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Author Topic: To our Fallen Comrades  (Read 608 times)


To our Fallen Comrades
« on: November 30, 2005, 06:35:00 am »
I often read peoples character development threads; and notice a worrying trend developing. It may just be be me getting paranoid, but there seems to be a plethora of permenant deaths recently.

This may be viewed as morbid, but out of nothing more than curiousity. How many of you good folks have gone on the long walk, shuffled off your mortal coils, curled up your toes etc etc.. and died a permanent death.?  :(

 An even more morbid question, how many of you are so close (1 or 2 DTs away from dying) to it that, you even avoid the ravens to the West of Hlint,  for fear of ending up a permanent guest of the Soul Mother.


RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2005, 07:12:00 am »
Well... something that's kinda funny is a lot of the people getting Permed either (A) Die a lot... and by a lot I mean err... three times in a day some times. (B) Have been around for a long long time. (C) Have rotten luck *looks to Quil*
  I myself am at Death Token number 8... however I've been playing Tath for fourteen months and I am neither hiding in Hlint from the baddies nor afraid of Permanently Dying... if it happens it happens, but I'll play him as I always have to the end.
  Now something really scary is there's more than a couple Epic characters that haven't even broken five DTs.  :o  That's just cwazy.


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RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2005, 07:32:00 am »
I'm currently at 8 tokens with Geir who started on 2/2-05 and since I don't die that often I guess I fall into the rotten luck category ;)


RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2005, 07:45:00 am »
Maybe we should have a retired adventurers club? All with 8+ tokens are free to join, characters sit there and play demon cards all day :)

Seriously though, such an amount of DTs is caused by our death system. I am in no way critisising it, it is simply a fact. People fear death less, as there is no direct penatly other than a chance to get a token, as such they they are more willing to adventure and take risks.

But the luckiest Layonara character has to be Eldoran. He was a fighter who reached epic and had 0 tokens. Besides that he found so many emeralds and diamonds that it was simply insane.


RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2005, 08:41:00 am »
yeah, I've noticed the trend as well.  It seems many of those that have perma-died are from Cole's 'generation,' that is, they started playing about the same time I started playing Cole.  Cole has 8 DT's as well.  of course, when I started here, I didn't even know you could perma-die, much less what a DT was.  I managed 3 or 4 of them before I even realized what they were.  I gained a much healthier respect for death after I figured it out.  Cole has been around almost 10 months real time.


RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2005, 10:19:00 am »
If you notice the new daisies in serpent mountain on the far side of the hill from black hills, you have seen the final resting spot for Yar.  (cool cut scene, but not worth the price of admission).  Happened last weekend.  Dorax is at 9 DT's and has reduced his play time accordingly.  Yar had been on light duty for quite a while after getting in  9th.  It's a dangerous world sometimes.  We had been collecting silver, fire opals, dire bear and so on for quite a while.  When it is 1100 at night and you all say "sure, why not bugbears" you sometimes wish you could rethink that after a good night's sleep.  I'm sure Yar will be posting more on this.


RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2005, 11:08:00 am »
Well Jacchri has 9 tokens. As Cole has stated I never really thought about tokens as it was something that in my mind was was really hard to get (1 out 90 chance for a lvl 10 char).
  But alas he got to 9 not by dying a lot in my opinion but rather having some rotten luck with the dicebag. That does not mean he will retire, I will continue to play him as I used to do and just hope the dice favors him when death decides to come knocking.
  Jacchri has been around since 1 May 2005 (7 months).


RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2005, 11:32:00 am »
Berdin is level 12, and has 7 I think. Mostly because as a battle priest of Vorax it fits his character to be there, in battle, casting healing spells on his comrades, trying to turn the tide of battle. if and when he perms it will be a glorious battle I'm sure.



RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2005, 12:03:00 pm »
Tha'Azail has 8 death tokens, some of them from his bad habit of rushing in with the healing before the foe is distracted. Some from charging toward the enemy when he meant to charge away from them. :)   Other than staying away from snakes for awhile Tha' has no plans to slow down or semi-retire.  Blood has not been defeated and undead still roam the land.


RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2005, 01:33:00 pm »
Meizter - 11/30/2005 4:32 PM I'm currently at 8 tokens with Geir who started on 2/2-05 and since I don't die that often I guess I fall into the rotten luck category ;)

  Actually.... you're in the top ten of deaths on # 8 (with 70 deaths).


RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2005, 01:39:00 pm »
EdTheKet - 11/30/2005 4:33 PM   Actually.... you're in the top ten of deaths on # 8 (with 70 deaths).

  Now there's a Top Ten list I'd love to see.  (Or even a Top 100)


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RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2005, 02:02:00 pm »
Heh, me too.  What a sight that list must be.

Talan Va'lash

RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2005, 02:17:00 pm »
I wanna know where I am on that list!

Talan has 7 DTs (my only character that has any DTs)  He got 4 of them on two quests.  2 at a bloodpool (auto token) 2 in a row on one of the recent plot quests, so thats 4 from L :P

2 from Pan... or 3 I cant remember and if that 3rd wasnt from Pan I don't remember who I got it from.

I've never gotten a DT outside of a quest.  Uh... maybe that should be telling me something...? ;)

All of the DT's I've gotten barring the 2 at the bloodwell (which were from being pounded into goo by a quasi or para elemental) were from either stunning fist, then getting beaten on the head, or fear aura then getting beaten on the head.

For the love of will saves!



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RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2005, 02:20:00 pm »
EdTheKet - 11/30/2005  10:33 PM    
Meizter - 11/30/2005 4:32 PM I'm currently at 8 tokens with Geir who started on 2/2-05 and since I don't die that often I guess I fall into the rotten luck category ;)

  Actually.... you're in the top ten of deaths on # 8 (with 70 deaths).
 wow! I know I died a lot in the beginning before I learnt that bards are miserable in a fight, but 70...that's....well a lot really. just strike my previous statement then ;) I just die a lot.


RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2005, 02:37:00 pm »
Heheh, only one DT yet at lvl 14. Although I would appreciate it more, if I had obtained it during an important quest instead of while gathering honey and forgetting to cast invisibility.

If I do not include my latest death, all of them were pretty stupid.

- Forgetting to buff before attacking a group of ogres
- Crashing in the middle of a fight, relogging on so I could crash again and getting killed.
- Using the dispelling rune instead of the illusion rune while standing in the middle of a group of undeath.
- Taking revenge on a young drake
- Forgetting to cast invisiblity before getting honey near mentioned drake
- Forgetting to cast invisiblity before entering an ogre cave
- (Update on stupid deaths) Just misclicked in the dialogue menu when speaking to the captain in Lorindar. Got sent to Tibum, where there was a guard of Bloodstone standing at my spawnpoint. :S

I think, excluding my latest death, my last normal death was being sliced up by a marilith on an orcquest. Although I figured out since then that it was my own fault. I casted darkness while invisible not knowing that it is considered a hostile action. :S


RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2005, 04:12:00 pm »
Aralin has only 3 tokens at level 13, i think that is amazing since i've died a lot! I guess i'm probably stealing people's good luck  ;)

None of my other characters have any, though i don't play them as often as Aralin.


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RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2005, 04:13:00 pm »
only 7 deaths?  You aren't playing hard enough, man... ;)


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RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2005, 04:57:00 pm »
I kinda die a lot as if the group starts hitten trouble, I say hey, its a game, the others take it more seriously and would rather not die so I tend to put myself on the line.  Sometimes I'm just stupid too :D  Roshnak is level 10 and only has 3 tokens I think.


RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2005, 05:14:00 pm »
Meizter - 11/30/2005  5:20 PM  
EdTheKet - 11/30/2005  10:33 PM    
Meizter - 11/30/2005 4:32 PM I'm currently at 8 tokens with Geir who started on 2/2-05 and since I don't die that often I guess I fall into the rotten luck category ;)

  Actually.... you're in the top ten of deaths on # 8 (with 70 deaths).
 wow! I know I died a lot in the beginning before I learnt that bards are miserable in a fight, but 70...that's....well a lot really. just strike my previous statement then ;) I just die a lot.
 Actually those figured Ed gave you were outdated.  You're now ranked 14th with 95 deaths.


RE: To our Fallen Comrades
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2005, 05:19:00 pm »

And the 100th gives you an automatic DT. ;)

About my list by the way, those were just a few of my 'stupid' deaths. I'm sure I died a bit more than that, like 30 times or so.