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Author Topic: exculding folks  (Read 173 times)


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    exculding folks
    « on: December 20, 2006, 09:27:51 pm »
    excluding folks from things when its not a level based exclusion is not very nice at all , nor is saying basicly that you are in fact a coward ( in reguards to how your char fights ect ). I had thought reading these forums before i joined this server and community wasnt like that. Then you try to RP into a small band and get told your not the right level but there the same as you level wise or withing those levels , and get left out is kinda lame.


    Re: exculding folks
    « Reply #1 on: December 20, 2006, 09:31:47 pm »
    Perhaps you are taking this too far without calming down to think of circumstance. First of all I find that people would like to keep to bare minimum to appease their own greedy lust for loot. (Healer Mage, Fighters). Secondly, it could be circumstance itself. For example my Illusionist would not be welcome in a tribe of Voraxites and I dont think a bunch of elves would invite a Drow along to play for example. a Toranite and a Corathite wouldn't go romping off into the sunset together..

    Just give the In character bit of it a few more thoughts before automatically putting it up to cruelty in an OOC fashion :)


    Re: exculding folks
    « Reply #2 on: December 20, 2006, 10:36:42 pm »
    Before I will make any comment here Solarina I would like to know if:
    -   Did this happen during a quest or did it happen while you just played the game?

    *looks to Lynn*
    “Secondly, it could be circumstance itself. For example my Illusionist would not be welcome in a tribe of Voraxites and I dont think a bunch of elves would invite a Drow along to play for example. a Toranite and a Corathite wouldn't go romping off into the sunset together..“

    I do not agree – Look at my earlier posts.  

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: exculding folks
    « Reply #3 on: December 20, 2006, 10:55:04 pm »
    Varka - 12/20/2006  11:36 PM
    I do not agree – Look at my earlier posts.  

    This is your first post in this thread.


    Regardless, there could be many reasons to not want a certain character to come with you and knowing nothing about the situation I can't really guess at what they were in this case. Maybe the group was -really- going to a secret evil cult meeting where they would lick skulls all night. I dunno.

    There's no rule that states "You must include everyone who asks as long as they are the same level." Because... well, 1) it's not enforcable 2) it's not desirable in many cases.

    Not every group will include every character who asks, and sometimes characters are mean!

    There are many IC reasons not to include a given person in a certain activity. I was going to list a few here, but there are so many examples I could make up that it would be pointless.

    In conclusion, if x person doesn't want to play with you for whatever reason, play with someone else. There is no OOC obligation to play with anyone ever (and there shouldn't be.)


    Re: exculding folks
    « Reply #4 on: December 21, 2006, 12:14:22 am »
    This one is entirely my fault, and I'm quite willing to admit it.  It wasn't a matter of "greedy lust for treasure", it was simply that we had formed a party of three while adventuring in the Red Light Caverns, and were going to adventure as a group for a while.  As it happens, the two characters I was adventuring with were old friends of Kell's, and so we were going to go about some easy fights (and wound up sparring in the Arena, which was quite fun - I'd not been there before.)

    I don't mean to forment feelings of exclusion, and rest assured most everyone on the server is nicer than I am. *chuckles*  But we were a good team, and we really felt it unnecessary and undesirable to include a fourth, of any level... at least for today.  As I was the group leader, I'm fully willing to take any blame that falls on me for bad RP or teambuilding, but I felt we were well within our rights in refusing.

    In addition, keeping parties to small numbers can be beneficial in more ways than just loot division (indeed, if Kell wanted more loot, he'd probably travel with a much larger group, since Rogues kind of need distraction.)  I find RP to be tricky in a big group, because 1) strategy for most encounters boils down to "charge!", and 2) Because of the nature of talking in-game (no aspersions cast on Bioware, of course - it's a hard interface to design regardless), it can be tricky to follow more than one conversation at once, or to determine when someone is trying to make a comment on your conversation rather than others.  One could argue that one more player won't make much of a difference one way or the other, but it's a slippery slope.  Had Kell not been travelling with this party already, he might certainly have included another member, but as it was... *shrugs*

    Regardless, I did not mean to make it seem like there was any sort of mass exclusion going on, and I apologize if I did.  And as I said, most of the people on this server are wonderfully nice, and certainly nicer than I am.  There are always other parties.  *grins*

    Edit:  Also, in consideration, I might point out respectfully to the parent poster that I did not so much as look at your level until you prompted me to do so.  The IC explanation was one of suitability and experience, which, due to your relative newness about Hlint, none of our characters would have known.  The last time each of them had seen you was in the past few (RL) days, when you were much lower level, and therefore it would be reasonable for them to assume that while you may have learned a bit, it would be difficult to achieve their level of competency in five or six (in-game) days.  If you wish to take issue with that, then while it was not my intention to hurt your feelings, I am sorry for having done so.


    Re: exculding folks
    « Reply #5 on: December 21, 2006, 12:28:57 am »
    Talan: I am referring to "earlier earlier" posts I have made......Drow, racial issues etc.… all my preaching I have done the last 2 years :)


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      Re: exculding folks
      « Reply #6 on: December 21, 2006, 03:40:04 am »
      sorry to have posted this. some things said perhaps i took poorly. myself I try to include anyone on this server as this game is not designed for solo exp , its designed for grouping and teamwork , if I were to turn someone down , and very few are online whats that person going to do ? of course valid RP reasons are good like other posters have suggested to leave someone out. Meta gaming and such is not. Mostly i felt bad to some comments from tells reflecting my new player status that made me feel not good .

      I always try to remember the person behind the pixels. Pointing out someones new and lacking some knowledge , but doing so in a derogitory way just isnt nice. anywho again sorry to have posted this please delete this thread. I was rather upset at some things said to me and hence posted this which was silly realy.


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        Re: exculding folks
        « Reply #7 on: December 21, 2006, 04:21:14 am »
        ""I find RP to be tricky in a big group, because 1) strategy for most encounters boils down to "charge!",""

        to answer that you seem to lack an understanding how most rangers fight , as evident from ost of the encounters i have had with you. Rangers , while not a front line "" tanking class "" are most excellant in groups , they can look out for themselfs , selfdom take damage when played correctly and are low matience :)

        Strat of most rangers :

        let the front line "" tank "" or "" meat shield "" get the mobs attention. the cleric or druid does there healing thing ect , wizzards , mages ect do there spell fire deeds , most of these casters also use ranged attacks. Mr ranger often does the smart thing when she in a spot where 1) shes liable to take alot of damage 2) theres a shortage of healing power she often will :

        Hang behind the front line picking off targets with a hail of arrows. Baring that theres always rear / flank attacks with a melee weapon. There also good at spoting ambushs ect :)

        yet all is well :) its given my in game charecter food for thought and based on the RP involved she has new insight into the 3 other in game chars as well as part of her place in the world.

        Talan Va'lash

        Re: exculding folks
        « Reply #8 on: December 21, 2006, 04:39:14 am »
        Anyway, this sounds like it was a more than valid IC reason for not including someone that just got miscommunicated a bit.

        It's really irrelevant to the combat strategy in this case as it was several old friends (IC) who wanted to spend time together.

        No character is, at any point, required to do anything with any other character by any OOC rule. They may be "required" to for personal IC reasons or IC reasons on a quest or something but thats not really the same.

        Most of the time people are looking for more people to join their party but they don't have to be.


        As for deleting this thread, as a practice we don't delete discussion threads even if the original author asks for them to be deleted because others are involved in the discussion by now and if we delete it, the place where it was asked to be deleted is no longer visible so it might look like censorship heh. Which is something we only do if there is inappropriate language in a post, and we'll then only replace the offending words with ----- or something.


        Re: exculding folks
        « Reply #9 on: December 21, 2006, 09:19:14 am »
        as a side note...

        yeah, sometimes its hard to make friends.  Supin (my ranger) had one heck of a time.  the thing to make friends, and to make others remember you-be unique.  Supin isn't too unique for a ranger...  same ol, same ol...

        but then, I made a new character, and am getting the hang of a new, stand out type character.

        And, if you are willing to sit round Hlint and RP, you'll make friends.  just sit back, relax, and start talking.


        Re: exculding folks
        « Reply #10 on: December 21, 2006, 01:08:42 pm »
        solarina - 12/21/2006  4:40 AM

        . Mostly i felt bad to some comments from tells reflecting my new player status that made me feel not good .

        Nobody should EVER say anything to you OOC to make you feel bad, period. Such things are covered in the griefing policy, and should be reported. I know the GM team has a very short leash on anyone who goes out of their way to be a schmuck to another player.



        Re: exculding folks
        « Reply #11 on: December 21, 2006, 05:01:50 pm »
        *sniffs* I have no friends. nobody remembers hawk, you know, the same ol' bland cleric *nods sagely*

