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Author Topic: Apology  (Read 281 times)


« on: March 09, 2006, 05:07:13 pm »
I want to apologize to everyone on The Call of Muninn quest today.  I had a minor emergency and had to bail suddenly.  Things have returned to their usual status.  I hope the suddenly absent Halfling didn't cause any trouble.


Re: Apology
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2006, 05:25:09 pm »
None at all mate. Pretty much nothing happened after your drop-out (I meant that in a good way!), we stood around for about an hour discussing the way forward, praying, acting strangely, or in the case of Kurgaz - turning to drink.

I don't think you'lkl have much problem fitting bac in and catching up on info if you rejoin us next time :)


Re: Apology
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2006, 01:39:53 am »
true....although it was very usefull or deciding wich way to go...and we did learn all sort of minor thing...or maybe bigger thing (who knows) ...i don't think you will have any trouble continuing the quest. The large storyline you know and still is the same......and i can use all the help i can get i don't wanna be a....well you know...



Re: Apology
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2006, 02:47:53 am »
One thing..*clear this throat*...

GOOD JOB Muninn!!!!!!!

I love your style....dice and skills are used when needed.......but as you stated before the game - RP will do a lot!!!
Heck.... I brought a lot of folks back and I am only medium good in "heal". Thanks for the inspiration... ;)

And Kurgaz - Sorry for that burnmark but the bleeding had to stop....

//To the PCs - - - I thought of something that will might aid us - gonna write it later - - work work work here.


Re: Apology
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2006, 03:15:32 am »
*grins at Varkas post* you never seem to be able to wait to tell your ideas until the next session do you...



Re: Apology
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2006, 03:31:19 am »
Well - I am a planning person.......
I plan actually everything what I can hehe.....part of me


RE: Apology
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2006, 03:43:58 am »
no need for that, RL hits us all ;)


Re: Apology
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2006, 03:58:53 am »
About “my ideas” as Skarp said – or as I see it “planning”..   ;)

To be more efficient when planning and discussing an “event” – like the fisherman

Should we trust him or not? What about the city? All these theories we have and if if if “things”…
This is how we can get around them more easily, in my opinion….


1.   First we chose a person in charge of a discussion (anyone that the group will have). Geir for example.  
2.   All holds back their ideas first. Then one by one we all come up with our ideas (no influence from others). Thereby none is overlooked and all ideas are coming forth. This seems to take time – but in the end it will not compare to when we all speak like last time. (I was sure to blame – sorry folks)
3.   Practice IC: Geir gives Angela the word, all other listens, Angela..bla bla bla bla bla…And finally she says “I am done”…Geir picks the next one.
4.   Comments by other PC must be held back to keep better order and focus. Keep some notes on a piece paper or so to comment it in the end. Not before. (This will be difficult for me as I always has something to say ;)   )
5.   In the end you have all those ideas. Based on speculation but also the facts.
6.   Then the spokes person (Geir) sort out what does the group think, but then the main point is. What facts do we have? What do we really know for sure?
7.   Then sort out the group ideas.
8.   Folks will be giving the chance to comment the ideas of others. Through Geir.
9.   Summarize from Geir again
10.   Either by force, RP, brain, vote, Spoke person or what ever… the group decides the plan.

From point 3. to 8. there is a long way but it is all about being patient and Discipline .

Short example:
When Munnin wanted us to listen to the new “rules” and come with our questions later in the beginning. It went fine…
I saw folks writing -*raises hand* - went perfect………


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    Re: Apology
    « Reply #8 on: March 10, 2006, 04:22:10 am »
    No problem Gulnyr – we all know how RL can interfere. The others can easily raise you to their level of confusion next time *winks*

    The last hour consisted of discussions and investigations and while it may have appeared calm it was the busiest time for me – lots of questions to answer and info to hand out. Then as I was typing my last description I blue screen crashed three times in a row.  

    I want to thank you all for an enjoyable quest. It’s very difficult to do anything as a GM unless you got good players to work with. You played your characters well and still managed to give each other space. Thanks!

    Also to the players that didn’t make the cut: I am sorry you couldn’t be in the quest.

    /Wintersheart (Muninn)