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Author Topic: Voice set  (Read 115 times)


Voice set
« on: August 07, 2006, 09:27:53 am »
do only certain voice sets work on layo? with my new character i chose the voice set Grimngaw and i cannot hear anything he says but the weird thing is that on the road to destiny i was trying out the voice and i could hear it, any ideas?


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Re: Voice set
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2006, 09:55:37 am »
well i know with the basic defult voice sets they all work, but if you use one of the NPC voice sets not every thing has a line. Like some of them wont say anything if you click "Board" or "Cuss" becouse they were never mad for the NPC voices. That might be what your talking about, might not.


RE: Voice set
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2006, 10:46:40 am »
i know other characters who have had the NPC voices *sigh* oh well ill have to request a voice change, strange how it worked on the road to destiny though


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Re: Voice set
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2006, 10:55:18 am »
well what i ment was that SOME of the emote commands might work, try attacking something, i bet it does a battle cry, or have someone click the "talk to" command on you and i bet it will say "What" or something like that. the NPC voices just arnt compleat voice sets becosue there not ment for the same thing the char voice sets are. If it isent that then i have no idea, you should be making some sounds, but its not likly a complete set.


Re: Voice set
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2006, 12:01:38 pm »
All standard voicesets work fine.  And by standard I mean any that are part of the NWN OC campaigns.  This includes everything from Daelen Red Tiger to Duergar Slavers.  You just need the download in the correct folder, your override folder, and you need to select it on creation.  There is only one voiceset in the entire mix from the NWN, SoU, and HoTU campaigns that doesn't function correctly and that is the Zor (or Gor or Xor.. something) minotaur voiceset.  There was a problem with that one to begin with on Bioware's side... which is unfortunate because it would be the best half giant or half ogre voice on Layo imo.

The functions that should always work are vxd, vsd, vsw, vss, vsa, vwe, and vwr.  These are basic hellos, goodbyes, warcrys, yes, no, and most of the time the I'm hurt, heal me, etc.  The ones that are typically particular to premade PC voicesets OR important NPCs like all the henchmen, are the lesser used threats, look here, go into hiding... commands for those.

Grimnaw, as an NPC, should have almost all of these I think.  So you should be able to access all of these in game.  Press 'v' and go through the emote menu.  If it's not working, I dunno... did you put the files in your override?  Did you get a bad override to begin with?  Make sure you get a good one off the vault, look for votes and downloads, some of them are pretty bad actually.


Re: Voice set
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2006, 07:56:09 am »
The problem with placing voicesets in your override is that others will not hear what you hear.  It's purely for your own benefit.  I've been looking into a way around that, but Bioware seems to have made this a bit trickier than most of their custom content.


RE: Voice set
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2006, 08:32:45 am »
ive sorted this out now, it seemed something changed my characters stats as i went through from the road to destiny to hlint, ive remade him and hes working fine :D thanks for help though


Re: Voice set
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2006, 09:39:50 am »
darkstorme - 8/8/2006  8:56 AM

The problem with placing voicesets in your override is that others will not hear what you hear.  It's purely for your own benefit.  I've been looking into a way around that, but Bioware seems to have made this a bit trickier than most of their custom content.

Not entirely accurate.  Almost all the custom voicesets out there just open up default NWN voicesets that were particular to NPCs and creatures.  They're already in the game so they are heard just fine by all players.  The override is just to make them selectable on character creation.

Now, if you download some voiceset a guy in Alabama recorded to do his southern drawl justice... then you're right, folks won't hear that.  But haks like that are few and far between, and probably for good reason.


Re: Voice set
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2006, 11:02:33 am »
As I understood it, custom voicesets simply retargeted an existing voice-set in the initial table.

And apparently it IS possible to create characters with a brand-new custom voice set (provided all players download it), but you have to make the characters with Half-Elf's Character Creator outside of the game, because when the Character Creation screen comes up, it's loading from the NWN base 2das, which are hard-coded into that utility.  Using the character creator, you could associate with a new voice-set, since the CC loads the actual 2da table used.

I'm just not sure if that would work with Layo - I'm not terribly familiar with the importability of third-party characters just yet.