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Author Topic: Your best multiplayer experience  (Read 196 times)


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Your best multiplayer experience
« on: September 20, 2005, 11:13:00 pm »
I have just been discussing your most favorite moments in games with my friends, so I decided to make a thread asking about your best multiplayer experience to date.

Here is mine:

I was in a league called BFE for Red Orchestra (A realistic eastern front mod for UT2K4) which basicly tried to simulate WW2 battles. You had 2 teams, the germans and the russians and in that you had different kind of squads with a leader. We had a teamspeak server so we could talk with each other in the squad. The map was a huge outside map, with big fields and lots of trenches and places to hide. We were on the attacking side and right away our leader yelled that we should charge him. The rain was pouring down sideways and the sky thundered with flak explosions and sometimes a lightning. You could hear shots in the distance and occasionally a fallen soldier's scream across the battlefield. We were running over a field, sprinting as fast as possible as a grenade went off next to us (about a 5 man squad). 2 of my comrades fall to this explosions and my vision gets blurred and I go prone immediatly to avoid being shot in the confusion. Our leader screams over the voice system that we should head for cover over at a small trench half filled with water, with bullets whizzling close by our ears, another comrade falls and I pick up some of his grenades in the mud and sprint to the trench where our leader is waiting, he already got his rifle aimed up and shot a few bullets with at least one kill. I fall next to him and throw the grenades the way he fires and I hear, to my surprise, a moan close by. But he wasn't dead. Suddenly my leader falls to the ground with a sigh of pain (or relief) and suddenly I figure out I'm behind enemy lines. Alone. I yell over the voice when backup will arrive and they say I'm all alone over there since attention is needed elsewhere. I go prone quickly and begin sniping the best I can but a bullet hit where it shouldn't hit and I end looking up into the sky, where rain pours down and the flaks still thunder. The sound of a platoon's boots rings in my ear and I fade to blackness.

A bit lenghty but share yours. :)


RE: Your best multiplayer experience
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2005, 04:10:00 am »
On one quest Synpox ran on another server, he dropped the holdable baby item in the bushes while my cannibalistic rogue Fenthon was looking around, plucking herbs for cooking.  Initially ecstatic over having procured veal, he resisted his hunger to hatch a dastardly plan to entrap a Paladin and have him fall from grace.  He teamed up with Xander Kross, the most vile of blackguards around, and a few other no-gooders from our evil city to hold the baby hostage out in the desert, sending the paladin Wiscoin a letter telling him they would slay the child if he did not appear within 2 game days.

Along the way to the location, the evil group had some hilarious RP.  For one, vile Xander with his charisma of 8 managed to keep rolling natural 20s on his dicebag for all interactions with the baby.  He was such an amazing babysitter, that the wee child started turning undeniably evil, and quite enjoying himself, spinning his head 360 degrees and mauling butterflies.  We had two women in our party who, evil as they were, could not resist their maternal instincts and defected against us to try and save the baby.  Meanwhile, Fenthon the entire time was muttering to himself the best recipe to baste infant flesh in, and hallucinating schitzophrenically as always, speaking to his master Demogorgon praises and curses.

When the goodly squad arrived, we tried to negotiate with them to have Wiscoin publicly denounce his god Torm, wear a dress and go weeping into the wilderness with a baby in his arms like a peasant woman.  He was willing to do it too, seeing it a small price to pay to save a child's life.  Of course, his allies decided to try and grab the baby mid-negotiation...  Immediately the child's throat is cut, all the forces break out into fighting, and here you see Fenthon swinging the dead infant as a club, doing 40-60pts of sneak attack dmg with it to boot!  Just about everybody except Xander died, and even he too was not victorious, as he had grown to love the child by then.  The quest pretty much ended with Xander in the desert on his knees screaming like Charleton Heston on the beach of Planet of the Apes.

Definitely my most memorable night gaming of all time.  Thanks Synpox!


RE: Your best multiplayer experience
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2005, 11:25:00 am »
Back in 96. Team fortress Classic.

Clan NME2U (say it slowly that is the clan's name) was at it's prime. There was Systemcrusher, Riffraff, goop, Silent, Me, Papa Nole and misses Nole. We were the GODs of TFC. not only did we destroyied other teams but we did it with a grace and respect. If there were spots to camp we ignored them. If the other team on our server was low on of use would switch over and aid them. For almost 7 years we have done it all. We were a family and it showed in our game play. Silent and goop would go soldier and if they died I would of gon medic and chased these guys right into a sentry storm where I would heal them. If there was no flag runner I would of gone Pyro, jumped on the mic and askedfor suport and always got it.

The days of NME ended very fast, Misses Nole left for unknown reason, Riffraff joind anopther clan. Systemcrusher our super admin couldn't keep the server running and the death blow was valve's Ba@#$% child called steam.


RE: Your best multiplayer experience
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2005, 12:43:00 pm »
My favorite also happened with Synpox on another server, Pox had a powerful wizard and I a lowly Sorcerer, and the two fought constantly. At one point we were standing on a bridge and I anticipated Pox striking me with a spell and I countered, much to his surprise. As we were talking a shifter came in as a basalisk, turned Pox to stone and left. I was left to defend his statue from the hords of pidgeons that started to nest on him. I laughed so hard I was hurting for an hour as my character would stand there and yell at the petrified Pox, "Hello? HELLO! I SAY OLD CHAP, CAN YOU HEAR ME?" hmm... dare say he's a bit dense today. ... yeah I loved that.


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RE: Your best multiplayer experience
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2005, 01:03:00 pm »
heh other than the fun i have had playing NWN online. Best Gaming was a a section of Battle of Kursk.  A section about 50km area, played at the tatical level IE; platoon level. We had four Russian Corps defending against an attack of three German armored Divisions. Due to play ballance reasons there was very little in the way of russian fortications. This was a three on three battle, I was the army commander. Om my right was a wacky Aussie, me in the center and and over timid brit on my left.

The plan was to divert all the armor we had out of sight on the far left, this took about 20 turns to do ( games was 120 turns long). we did this with out the enemy discovering our plan. I held most of the victory hexes in the center along a set of duel ridges. I used a delaying action in the center allowing the enemy to approch on either side of the main road, as they reached the first ridge, they met my armored fist.

I countered with about 2 brigrades of T-34's and a battilion of su-152's. Mean while i gave the order to my commander to attack the far right flank of the german lines  with what amounted to around 6 brigrades of T-34's with some of the heavy su-152's. well needless to say my commanders slow and timid attack allowed the Germans to realign, at set a mobile anti-tank screen and my brillant plan was dashed.

Post battle, i was able to hold the center objectives, our attack on the right had caused enough panic for Fritz divert most of their armored reserves, from their main objective (the center ridger line). The final outcome was a major defeat for us due to the fact that our losses were very great, though we did mangle two armored divisions in the process.

This battle was played as a team event on a Wargaming Club i am still semi- active in calld The Blitz ( It was played via e-mail over a three month period. using Talonsoft's campiain series East Front.



RE: Your best multiplayer experience
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2005, 02:29:00 am »
Mine is many, many, many years ago.  I was on a local BBS playing Major MUD.  Had a Dark Elf Ninja.  My character was partied with a Gnome Wizard, both of use around level 5.  We both decided to head to some caves that were filled with Orcs.  The leader was said to be a Shaman and had a powerful relic that would be a great use to a Wizard.  Fellow adventurers in town said that we wern't skilled enough to do the task ourselves, and none of them were willing to help us out.  Greed got the better of us and against our better judgment we went to these caves anyways.  Getting through the caves was easier then we expected, so when we finally got to the room before the Shaman was the both of use decided to risk it and try to kill him.  Boy was that a bad idea.  We didn't take off more then 25% of the Shamans life before he killed the both of us.  So we both layed there dead talking OOC about how dumb we were for not listening to the others.  I don't know of anyone elese here has played Major MUD before, but when you die you drop everything that you character has and lose one live.  The server was set to give each character 3 lives, so losing that one so earily in a characters life was a big deal.

Anyways, after talking we respawn back in town.  Both of us naked without the gold to replace what we lost.  So the both of use tried to talk the other adventurers in helping getting our gear back.  Still none of them were willing.  So the Gnome gets the idea to go back to the caves, use invisibility to walk into the room and pick up all our gear.  Using my character stealth and the Gnomes invisibility we actually make it back to the room before the Shaman.  The Gnome rests to recover his spells, casts invisibility, and walks back in.  The Shaman sees through his invisibility and kills him.  I was thinking great, now we'll never get our stuff back.  The Gnome sends me a tell telling me to stay where I was, that he had another idea.  I didn't have to ask what he idea was, he wanted me to try to sneak in and grab whatever I could and run back out.  His reasoning was I had more HP then his character, and that I sould be able to sneak in and have a few rounds before the Shaman would spot me.  Since my character had more HP I should be able to take a few hits while trying to break combat and flee.  He told me that he'd use the last of the gold that he had to buy potions to heal my character.  So I agee and wait for him to get back.  Once he got back he buffed me with whatever spells that he had.  So I went into stealth mode and walked into the room and took a look around.  I saw at least 100 items lay all over the place.  The Shaman didn't see me so I started typing 'get A' as fast as I could, trying to pick up every item that started with A before the Shaman saw me.  I made my way through all the items that started with A and the Shaman didn't see my character.  I get through B, C, D and the rest of the alphabet and the Shaman still hasn't noticed my character.  By this time 20 or so rounds have passed.  I finally got down to the last item and still the Shaman doesn't see my character.  I had somehow done it.  I was able to grab every item from under the Shamans nose.  So my character walks out of the room and starts dropping every item that wasn't his.  The Gnome just stood there amazed, and OOC he thanked me for weeks.

So there you have it.  My best multiplayer experience, which happened to be my first.  Maybe that's why I consider it my know nostalgia and all. ;)


RE: Your best multiplayer experience
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2005, 03:18:00 am »
Ok this my not count be it was fun at the time the games it was BHD "THE MOG" we had set it up to run over lunch at work
We had 10 to 16 players from all over, well im not a big player of games like this but I was asked if I would like A go
I played a few time but as you can guess got my butt kicked, Then one day another player showed me how to get a snipers rifel
a very big one. In most games i get bord with the shoot kill shoot kill thing so I spend most of my time looking round the levels.
Well I had found that I could swim way out to sea on this one level. So rifel in hand off i set wile in the back ground
there was DKM. Once at the max range of the rifel Biret light 50 some 3km I could just see the other players but they could not see me.
So I starts picking them off one by one all the time there asking where the hell the shots are comming from.
after about 20 min there geting real upset about the fact Im the Newbe waking the hell out of them.
Then they spots me one sharts sniping me back and the rest start to swim out to get me. So I frages my self resporn on land top the sniper
the frage the lot of them swimming back to land to get me. Man it was good, never won a game after that but that one game was worth it.

