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Author Topic: Having joined the ranks of the net-less...  (Read 834 times)


Having joined the ranks of the net-less...
« on: August 14, 2008, 07:51:00 pm »
Hi. Anyone who noticed or cared that I have been largely absent, it may or may not end soon! I am 100% without NWN access on the weekdays now, and internet access to, you know, something like 90% without. Heh! I got a laptop I should have before the end of the month, which will have all my toys on it again. Until then, if there is anything I needed to do for you, please remind me so that I can try to fit it in on a weekend (if it is IG) or work it out/write it in PMs during the week.

In the meantime, for those that did not know, the treehouse at 158 Silverdell Grove (Whitehorn Forest) is always unlocked and has a free portal in the first room. If the room looks like it was cut in half, just keep walking - it's a tileset thing that is usually first-time-only and should fix itself.

You can read what books and newspapers are on the shelves so far, but I'm not done with the library yet.* If you do read them, please, please, put them back. I don't care if you play a CE assassin thief of Branderback, don't take the books! I'm not asking you to be nice IC - RP taking them and trying to set them on fire if you like, but for the sake of sanity acknowledge wards as well! It's not like the Great Library where they'll just re-appear on server reset. Plus, what are the odds that anyone even knows about it unless they read it here? So no excuses :P Maybe someday with a ridiculous hoard of gold there can be a scripted auto-return script, but for now, just leave them there, thanks - especially the real books, which I don't have replacements for. General Khain's journal and the book found in the Great Dungeon are the only ones at present, I think. I would rather just add a copy of them instead, to have an explaining note on them... but I digress!

If a book is in another language that your character has the ear for, just take the book off the shelf, use a quill on it (no writing! :p ) and type ~~translate into your chat bar. This goes for any language that you read, for current and future books... (Oh. And if you use the bath transition, you RP that you jump/climb/crawl down the crate. Don't ask! [SIZE=10]Don't mind the haunted piano.[/SIZE])

It's pretty obviously opened up as a sort of rest stop waystation type treehouse now. It's open to everyone despite a framed aged notice near the doorway (...opening, thing) that says

[INDENT][SIZE=16]I have one furnished room available in the Whitehorn Forest for monthly rent for a trustworthy, considerate, respectful individual. There's adequate storage, comfortable bed, plenty of shelving, and a reliable teleporter. If interested in seeing more and discussing rates, look for me or the mephit here playing cards. -Aleister[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10]These individuals need not apply: orcs, ogres, dark elves, paladins, thieves, very angry people, people shorter than me by more than 2 feet, clerics, giants, bards, druids, barbaric people, people with nervous ticks, people that fall down a lot, blue haired people, people that don't like that old people smell, Turor, the inquisitive type, the type would would ask "whats the strange noise" then barge into my lab, people with very large cats, people with bears, people with all other animals, animal people, drunks, fanatics, busy bodies, people that stare, people that like pie too much, friends of Turor, hippies. Thank you. -Al[/SIZE][/INDENT][/FONT]

One might almost think that it was opened up as a forest waystation on purpose. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I should be seeing at least somebody soon. The lack of reliable computer access is killing me. Inbox is open as usual.

[SIZE=10]*For those interested with access, I made an index for me to update whenever I add something here.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Stephen_Zuckerman, Rowana, RollinsCat, Charm2009


Re: Having joined the ranks of the net-less...
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2008, 08:21:34 pm »
Thanks for the update!  See you on the weekends then. :)


Re: Having joined the ranks of the net-less...
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2008, 09:55:37 pm »
Wow. And now I know why you're not playing in my Wednesday quests! ;)


Re: Having joined the ranks of the net-less...
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2008, 03:53:30 am »
Theres no escaping the flip side of this bad news need to look round the other world and see what work needs done while you wait to get back!!


Re: Having joined the ranks of the net-less...
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2008, 04:38:37 am »
See you soon!


Re: Having joined the ranks of the net-less...
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2008, 10:47:22 pm »
Update: I return! Yay! Wireless is up and functioning, though I haven't checked how the signal is upstairs... I am hopeful, though. Xchat, firefox, and trillian all are reinstalled... nwn is 11% patching and so on... I still do not have a lot of time to play, but what time I do have during the week is not NWNless, at least. :)


Re: Having joined the ranks of the net-less...
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2008, 10:57:50 pm »
Welcome back! Without you the forum falls apart, the server cannot hold.



Why make a new thread when
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2015, 12:51:05 pm »

Why make a new thread when one from ...*squints at date* 2008 will do?

Just an update on recent events, my internet was shut off in my mostly-ex-apartment in the process of moving, and I'm still in limbo. I will eventually get PMs or emails but won't have a home on the internets again for at least another week. Just FYI!



So, yeah, best laid plans etc
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2015, 08:41:42 pm »
So, yeah, best laid plans etc etc... I guess I am destined for internet purgatory awhile longer, but in the meantime am rattling an old laptop together for occasional visits. Sigh.


A bard has escaped his
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2015, 09:29:43 pm »

A bard has escaped his self-imposed forest prison and looks for the Wind. And a petite sorceress looks for her friend, Neema...


cbnicholson're missed.  Just
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2015, 09:20:35 am »'re missed.  Just sayin.

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


What happened, Internet? We
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2015, 04:33:03 pm »
What happened, Internet? We were so close. I did everything you asked. Was it too much? Too little? We were going places! We were on the mend! I should have known when you showed up at my door with that Comcast branding that you'd changed. We'd changed. I just wanted to go on a little longer believing everything was going to be like it was, before.

Now it's all business - a little past due on an account and bam! I'm walking a mile and a half for an unsecured rendezvous at a Starbucks, but there's no closure. It's like we never shared a life together. I'd like to say I don't need you, hold onto my pride and walk away, but it's a lie, Internet! I need you more than a car, a house, new shoes. You are my home, Internet. This is a ghost life, without you.



HOW DO I BREEAAATHE WI-  no-no, wait!

Where are you going! INTERNEEERRRNEEEET

through early morning fog I see

visions of the things to be

the pains that are withheld for me

I realize and I can see...

that net access is stealthy

brought to you by the wealthy

and they can take or leave you

if they please

(Uhh... Sorry. Be back again. Haha.)



Just in case anyone cared, I
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2016, 01:06:59 pm »

Just in case anyone cared, I have been "sorta back" ! The internet (such as it is... *sigh*) has returned, but I have been in and out. The latest adventure is that the power may be shut off at any time. Woo! But I am mostly here.



So, yeah... As a couple
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2016, 02:03:13 am »
So, yeah... As a couple people noticed, I haven't had predictable computering for a bit. I am now moving, again. Back soonish.


Huzzah! We function once
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2016, 02:11:23 pm »

Huzzah! We function once more, albeit on a slow drip of rural*** internets. I thought my PC was toast there for a bit, but as usual the almighty gods of computing were merely awaiting the moment of giving up entirely before granting miracles sans any further action by me, just to prove who is really in charge...