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Author Topic: rogue deity?  (Read 169 times)


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    rogue deity?
    « on: August 27, 2006, 07:12:45 pm »
    can anyone offer their suggestion for the deity which might best represent rogues?   after reading through the info in LORE, it seems like Branderback is appropriate, but the suggested alignments of his followers are a bit of an obstacle (Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil).   Shadon seems a little too "light-hearted" to represent rogues (being more about pranks and celebrations), and Xeen seems a bit too preoccupied with the pleasures of the flesh.  Deliar seems to govern material gain through trade and commerce more than....well, er.... other more stealthy pursuits.

    so, would it be possible for a rogue character with an allowed alignment (i.e., not Evil or Chaotic Neutral) to follow the teachings of Branderback?   does anyone have an opinion about the other deities i mentioned as they pertain to rogues?

    much appreciated, thanks!

    Guardian 452

    Re: rogue deity?
    « Reply #1 on: August 27, 2006, 07:29:55 pm »
    The alignment is aimed more at clerics. If you wish to make a cleric of any given god you [big]MUST[/big] be one of those alignments. And most importantly... act within that alignment!

    So I'd say let your rogue follow the god you think they fit best with, using the alignment you feel they fit best into.

    EDIT I'll go ahead and say it because I'm sure others are thinking it... All rogues are not theives. :)  If yours is a theif... play them properly within server rules, and have fun!


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      Re: rogue deity?
      « Reply #2 on: August 27, 2006, 07:45:12 pm »

      thanks..... and good point in the EDIT too.  



      RE: rogue deity?
      « Reply #3 on: August 27, 2006, 07:46:54 pm »
      This is a rough question.  I think Rogue is the most flexible class.  There are thirty gazillion ways to build a Rogue.  So trying to find one deity that best represents Rogues is tough.

      Still, the deity you pick for your character should match the character's personality, generally.  So consider your character carefully, specifically the character's personality and what kind of Rogue he or she will be.  Then take a general look at the deities.

      Branderback is on the evil side, but that generally represents selfishness, not torture and murder.  If your character is out for number one, Branderback might be a good choice.

      Shadonites are all about having a fun life.  The character doesn't necessarily have to be a prankster to be a Shadonite, but he or she should be aiming to have fun no matter what.

      Deliar is a pretty good choice if the character is going to be a crafter.  The character can work at being a trader, and there could be "opportunities" on the side.

      Xeen... yeah, Xeen is all about the wine and the shag pad.


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        RE: rogue deity?
        « Reply #4 on: August 27, 2006, 07:48:52 pm »

        thanks Gulnyr, i agree with the assessment of Branderback as well.

        "Xeen is all about the wine and the shag pad..."  LOL

        Talan Va'lash

        Re: rogue deity?
        « Reply #5 on: August 28, 2006, 12:16:50 am »
        There's no Lawful choice for a rogue really.. no "god of mobsters" or "thieves with strict but deviant moral codes."

        In fact, the whole pantheon leans strongly toward chaotic.

        I'm sure there are lesser deities that fill the lawful void just for someone to imagine them, write them up, and submit them to EdTheKet and Leanthar for consideration ;)


        Re: rogue deity?
        « Reply #6 on: August 28, 2006, 03:39:35 am »
        Here's a question. Why pick just one?

        Rogues are the most flexible class in D&D. This is a little less true in NWN, but still. Humans are the most adaptive race... Both come in as many flavors as you can imagine, plus a few.

        Many humans in polytheistic worlds simply offer homage to many deities as the circumstances permit. Need a bit of luck? Pray to Shadon. Trying to win that girl's attention? Ilsare (or Xeen, heh). Terrified that something's going to jump out and eat you? Oh, Lord Protector, watch over me as I take a quick walk through the woods.


        Re: rogue deity?
        « Reply #7 on: August 28, 2006, 05:08:01 am »
        Luck is Deliar's domain ;)  *coughs*AndBranderbackShouldReallyBeNeutralEvilAndNotChaoticAtAll*coughs*  And yes, more people should toss off a salute to more gods, hehe.


        Re: rogue deity?
        « Reply #8 on: August 28, 2006, 05:09:49 am »
        Luck is Deliar? Well, rats. I've been wrong for a while.

        I have to agree about Branderback, though - total self-indulgence isn't all that chaotic, really. It's when you do that despite your morals that it begins to drift away from Law.

        EDIT: Self-indulgence is a poor choice of words, but I can't think of a better one at the moment. @.@


        Re: rogue deity?
        « Reply #9 on: August 28, 2006, 05:35:30 am »
        Shadon is the CN prankster that is concerned about enjoying his fleeting life for as long as it lasts, whether it means he occasionally does someone a good turn or totally leaves them hanging. Doesn't matter. Good, evil, he's happy as long as he's enjoying himself, even if it's at the expense of others. Colors bright and hard on the eyes? Who cares! They'll look good to you when you're at the next drunken 'worship service' at the bar. Acacea was a Shadonite for a long time and of course still has some of that intact. Heehe.  Deliar is Luck and Trade, plain and simple :) He's the halfling merchant you see with the sack over his shoulder at the crossroads, flipping the coin to see which way he goes and always getting the better end of the bargain.    Branderback is out for number one, yeah. It's not that he enjoys wreaking terror and destruction for the sake of terror and destruction, as Corath and Pyrtechon do--he's just willing to murder, cheat, lie, and steal for his needs...which he is rightfully owed, of course. Cunning and stealthy, skilled in darkness and deceit, but more likely to use a social structure to his advantage than destroy it at a whim. Very much True Evil... But that's just my opinion. *tags the disclaimer on there when she realizes she's on a public forum*  (Grammar Edit-- does/do)


        Re: rogue deity?
        « Reply #10 on: August 28, 2006, 07:45:48 am »
        Weird thing here...

        Branderback is quite chaotic because of his methods. And because putting himself first, middle and last with no regard of others, he classifies as evil too.

        BUT... Putting both together... It somehow feels wrong for him. :P

        CE feels more like "destroy everything"-type.

        Only my own thoughts, of course. :)


        Re: rogue deity?
        « Reply #11 on: August 28, 2006, 08:22:06 am »
        He's not pro law or pro chaos, he doesn't really care about either. Much like a neutral good character, who will follow the laws if it benefits them and they have no reason not to, and break them if it challenges their morals, he is perfectly capable of using the law to his own ends until it is no longer convenient. He doesn't suffer from strict ethics, but neither is he foaming to destroy the government. A corrupt one can, after all, serve his needs. :)

        *Shifty.* Ah... back to the topic... oh wait! Rogue deities are the topic! I don't feel quite so astray. Ahem. Sorry, favorite deity. ;)


        Re: rogue deity?
        « Reply #12 on: August 28, 2006, 10:44:35 am »
        Yeah, only clerics need to pick one single deity, all other classes don't have to pick a single one, they can just pray to one that suits them for the moment. Like a bit of luck from Deliar, or a quick prayer to Ilsare before sending a love letter, things like that.


        Re: rogue deity?
        « Reply #13 on: August 28, 2006, 11:05:30 am »
        Weeblie - 8/28/2006  10:45 AM

        Weird thing here...

        Branderback is quite chaotic because of his methods. And because putting himself first, middle and last with no regard of others, he classifies as evil too.

        BUT... Putting both together... It somehow feels wrong for him. :P

        CE feels more like "destroy everything"-type.

        Only my own thoughts, of course. :)

        In a shameless plug for my own alignment guide, I'd say your description of Branderback sounds very much like an "evil chaotic", whereas a "chatoic evil" person/god/whatever would be the more sociapthic monster you're envisioning for the "CE" type.


        Re: rogue deity?
        « Reply #14 on: August 28, 2006, 01:09:50 pm »
        I do like your thread on alignments and have recommended it to others, I'm just clinging to my Branderback and his situational ethics and viciously ignoring attempts to tell me otherwise.

        In case you were wondering, yes, it is possible to viciously ignore... think of it as an on-hit damage shield. *Shifty eyes.*

        (Edit--I seem to be shifty lately...maybe I should make another rogue. Yes.)


        Re: rogue deity?
        « Reply #15 on: August 28, 2006, 02:17:46 pm »
        Faldred - 8/28/2006  8:05 PM

        Weeblie - 8/28/2006  10:45 AM

        Weird thing here...

        Branderback is quite chaotic because of his methods. And because putting himself first, middle and last with no regard of others, he classifies as evil too.

        BUT... Putting both together... It somehow feels wrong for him. :P

        CE feels more like "destroy everything"-type.

        Only my own thoughts, of course. :)

        In a shameless plug for my own alignment guide, I'd say your description of Branderback sounds very much like an "evil chaotic", whereas a "chatoic evil" person/god/whatever would be the more sociapthic monster you're envisioning for the "CE" type.

        Excellent guide! I've actually read it before but the human memory has some flaws... ;)


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          Re: rogue deity?
          « Reply #16 on: August 28, 2006, 07:13:52 pm »
          Yea, Shadonites rule. First time I have played a cleric of one (Jareg)and I love it; but yea, if your not going for a cleric than its realy up to you to decide which and how many gods you want to worship no matter alingment (just have to justify it with your character's personality rp wise). As for clerics being the same as their alinment, you can still be one step removed from your diety (Jareg is CG, Shadon is CN). Also ever think of being a cleric of thieves (build would be a rouge/cleric), the Trickster usualy wishes for his clerics to have some rouge training.