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Author Topic: vista and nwn  (Read 242 times)


Re: vista and nwn
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2007, 08:58:25 pm »
alright!!!! please let us know how you did it (step by step) so that others can do the same as it comes up.


Re: vista and nwn
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2007, 09:01:51 pm »
the problem is with diamond and the critical rebuild. The CR on the internet doesn't work so bioware sent a different version ON THE DISK.
run that and you can then run the updater and get the latest version which appears to run fine.


Re: vista and nwn
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2007, 09:15:13 pm »
jrizz - 3/5/2007  11:28 PM  so what that means is if you have a fully upgraded install it will run! But if you have a new install you cannot get to full up grade due to it being blocked. If it was legal you could create a image of your install and we would be done, but it is not :)   From Bioware: 1.51: Neverwinter Nights Windows Vista compatibility issues. (All versions) (Back to Top)  All versions of Neverwinter Nights to v1.68 are not compatible with Windows Vista and have been blocked from installation by the operating system. BioWare hopes to address this issue in a future NWN patch release.
 Making an Image using ghost or any other recovery program is leagal as it is still making a copy on your HD. Well at least here up north of you it is.


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    Re: vista and nwn
    « Reply #23 on: March 05, 2007, 10:25:13 pm »
    You're welcome. It's good to see everything turned out fine for you.


    Re: vista and nwn
    « Reply #24 on: March 06, 2007, 12:57:34 am »
    Hellblazer - 3/6/2007  12:15 AM   Making an Image using ghost or any other recovery program is leagal as it is still making a copy on your HD. Well at least here up north of you it is.  
     Making an image is legal.  Thereafter sending it over the 'net or by any other means for another person to copy - THAT's the illegal part.


    Re: vista and nwn
    « Reply #25 on: March 06, 2007, 01:43:54 am »
    Nephylim88 - 3/4/2007  11:10 PM

    As for downgrading your computer to WinXP. I highly advise against it. There's a small chance that you're computer might experience a few glitches because it was meant to run Vista.
    It's all up to you, of course.


    Sorry, couldnt let this pass. You are incorrect. New computers are Intel core duo or Athlon X2. The OS has nothing to do with it. Just because it says "Vista ready" Doesnt mean it will run only Vista.



    Re: vista and nwn
    « Reply #26 on: March 07, 2007, 07:59:45 am »
    I just bought a new system that had a legal, updated, legitamate fully microsoft supported copy of Vista bundled with it.  Within half an hour I already wiped it from my harddrive and reinstalled an old 2001 released copy of XP and I'm not going back... ever.  I'd rather have zero support from a company that sells me an OS that sucks up hundred of mb RAM and can't even include the same basic drivers on two DVDs that XP managed to bundle in one CD.  Now I can't even use my old soundcard in Vista because the driver are "incompatable" with the OS... but on XP it works fine right from the getgo.

    I'm not even going to deal with dual-boot... I just gave Vista the boot. ;)

    And yes, Hawk is right.  "Vista-Ready" is just a marketing slogan to say that something works on Vista.  Since the XP community still makes up a large portion of the marketshare populace, most Vista-Ready products also include support for XP.  Now the flip side, as I have found is that many older (and by older I mean made about a year ago or less) products that work with XP inexplicably don't work with Vista.  This is likely because Microsoft came to some financial deal with the hardware companies to phase out their old stock and force the consumers to buy darn-near the same bloody cards and chipsets with new vista capable drivers, and refuse to support their old line.  Also why such a wonderful and huge OS like Vista doesn't even have the backwards compatability to use an incredibly simple set of driver commands made for XP, included on the original XP disk which should theoretically be as simple to support as say, a toaster oven.


    Re: vista and nwn
    « Reply #27 on: March 07, 2007, 08:40:05 am »
    darkstorme - 3/6/2007  12:57 AM  
    Hellblazer - 3/6/2007  12:15 AM   Making an Image using ghost or any other recovery program is leagal as it is still making a copy on your HD. Well at least here up north of you it is.  
     Making an image is legal.  Thereafter sending it over the 'net or by any other means for another person to copy - THAT's the illegal part.
     In fact, that's how most new systems are being packaged now, with the OS on a harddrive partition as a virtual disk image.  If you ever need to reinstall, you just hit del or F12 during the initial loadscreen and select the partition's drive number 1st in the boot sequence.  For making and managing your own images (legally, mind you!) I suggest using "Alcohol 120%" to create, load and mount images to your harddrive.  It handles making partitions & disk images for you and really runs smoothly.  Just remember that while you can make images to backup and copy your old disks that you own legally, that it is still illegal to do so with things you do not own, or to distribute extra copies of something you own to your friends.  You can copy a cd for backup or mount it to your drive to make it read faster, but anything after that the FBI comes a-knocking.


    RE: vista and nwn
    « Reply #28 on: March 07, 2007, 09:27:44 am »
    Oh of course i never meant to say to do it with a copy you didnt own. The copyrigh law in canada are slightly diferent though. I dont know if Microsoft changed their ULA policy for vista saying that yo could transfer and clean install only once then having to by a new copy. Here the copyright laws would make this ULA null.

