as, obviously, most PCs don't have them as such), but rather that if you walk around asking the WLs, you will notice that they are generally not so very fond of drows and rather careful around them (rule nr 1: never trust a drow!). Or simply ask any "very epic" NPC like Moraken and I believe he would not disagree. :)

Layo doesn't belong to high levels but I would actually consider drows as on par with mindflayers. What would your character do if he saw a mindflayer? The same reaction of fear or bravery (hehe... stupidity?) should be for the drow. :)

Witch Hunter

Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
« Reply #61 on: February 10, 2007, 02:43:33 pm »
I doubt Drow, even united, could face all Elves united for example - it would be an even match.
The surface elves are just as skilled in magic and warfare and in any other aspect.

True that - those sent to the Surface are the elitest of the elite, but seriously how many of them do you think there are? theres a reason why Drows send "raiding parties" and not "raiding armies" :p

Not all drows know the Silent language, not all drows are as skilled... etc etc.
I don't think i'm underestimating drow, I think you're underestimating the surface world.

As for pairing drow with mind flayers... hardly! A drow is something you can charge and attack (TECHNICALLY, if you snap the neck of a 20 level character and you're level 1... he still dies :p)
A mindflayer would stop you before you made your first move, paralyze you and suck your brain out.

But again - all you're doing is PROVING my point.
Drow are NOT to be trusted because they are a powerful, sinister and evil race!  - but as for my character, i much rather draw swords than run away crying like a baby - level or no level, he grew up with values.

Hector on the other hand...



Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
« Reply #62 on: February 10, 2007, 02:47:31 pm »
Actually, I believe the general view is that if the drow ever united, no force in the world would be able to stop them. The underdark is said to be much, much huger than the surface, and they would most probably be able to build up an army winning by cheer numbers!

Luckily, drows getting united is as rare as flying pink elephants. :P

Witch Hunter

Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
« Reply #63 on: February 10, 2007, 02:50:11 pm »
I updated my post, have a read.

As for the Underdark, it's big alright - but it's not entirely Drow :p


Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
« Reply #64 on: February 10, 2007, 02:56:42 pm »
The main reason that the drow aren't sending out raiding armies so very often would be because of the fact that they are unable to unite. They are rather spending their efforts on trying to get an upper hand on their neighbours than to mess with us, poor people, on the surface.

It is indeed true that the underdark is not full of Drow, but my point still remains. Layonara is different from... say... the Forgotten Realms, but the general "power feel" is usually quite equal.

If you read one of those books, you will get a look at how I see it. :)

And... yeah... I also agree on the "don't trust drow" part! But I'm just trying to explain that drows are generally more powerful than the surface races as individuals!

Edit: Hehe... not wanting to enter a discussion about mindflayers, but they are actually interesting creatures. If you can shield against their mental attacks (like... items or spells against mind trickering), they are even easier to kill than... um... a fly? Mindflayers are min/maxed creatures: Extremely strong in the mind, but equally weak in physics. :)


Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
« Reply #65 on: February 10, 2007, 03:19:50 pm »
Witch Hunter - 2/10/2007  11:43 AM

I doubt Drow, even united, could face all Elves united for example - it would be an even match.
The surface elves are just as skilled in magic and warfare and in any other aspect.

True that - those sent to the Surface are the elitest of the elite, but seriously how many of them do you think there are? theres a reason why Drows send "raiding parties" and not "raiding armies" :p

Not all drows know the Silent language, not all drows are as skilled... etc etc.
I don't think i'm underestimating drow, I think you're underestimating the surface world.

As for pairing drow with mind flayers... hardly! A drow is something you can charge and attack (TECHNICALLY, if you snap the neck of a 20 level character and you're level 1... he still dies :p)
A mindflayer would stop you before you made your first move, paralyze you and suck your brain out.

But again - all you're doing is PROVING my point.
Drow are NOT to be trusted because they are a powerful, sinister and evil race!  - but as for my character, i much rather draw swords than run away crying like a baby - level or no level, he grew up with values.

Hector on the other hand...

you are totally getting this wrong... Non of us have ever said that drows should be trusted, they are evil, most of them very very evil. I agree that people are being too light on them. However that doesnt mean that people should be foolish and attack them, instead of keeping an eye on them or run away if they hate them so much. And as far as I recall its written in lore that drows united could beat the surface elves if not the surfacers.

Look, the general drow are evil, because there "written" exist a lot of evil drow NPC's. Viewing this from and in game in character point, the drow you meet on the street is likely evil. So if you attack it or provoke it will attack you, and likely kill you, because those evil drows on the surface, they're strong, else they wouldn't survive long with their evil minds among clerics and paladins.

Witch Hunter

Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
« Reply #66 on: February 10, 2007, 05:31:55 pm »
That's all nice and well - but please leave the way I play my character to myself.

if you want to run away, be my guest - That's not what my character would do.


Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
« Reply #67 on: February 10, 2007, 07:49:43 pm »
Allow me to reiterate the common knowledge of Joe NPC:

All Drow are Evil.
If you can kill a Drow, DO IT! But more likely, he'll kill you, and then proceed to eat your firstborn.
All Drow have powerful magic, and are equally skilled in combat.

Now, the PCs in-game currently are (mostly) heroes. What does a hero do when a hero sees a threat? That hero deals with the threat. To translate, the hero kills the threat. Just like that hero's done hundreds and hundreds of times before.

Honestly, I don't see why the Goblin, Orc, and Drow PCs haven't been attacked on sight, just like the little Red Light Gobs that follow people in have been. Or the Orcs from the north.

Some characters might not attack on sight, but then, those characters shouldn't be attacking anything in the Red Light Caverns on sight, either.

I think my favorite spawn ever was in the Great Rift. It was a Drow Sorcerer... The description read something like this:

This sinister-looking drow holds a black staff, and is covered in magical wards. But he must be friendly, because all the Drow from Hlint are! (Correct me on this; I know it's not quite right.)


Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
« Reply #68 on: February 10, 2007, 09:05:44 pm »
Stephen_Zuckerman - 2/10/2007  9:49 PM

I think my favorite spawn ever was in the Great Rift. It was a Drow Sorcerer... The description read something like this:

This sinister-looking drow holds a black staff, and is covered in magical wards. But he must be friendly, because all the Drow from Hlint are! (Correct me on this; I know it's not quite right.)

oh, now THATS a good one!!! That made me laugh, thank you!




Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
« Reply #70 on: February 10, 2007, 11:51:07 pm »
Witch Hunter - 2/10/2007  2:43 PM

I doubt Drow, even united, could face all Elves united for example - it would be an even match.
The surface elves are just as skilled in magic and warfare and in any other aspect.

True that - those sent to the Surface are the elitest of the elite, but seriously how many of them do you think there are? theres a reason why Drows send "raiding parties" and not "raiding armies" :p

Not all drows know the Silent language, not all drows are as skilled... etc etc.
I don't think i'm underestimating drow, I think you're underestimating the surface world.

As for pairing drow with mind flayers... hardly! A drow is something you can charge and attack (TECHNICALLY, if you snap the neck of a 20 level character and you're level 1... he still dies :p)
A mindflayer would stop you before you made your first move, paralyze you and suck your brain out.

But again - all you're doing is PROVING my point.
Drow are NOT to be trusted because they are a powerful, sinister and evil race!  - but as for my character, i much rather draw swords than run away crying like a baby - level or no level, he grew up with values.

Hector on the other hand...

What you are doing is giving your opinion and stating how you feel. I am going by the modules and the writers that created drow societies and the world of forgotten realm and D&D. Over and over they talk about how the drow have not taken over the surface because they spend too much time killing each other. I mean you can say what you think, what you feel, or how you disagree all you want. I play NWN and read the books written by the people who create the fantasy worlds these games are based off of. I have read ever single book about a Drow I can get my hands on. The "king" of Drow books is RA Salvatore. He writes in his book over and over that the only thing stoping the drow from taking over all of the surface is thier constant killing of each other and the chaos that is Lloth. Drizzt always writes about it in his journals throughout his travels. I mean if you want to say RA Salvatore is wrong, and that he knows nothing about the world he writes and creates, then go for it.

I would however suggest you become a writer first, and write the books that these games are based off of, and then get them approved. At that point then your opinion will be golden. Until you start writing those books, I'm forced to simply go off of the current writes and the games based off of those books. Even here on Layonara, going off of their LORE, they follow a lot of the same rules, guidelines, and histories of the races. What they change, I also follow, thus Drow on layo are ruled by both a male and female. There is no real point arguing with your opinion, when the facts are there. I suggest reading up on Drow.

You can argue all you want that Artemis can beat Drizzt in a duel, but when they faught, Drizzt beat him. Of course Jarlaxle cheated and Drizzt didn't "win", but he was the better. Why argue that when it is written in the book by the author who created the characters? I don't get it.


RE: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
« Reply #71 on: February 11, 2007, 12:11:30 am »
A point about how your PCs react to drow boils down to proper, intelligent and respectful RP IMO. I play a drow, and I play him as evil as i can (with respect with the rules) and I go out of my way to be a thorn in the side of everyone, but I do it  with intelligent RP.

In real life I am a huge MMA fan, and have even competed in small shows before at an amature level. I have friends who fight profesionaly and I go to events all the time (when i have time =P). As a fighter and high school wrestler, one of the first things I do when I see someone is look for signs of them being a fighter or wrestler. It is just out of habit. Cauliflower ear is a dead give away for a wrestler. If the guy started a fight with me, you had better believe I am looking for him to shoot in and take the fight to the ground.

There is not much difference when looking at the game. If you walked into a bar and saw someone sitting there with a club at his hip and a rusty dagger, you woudn't think much of them. However if you saw someone standing there in mithril, with scars up and down his body, you would think twice, even if you are some kind of bad arse. Sure your pc is confident and feels he can kill them, but respect is shown, even with hatred. If you don't, then it is IMO disrespectful RP.

When I am RPing my drow, and he comes across a divine champion of Toran, he wants nothing more than to drive a dagger in his back. However I RP respectfully and intelligently, using common sense. My pc can see the toranite is powerful, and in favor of his god. My pc smiles, says he is sorry, and tries not to over step the bounds of law. Is he a bit of a smart arse with the toranite? Sure, but not on the same level as he would be with a lonely orc or common rogue.

In the end it boils down to respectful RP on both sides. You can't let egos get in the way, it ruins the fun and spirt of the game. That is my two cents on that.

Witch Hunter

Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
« Reply #72 on: February 11, 2007, 12:31:29 am »
Rather than drag this into a pointless argue me and Drizzlin are talking via tells ingame.

Lets keep this on topic...uh... more people should be racist.


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    Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
    « Reply #73 on: February 11, 2007, 02:23:08 am »
    Weeblie - 2/10/2007  11:43 PM

    I didn't say that most people say that drow are on their top 10 fear list (as, obviously, most PCs don't have them as such), but rather that if you walk around asking the WLs, you will notice that they are generally not so very fond of drows and rather careful around them (rule nr 1: never trust a drow!) (...)

    Isn't this because to become a WL you must be a reasonable roleplayer?

    Playing a character without prejudice IS simply bad roleplaying.

    Casting aside all prejudices over board after a couple of days, weeks and months IS bad roleplaying. Sure, you may learn to trust a single individual over the years. However the "good" drow make out an infinitesimal part of the drow population (an interesting question: how on earth can such a cruel society foster "good" drow?). The chances of such individuals even coming to the surface is even smaller! In spite of that it happens now and then anyway! It can not be anything other than a grand scheme to bring down the surfacers (literally).

    Point is, the WLs tread carefully and follow the OOC rules, without entirely abandoning the distrust of drow. They show caution and never trust a dark elf.

    Bad roleplaying.

    Witch Hunter

    Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
    « Reply #74 on: February 11, 2007, 09:54:50 am »
    Well said! it's all a grand scheme to bring down the surfacers!


    RE: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
    « Reply #75 on: February 11, 2007, 11:23:27 am »
    A slightly different take on the racial struggles is this: while there are evil drow, and a goodly number, the average Hlintian sees them on a significantly less frequent basis than he or she would see, say..  the threescore or so good-alligned drow that are rebels, trying to outlive their racial heritage.  Partly due to allignment restrictions and similar, we have the primary interaction between characters who are Hlinting and drow-kind being one of good-or-neutral characters with good-or-neutral characters.  It is therefore the RARE drow that most PC's (at least of a lower, non-underdark-exploring level) that is evil, with notable exceptions coming in the form of the multiple drow invasions of Hlint, which, while not exactly rare, are far from common.

    Thus, when one rationalizes a character's reactions, one has to take into account the fact that while initially a character would be startled or shocked to see drow wandering the streets (of Hlint, especially), such sights would grow both commonplace and mundane, as they are frequently exposed to non-evil drow.  In fact, if one carries this to its logical conclusion, the many PC's who have NOT experienced drow culture first-hand would likely begin to see the drow to whom they are exposed regularly (i.e. good-alligned rebels) to be the norm, and the moderately-infrequent dark-elf invasions of Hlint to be the exception.

    Just a thought.


    Re: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
    « Reply #76 on: February 11, 2007, 11:53:54 am »
    LightlyFrosted, your reasoning is not entirely correct. I'll quote myself from another post.

    Dark Elves are known to be evil, this is not speculation, this is a fact:

    The Dark Elves have a millennia spanning history of War and Destruction. Bear in mind that there was a great Betrayal around -2311 which led the elves to separate (see the timeline). Agreed, this is almost 3700 years ago, but since elves can live to about 700 years, this is hardly long ago from an elvish perspective. So throwing the past away because it is long ago and elves and dark elves hating each other is stereotypical, does not really apply if you look at it from this perspective.

    If we go forward in time, the Dark Elves captured the human city of Westgate in the year -103 (see the timeline), they destroyed the city of Port Hampshire in the year 843 (see the timeline, this is only about 500 years ago). I am sure if you ask several characters in Hlint, they can tell you the towns of Hlint and Haven were also nearly destroyed by the Dark Elves in the not-too-distant past. They also tried to stop all crafting by destroying and blowing up nearly every crafting location in Mistone.

    Then at the end of last year or so (real-time) they laid siege to Hlint and nearly occupied it.

    Then more recently, they started capturing people, poisoning them with a poison that will kill them if they oppose the drow. They then proceeded to lay siege to Spellgard, occupy it for a few weeks, then left after getting whatever it was they needed.

     Therefore, treating them with an amount of distrust or even hostility is judging them on their past which is filled with evil deeds.

     Claiming your character doesn't know about drow is very hard to justify. Dark Elves have been committing evil acts for millennia. This will have worked their way into local folklore, for example, when your character was a child he was probably told by his parents things like “Do not stray from home too far, else the Dark elves will take you” or something along those lines.

     So your character has probably heard all his/her life that Dark Elves  are greedy, dangerous, treacherous creatures who attack whenever they can and then as an adventurer you have surely been on quests where Dark Elves were involved (as enemies) or heard stories of such adventures.

    The "average Hlintian" therefore, considers them evil.


    RE: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
    « Reply #77 on: February 11, 2007, 12:23:05 pm »
    In addition to what EdtheKet said, I think it is not right to bring server rules (ie the alignment restrictions and so forth) into the interaction of the game to determine whether a Drow is friendly or not....and IMHO is a form of metagaming as you alluded to. The server rules are there to make sure that the quality of RP of evil aligned characters (LE,NE) are top notch, not to give characters a clue to say lets be friendly to PCs that are Drow!.
      Most players think..oh just because the Drow i see is blue, and has a biography so it must be good.   The history of what Drow have done in Hlint, is there for a reason and therefore should be taken into consideration when coming across them.
    LightlyFrosted - 2/12/2007  8:23 AM  A slightly different take on the racial struggles is this: while there are evil drow, and a goodly number, the average Hlintian sees them on a significantly less frequent basis than he or she would see, say..  the threescore or so good-alligned drow that are rebels, trying to outlive their racial heritage.  Partly due to allignment restrictions and similar, we have the primary interaction between characters who are Hlinting and drow-kind being one of good-or-neutral characters with good-or-neutral characters.  It is therefore the RARE drow that most PC's (at least of a lower, non-underdark-exploring level) that is evil, with notable exceptions coming in the form of the multiple drow invasions of Hlint, which, while not exactly rare, are far from common.  Thus, when one rationalizes a character's reactions, one has to take into account the fact that while initially a character would be startled or shocked to see drow wandering the streets (of Hlint, especially), such sights would grow both commonplace and mundane, as they are frequently exposed to non-evil drow.  In fact, if one carries this to its logical conclusion, the many PC's who have NOT experienced drow culture first-hand would likely begin to see the drow to whom they are exposed regularly (i.e. good-alligned rebels) to be the norm, and the moderately-infrequent dark-elf invasions of Hlint to be the exception.  Just a thought.


    RE: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
    « Reply #78 on: February 11, 2007, 01:12:55 pm »
    While I agree that it shouldn't be that way, I was simply pointing out that it may be a reason that bias against drowkind isn't really expressed all that often.  People most often encounter good or neutral alligned drow, and therefore form their characters predjudices upon this basis.


    RE: Racial issues Rp’ed on Layonara
    « Reply #79 on: February 11, 2007, 06:06:14 pm »
    LightlyFrosted - 2/11/2007  1:12 PM

    While I agree that it shouldn't be that way, I was simply pointing out that it may be a reason that bias against drowkind isn't really expressed all that often.  People most often encounter good or neutral alligned drow, and therefore form their characters predjudices upon this basis.

    Well lets change that! One meeting at a time =)