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Author Topic: Rules on polymorphing  (Read 136 times)


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    Rules on polymorphing
    « on: September 25, 2005, 04:00:00 am »
    This may have been covered else where but i am unable to find the polymorph rules thread. about the rules of polymorphing in town. Is it just limited to the big creatures? or are you not allowed to polymorph at all? Are Feys allowed? People have them as pets, so people do see them in town, or is it strictly no polymorphing in town at all?
    sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, i couldn't find the thread on it.


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    RE: Rules on polymorphing
    « Reply #1 on: September 25, 2005, 04:44:00 am »


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      RE: Rules on polymorphing
      « Reply #2 on: September 25, 2005, 05:20:00 am »
      Thanks, that really helped  :)
      It says i can't polymorph in town to why did a DM tell me off the other week for being an umber hulk and walking through Hlint? Although i know what he meant and  i'll unpoymorph when entering town anyways. I'm in no rush to get anywhere  ;) , *grumbles then looks around caustiously* gotta watch out for those DM's...


      RE: Rules on polymorphing
      « Reply #3 on: September 25, 2005, 05:40:00 am »
      Read the heading of the thread properly:
        Polymorphed in town AND/OR buy/crafting
        So it is for both crafting and walking in town.


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        RE: Rules on polymorphing
        « Reply #4 on: September 25, 2005, 05:41:00 am »
        but if you read even further down, Leanthar says it just for crafting

        He says 'I don't want people polymorphed while crafting.  I suppose it is okay to go around town polymorphed and/or with pets. '


        RE: Rules on polymorphing
        « Reply #5 on: September 25, 2005, 05:42:00 am »
         Yeah well the DMs aren't out to get you, or anyone else so don't worry.
           Think about polymorphing though. How would the town's people react to an Umber Hulk, Zombie, Troll, or Giant Spider walking through town. Well with the amount of stuff that's happened to them, probably quite calmly but they'd still try to kill it.
           Same thing with Wildshape for Druids. A panther, a wolf, a bear... yeah those are all probably considered threats and would be hunted for entering town aswell. (I'm just sayin)


        RE: Rules on polymorphing
        « Reply #6 on: September 25, 2005, 05:43:00 am »
        Its the same thing, the spirit of the rule is the same. Just doesnt make sense otherwise.


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          RE: Rules on polymorphing
          « Reply #7 on: September 25, 2005, 05:46:00 am »
          There seems to be a conflict here in what it should be. He says its ok, yet you say it is not due to RPing properly, but then feys and things that won't scare the living daylights out of the peasants are ok?


          RE: Rules on polymorphing
          « Reply #8 on: September 25, 2005, 05:51:00 am »
          Just use common sense. Rules-wise, crafting while being polymorphed can be punished. Roleplaying wise walking down the town in a spider shape should get you shot down.
            I'm quite sure L was referring to such a thing when thinking on the thread. Sure be a pixie, but anything else is just plain silly.


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            RE: Rules on polymorphing
            « Reply #9 on: September 25, 2005, 05:54:00 am »
            Ok sure. I just wanted to clear that up, but as i said at the beginning of the thread, i'm going to unpolymorph before i enter towns anyways, i just wanted to knwo exactly what the rules on it were.

            Thunder Pants

            RE: Rules on polymorphing
            « Reply #10 on: September 25, 2005, 06:01:00 am »
            the thing is the DMs shouldn't have to make a list of what polymorphs are acceptable in town, or what summons your allowed to have, think about it a little from the random townsperson whom we can't see do to NWN server limitations, and how they would react to it, IE if your polymorphed into a fey, or a badger, or something reletivly harmless, down't worry about it, if your running through town as an umber hulk or a troll, stop and think about this from the perspective that an in game npc would have


            RE: Rules on polymorphing
            « Reply #11 on: September 25, 2005, 10:28:00 am »

            |There seems to be a conflict here in what it should be. He says its ok, yet you say it is not due to |RPing properly, but then feys and things that won't scare the living daylights out of the peasants are |ok?

            I'm not sure how we get around this, as it is, I have to constantly make sure I don't run up and kill the pixies, half-giants, panthers, and whatever else that's wild and would normally attack me in the wild walking around Hlint.  It bothers the crap out of me, and honestly, if I had seen someone polymorphed as an umberhulk, I would have reacted the same way when I saw someone who was polymorphed as a troll. I tried to kill them while yelling and screaming for the guards.  Thankfully, they quickly switched back to their normal form, at which point Cole proceeded to curse at them and walked off.


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              RE: Rules on polymorphing
              « Reply #12 on: September 25, 2005, 11:38:00 am »
              If you want to run around in a town looking like a troll or whatever, do it so people can't see you and complain. Invisible. You get what you want, they get what they want. I doubt commoners can see invisible things, so there's no problem there.
              Don't talk to merchants while youre polymorphed. That's dumb. And you'd deserve to be shot. Don't craft. That's dumber. :)
              If I have to get from point A to B carrying a little too much of something, I'm going to invis and troll it all the way to B. I don't see that as bad RP. Bad RP would be skipping the invis.
              But ya know...wizards are kind of common place. It's odd that commoners get bugged seeing a big spider but are fine with flaming swords, floating runes, sparkling eyeballs, and bright blue people. Yeah, all that should be removed too...  :)

              But that's another thread.



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                RE: Rules on polymorphing
                « Reply #13 on: September 25, 2005, 12:19:00 pm »
                ah indeed.

                and don't forget Aleister, If i was a commoner and saw Aleister coming I would call for the guards quicker than if a troll was coming at me.


                RE: Rules on polymorphing
                « Reply #14 on: September 25, 2005, 03:29:00 pm »
                I second that


                RE: Rules on polymorphing
                « Reply #15 on: September 25, 2005, 04:17:00 pm »

                It probably won't take long before Aleisters are banned from Karthy. :D



                RE: Rules on polymorphing
                « Reply #16 on: September 25, 2005, 04:48:00 pm »
                Just to weigh in on the subject.

                Luna will be polymorphed in town for three reasons:

                1.) I am in my dire bear shape as I am carrying half a ton of stuff. Literally. I help gather ore.
                2.) I am in my black cat shape and using hide in plain sight as I am being anti-social. *winks*
                3.) I just plain forgot to change at the gates. I RP her this way. She forgets she is shifted alot. Scares her friends, shifts to elf, laughs and plays it off.

                That's it. If  you see me in the craft hall in dire bear shape, I am not crafting, I am carrying a bunch of stuff. Just so everyone knows. :)


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                RE: Rules on polymorphing
                « Reply #17 on: September 25, 2005, 08:12:00 pm »
                It is poor roleplaying to remain polymorphed/wildshaped for one simple reason:

                You are exploiting the No PVP rule by placing others in a position where they cannot appropriately respond to an obviously threatening creature. That includes bears and elementals and so on.  If the rule was not in place you would be attacked.  

                I have a crafting wizard too.  I know the advantages of using polymorph to carry ore and gems back to town.  But please do others the courtesy of turning off your forms before going into town.  It is not that far from the gates to the forge or crafting hall.  You can make it a screen and a half walking through town, trust me.   ;)


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                RE: Rules on polymorphing
                « Reply #18 on: September 25, 2005, 08:41:00 pm »
                It is poor roleplaying to remain polymorphed/wildshaped for one simple reason:

                You are exploiting the No PVP rule by placing others in a position where they cannot appropriately respond to an obviously threatening creature. That includes bears and elementals and so on. If the rule was not in place you would be attacked.

                I have a crafting wizard too. I know the advantages of using polymorph to carry ore and gems back to town. But please do others the courtesy of turning off your forms before going into town. It is not that far from the gates to the forge or crafting hall. You can make it a screen and a half walking through town, trust me.

                If the rule was not in place Drow would be attacked too. Is everyone who is playing a Drow or an Orc or a Half Giant exploiting the no PVP rule too? What about human and dwarf and elven mercenaries? hrmm? You would kill those in the wild too wouldn't you. I know I would. So it is NOT poor roleplaying, and infact, quite often, may be in line with the RP of the character that is being played.

                Guardian 452

                RE: Rules on polymorphing
                « Reply #19 on: September 25, 2005, 08:48:00 pm »
                Each situation needs to be looked at seperatly you cant just lump all polymorphing into one bowl.

                A troll wouldnt even be allowed in the gates of Hlint or any other city the guards would cut it down if it tried.

                I cat depending on what it was (house cat vs Panther) prolly the same.

                A pixie... well I doubt many would get all that excited... other than kids trying to catch it in a jar.

                Spiders, undead, any other nasties.... use common sense.... Their hare hundreds of people and guards you don't see when you enter a town because NWN can't handle it... and a DM isnt on 24 7 to set up the scenario.

                That's it really.... use common sense... before you enter a town. Hmm what would the guards really do if I entered, or tried to enter?

                You should have you answer as to weather it is right or wrong then.

                The DM staff simply cannot police something of this nature.

                We have to use our own judgment, and if you judge poorly and a DM finds ya... well then you will deal with what comes your way.



