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Author Topic: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!  (Read 347 times)


Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
« on: June 07, 2006, 12:36:37 pm »
The poll is high up on the right:

If we're lucky they might begin an attempt to improve
the networking on NWN2. As it is now it's not likely
there will be any chance of running or playing on a
PW without massive hardware upgrades. Even with them
it will probably not run half as smooth as NWN does

They're up there with the Dumbest People Ever. How
could you not notice the significance of PWs on NWN
when you are trying to make a sucessful sequel? Also
they didn't intend to release a DM client for a long
long time. Think there was a poll up on that too. They
removed it in less than two days, since there was
a ridiculous amount of people who wouldn't even buy it
if the DM client wasn't included.

edit:they = Atari and Obsidian

edit2: Remember when your mother told you there are
times when white lies are acceptable? This is it! This
is the time She has been preparing you for! So choose
something high up on the poll, preferably right up
on the top.


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Re: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2006, 12:49:21 pm »
Voted. How can they possibly ignore the most played gaming mode of Nwn1? :(


RE: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2006, 12:52:28 pm »
Frendh - 6/7/2006  9:36 PM

They're up there with the Dumbest People Ever.

That will have to do until the nearest sage
comes up with a better answer ^^


RE: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2006, 01:33:13 pm »
ive voted to


RE: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2006, 01:39:07 pm »
Um...they are not ignoring PW's.
  Increased server requirements have more to do with how exteriors and the overall greater level of detail in NWN2 vs. NWN1. It's likely far too late in the development cycle to "fix" the networking code, so I wouldn't hold your breath on that one.
  Speculation on what will and will not run a NWN2 server is fairly pointless until someone has an actual game in their hands...which as far as I know, nobody does.


Re: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2006, 01:45:25 pm »
Arrr... Dorgie be having de roight idear. Plus I think it would be good to start looking to upgrade the servers whether we intend on moving to NWN 2 or not. Layonara has been running NWN 1 for nearly four years right? Yet even though this game is fairly old our world is HUGE and thus puts great strain on the servers. No matter what game we move to they're probably all going to be move graphic intensive than NWN 1. Also, wouldn't it be good for Layonara, even if we decide to stick with NWN 1 for another two years, to look at upgrading servers to upgrade performance?

Anywho... yeah...



Re: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2006, 01:53:52 pm »
Maybe they're doing it on purpose, being ticked at the low subsription rates of D&D online?  *sinister beard twirls of contemplation*

It's what I would do if I didn't have a soul...


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    Re: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
    « Reply #7 on: June 08, 2006, 09:26:26 am »
    and the dm client is supposed to be released via download after release date. I'm tired of people downing companies when you HAVE NO IDEA what is actually going on. Only speculation. The game will be 1000x better than NWN1. Think about when NWN first came out. And look at it now. Have patience. If you don't like it. Simply play something else.


    Re: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
    « Reply #8 on: June 08, 2006, 11:01:38 am »
    dm client is download on release date not after
    and yes he should read more then the first page on a post on the forums


    Re: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
    « Reply #9 on: June 08, 2006, 12:31:13 pm »
    I voted to. It's looking good since a lot of poeple votes that they play in PW. Hoopfully they get it right the first time around.I wouldn't mind upgrading my computer but there is a limit of course. Hoope they get it write the first time around.


    Re: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
    « Reply #10 on: June 09, 2006, 12:27:19 am »
    On the plus side, the DM client being downloadable means that theoretically, they'll be doing little debugs etc. that the main game won't get, as well as opening up the possibility for DMs to download just the client, and not buy the actual game.

    Still, I voted every day. It's close enough.


    Re: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
    « Reply #11 on: June 09, 2006, 03:55:06 am »
    All good when people are nice and correct people's mistakes.
    Though it's better if you read it right before doing that.

    Frendh - 6/7/2006  9:36 PM
     Also they didn't intend to release a DM client for a long
    long time.

    That is fact that they had no intention of releasing a DM
    client from the start(kind of obvious since you have to dl it).
    They changed their minds after some market research(a poll).

    And there will be few people happier than me if you can DM
    a session just with the DM client. But I doubt it. They need
    the money.



    Re: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
    « Reply #12 on: June 09, 2006, 06:53:01 am »
    Frendh - 6/9/2006  5:55 AM  
        That is fact that they had no intention of releasing a DM client from the start(kind of obvious since you have to dl it).
     Not to be argumentative, but this sounds more like assumption than "fact". I'd like to see where that was stated by Obsidian. In my memory, there was always the intention of including the DM client, but as development went on, the decision was made that the DM client would not be ready by the time the game itself was released to manufacturing. Rather than include a half-finished or overly buggy DM client, the smart decision was made to continue developing the code during the 4-6 week period of time when the game is released to manufacturing.
      I've said this on other threads: That they are making the DM client available for download on the release date is a good thing, not some sinister proof that they don't care about the MP or PW segments.
      Flaming Obsidian or Atari with supposition and assumptions really doesn't help anything, and it borders on spreading misinformation.


    Re: Vote here, to show Atari & Obsidian PWs are important!
    « Reply #13 on: June 09, 2006, 06:57:49 am »
    My apologies for any spread misinformation.