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Author Topic: What I like about Layonara  (Read 389 times)


What I like about Layonara
« on: December 09, 2009, 02:00:07 pm »
Er, first of all, apologies to all of you folks out there who are working on the MMO and have put so much time and effort into it, but...

Duchess was on her way to Dalanther to meet up with some others, and tooko the boat to Hurm, with her horse, as usual.

When she disembarked, she could not ride her horse past the captain, so she dismounted and tried to walk the horse past.

No luck.

She tried a few times, and a few other options, when suddenly, her horse started to sway on her legs and looked really unwell (seen as a series of "talk" messages" from the horse).

Duchess gave the horse some water to try to settle her, but she quickly threw it all back up again. She tried various things until eventually her horse felt well enough to travel again.

And this is what I really like about Layonara and what makes it so special!!

Lord Cove had come on, seen me travelling, and took an impromptu decision to throw in some rp for me and my horse - fantastic (once I got over the shock of seeing the horse objecting to move and reacting tot he voyage).

I really, really enjoyed this diversion and even though I was going to meet some other people, it was great fun and a great change from normal events.

Thanks LC and kudos to you for the idea.


Re: What I like about Layonara
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2009, 07:57:18 pm »
Aye, I told him in tells, but will post here too.

Last Saturday, before the trip I had organized to get some precious metal. He came on with a little impromptu while we were waiting for people. It was a fun one and made a great start for the trip

Thanks LC!


Re: What I like about Layonara
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 05:50:56 am »
One of my favourite GM's *nods with a smile*