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Author Topic: The GRATE WALL OF LAYONARA  (Read 1699 times)


« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2006, 05:10:05 am »
Don't know what to say man.. I only was able to make one dm quest and it was the defense of pranzis, got diced out of two others and I made one cdq (rhynn's) Still Today i'm lvl 13 so I dont know what to tell you. Maybe you should go around with more people see things, get into a guild and start makig the harvesting trips.. Ideas for you.


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    « Reply #21 on: October 12, 2006, 05:42:56 am »
    I myself work long and unpricictable hours and raise a small child which makes playing time scarce.  My character however is slowly but surely making his way over the wall.  So i would say be patient and keep at it because you will eventually get over the so called wall.


    « Reply #22 on: October 12, 2006, 06:00:02 am »
    Nexus7, I think this is the 3rd or 4th time you have started a thread about this subject. Don't know what to tell you man. We certainly can't create the game around others schedules, we create it and if people like it they play.   In addition, if you look at my V3 post I stated I knew about this "wall" as you are so fondly calling it. We will try to help with the problem with more NPC quests in V3.   But as I have also stated a number of times in all of the other threads that this subject was brought up in... SPREAD OUT! West is mean for levels 1-8 (but can clearly be done by levels higher), Central is for level 9-17 (or around that) and East is everything up. If you want XP and you want to fight the "wall" less go to central.   Little we can do about your gaming time or what you do in that time.  "......Thats the wall its rock solid and there is no way past...."
      Really? So how do you explain the HUNDREDS of other players that are past level 9 or for that matter the dozens and dozens that are up in the level 18-36 levles? Somehow they found a way past it.
      Again....There is little we can do about your gaming time or what you do in that time.


    « Reply #23 on: October 12, 2006, 06:56:04 am »
    Leanthar yep over the year + I have been on your (by the way grate serever) I have posted about this more than once.
    I think I have it now, as meny say DMQ's help a lot then for thos that can not "book" time ahead its real hard
    we have the hard slog over the wall. (note if V3 helps with this then grate news there) I did take back the "Thats the wall its rock solid and there is no way past" What I should call it is "THE HILL" some can zip passed as there life can be moved around layo, but for thows whos
    have to move layo around there life its a hard long uphill clime It can be done its just long and very hard.

    SPREADING out would be good if only every one did it but they dont, Layo is Hlint and west centric, as has been said on this threed even
    high levels come back, they may have there PCs say they dont like Hlint but every one comes back,

    I have done trips to Centra, I get 2 hours off RL, I log on, I spend 1/2 rping a group to head out to Central we start the walk, sail port there, we head into the wilds, My times up I log, NExt time on in im on Central alone and if in a hard place looking at death as a fast way back to hlint. I head back to hlint 2 hours RT later I log off to do the hole thing again. There is no where on Central where groups log in and stay (th level PCs just dont do that, every one heads to Hlint.

    I have gaming time its just I can not Book that Gamming time and One phone call and all that times gone as a rush off to work.

    The best news is that in V3 The 7th to 9th level thing will be looked at, thats all I have been saying about levels.
    Booking CDQs well thats another matter and that has been sorted in a feel a very good RP way.

    Seeing how the HIll,hum,bump,wall etc is now ecnolaged to be there and is being looked at in V3 I will not rase this matter again.

    And once again thank you for letting my 1st Online world be users, it is the only one I play and its to my knolage the best around.




    « Reply #24 on: October 12, 2006, 07:18:39 am »
    "....I have done trips to Centra, I get 2 hours off RL, I log on, I spend 1/2 rping a group to head out to Central we start the walk, sail port there..."

    There is a teleport at Morakens that puts you on Central, it takes maybe 5 minutes to get there. Or you can go to a friends house and port to Prantz, which takes maybe 10-15 minutes counting finding the friend.

    I don't know how to make it any quicker for you than that.


    « Reply #25 on: October 12, 2006, 07:48:00 am »
    sorry Leanthar it should have been "Sail and magic port" I am taking into acount teleports.

    "Or you can go to a friends house and port to Prantz, which takes maybe 10-15 minutes counting finding the friend."
    I will have to try that I asumed it was meta gaming so have never done it uless envited throw RP to use some ones teleport.
    I could do a TELL to some one in West or centrail and ask them by they would have to come to me with the key to there house.

    We can drop this if youy like I dont wont to take your time up on stuped stuff if im being dumb here.



    « Reply #26 on: October 12, 2006, 07:50:35 am »
    You could always try to hire a room in one's house. Or ask someone for a key to their house to use their portal. Wouldn't be expensive at all, I think. Or maybe for free, if it's a really good friend? :)


    « Reply #27 on: October 12, 2006, 07:53:09 am »
    Thats where I have been going wrong then I had the idear it would be metagaming to do this and have a key to another players house with out a room there.
    I never seem to have the cash for healing let alone the 1,000s need for a room. Forming for coin I have aways tryed not to do.


    « Reply #28 on: October 12, 2006, 07:58:53 am »
    I do have to agree with one thing that he sais though. Layo does revolve around Hlint. I'm a lvl 13 and I stick to hlint because of the guild business we do there, offering goods to the new comers and such, but most of our outings are done on central. I think that if players would actualy spread around more hampshire, prantz etc and not always stick to hlint (talking of coming once in a while to hlint and staying at other places most of the time) then maybe it would be easier for others to actualy stay in higher leveled grounds as they know they could find people to team up over there and do trips with them.


    « Reply #29 on: October 12, 2006, 08:00:13 am »
    Im glad this is sorted out. Look around central or west on fridays or saturday GMT evenings, and we'll go somewhere :)


    « Reply #30 on: October 12, 2006, 08:06:23 am »
    You can just do a Tell to somebody and ask for their house key :) If some stranger asked you for yours, you wouldn't give it either. However, once you have an IC friendship with somebody who has a house, you could ask IC if you can get a copy of the key.
    There's also 'public' portals, as Leanthar already stated, next to Moraken's Tower. There's also one in Casterly Castle.


    « Reply #31 on: October 12, 2006, 08:11:40 am »
    Thank Niles Will do, I have booked 2 DM games now as yet work/life has not droped things on me so I may make it for once.
    But there are 2 days yet


    « Reply #32 on: October 12, 2006, 03:05:35 pm »
    if you think 9 is a wall wait for 14 LOL. I have made 14 and 15 with two characters with almost no DM quests. I also dont have to play time framework that allows for quests. Once in a while one will run in the times that work for my life. You can get up to the teens with out them. Getting past say 15 without quests I am sure is hard or at least takes months of balance play between RP and XP.


    « Reply #33 on: October 13, 2006, 11:03:17 am »
    Yeah level 8 to 9 really drags, and 9 to 10 as well. Its taking me forever to get to level 14 with nepp. If he doesnt perm.


    « Reply #34 on: November 01, 2006, 07:20:30 pm »
    I have to say that "geting into parties will get you places". I RP both my characters heavily but I go adventuring with my friends or people that I have interacted with.



    « Reply #35 on: November 01, 2006, 07:37:12 pm »
    The thing is, the first six or seven levels are supposed to be relatively easy. Once you are fairly settled to the point where you can contribute in parties a few levels lower or higher than yourself, that is where the "XP Wall" kicks in, and for good reason. If people kept leveling at the same rate that they do in the beginning, we'd all be level 40.

    The "Level 9 Hump" (which is essentially getting to level 9 and from 9 to 10) used to be a LOT bigger and badder to traverse. Now, people can usually get past it in a month or so, which ends up becoming about the average (that I've seen) for each level thereafter. You see, Layonara has to remain a challenge for those people who can put in 3-4 hours a day playing, but still be reasonable to excell in for those you can only put in a few hours a week and I think it's already about as close to that as it's ever going to be. Is it fair that Jimmy-Z can play for 25 hours in a week while Lenny-IV is lucky to get on for 5? No, not really. Is there anything Layonara can do about that? Not really, except create a fun environment for however long one has to play.

    Also Layonara is about Role Playing, but no one ever said that you can't Role Play while fighting. Personally, I've seen some of the best Role Playing in my three year Layonara career during combat. Derrick, Quin; going to go back a ways and also say Tiny, Lilya, Tolinar, and Eldoran (back in the day). Many of them were made for combat RP, that's just where they shone brightest. Then you've got people who were obviously made for more "quiet" role playing, and that's fine too. It's not fair to say or imply that Layonara is holding you back because it pushes for heavy role playing. It is what you make it and that's all there is to it.

    Parties and quests are what will do it for you in the end. At the end of the day there's always going to be another level for you to attain, but when you accomplish something through Role Playing, that is where the true feeling of satisfaction comes from.



    « Reply #36 on: November 01, 2006, 07:54:53 pm »
    *wonders if he'll see Tath online ever ;) *

    I agree, with you, but that level 9 to 10 is a killer ;) I RP lots in combat as well as just sitting around (in party, surrounded by group of enemies, cast divine might, and say *falls on face in prayer* I think its funny)

    And with hawk, I try to go on a quest every weekend, since its the only time I can. Some people can remember, hawk saying he will charge you gold if he has to raise you from the dead :D And its a bit hard to find a decent party to go out with, that doesnt go ahead and die, leaving you holding the bag.


    « Reply #37 on: November 02, 2006, 05:57:56 am »
    ZeroVega - 11/1/2006  4:37 PM

    The "Level 9 Hump" (which is essentially getting to level 9 and from 9 to 10) used to be a LOT bigger and badder to traverse. Now, people can usually get past it in a month or so, which ends up becoming about the average (that I've seen) for each level thereafter.

    The Problem is that some of us spend 3-4 months raising one level.


    « Reply #38 on: November 02, 2006, 06:22:15 am »
    And that, Niles09, is very unfortunate. The problem is not on the balancing end of Layonara though. If Leanthar made levels 8, 9, and 10 easier to get through you'd still get stuck at level 11 and 12. Also, what about the people who already level fairly fast as it is? There wouldn't be that wall there for them any more either. Meaning they'd just level even faster.

    I've been on the "No time to kill" (little pun there, har!) end of Layonara. When I first came here I didn't have a lot of playing time. Since then I've had good months/seasons, where I've been able to put a few hours into Layonara each day; and bad weeks/months/seasons, where I've hardly logged on at all (and felt the stinging affect of it when I log back in and find my self, once again, at the lower end of my friends' level spectrum).

    All in all there are three things you need to gain levels consistently. 1) Time (even without though, you can do well). 2) ONE character. (If you're playing two, three, or four you won't level nearly as fast). 3) Smarts. (Don't do the same stuff every day. Shake things up and you'll find experiance, adventure, and fun.)

    I feel for ya Niles but I don't think anything can be done at this point (except maybe introducing a few more NPC quests), but that's not quite a priority right now.



    « Reply #39 on: November 02, 2006, 12:46:26 pm »
    I think the thing is here is that once you have reached level 8-9 and hit afoot with what the original poster said as the Great Wall, by that time you are pretty much self sufficient to go on some of the harder quests, form a party and go adventuring  plus at the same time have enough information to develop the character through interaction.

    I agree entirely with ZV. I like how the levels are spread out. First, it makes me as player satisfied that I have accomplished that level. I know that if I was playing the stock NWN game, I would reach level 9 in no time flat, and all it will have ended up  a hack and slash 'ordeal'.

    Let me tell you guys that I have been on both sides of the spectrum, in terms of people RP while in combat and within the trip and others that just have orders, and only  say one or two things such as "hold" "stop here" "attack". I can safely say that the RP during those trips had to be the highlight. It makes going to the same place adventuring more interesting as even though the creatures stay the same, the dialog "always" remain different.

    At the end of the day for me, and I hope others find this as well...the RP in every aspect of Layonara, whether it be from combat  to character development is the main enjoyment that they get from this world, and level progression is secondary. I would have no complaints at all, if it took 3-4 months to progress my character from level to level, providing there is heavy RP.


    The "Level 9 Hump" (which is essentially getting to level 9 and from 9 to 10) used to be a LOT bigger and badder to traverse. Now, people can usually get past it in a month or so, which ends up becoming about the average (that I've seen) for each level thereafter. You see, Layonara has to remain a challenge for those people who can put in 3-4 hours a day playing, but still be reasonable to excell in for those you can only put in a few hours a week and I think it's already about as close to that as it's ever going to be. Is it fair that Jimmy-Z can play for 25 hours in a week while Lenny-IV is lucky to get on for 5? No, not really. Is there anything Layonara can do about that? Not really, except create a fun environment for however long one has to play.

    Also Layonara is about Role Playing, but no one ever said that you can't Role Play while fighting. Personally, I've seen some of the best Role Playing in my three year Layonara career during combat. Derrick, Quin; going to go back a ways and also say Tiny, Lilya, Tolinar, and Eldoran (back in the day). Many of them were made for combat RP, that's just where they shone brightest. Then you've got people who were obviously made for more "quiet" role playing, and that's fine too.