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Author Topic: Zelda1, Some Clarity, Layonara Balance  (Read 721 times)


Zelda1, Some Clarity, Layonara Balance
« on: April 01, 2007, 05:35:57 am »
Okay this is a combination of quite a few things so bear with me here.  For some reason I decided to keep them all together though it's kind of three posts in one.

Many of you were left wondering just what the heck was going with regards to this thread:

I've been in communication with Zelda1 and she had a few things to say and a few confessions at the same time and has asked me to relay them.  First off, in regards to the mentioned thread, she insists she has no idea where that came from and was no part of it.  So we're still a bit up in the air on just where that all came from.

But Zelda1 does want to clear the air on some things anyway and has asked me to relay them.  She originally came to Layonara and was instructed to pretend she wasn't as young as she is. She, like many of us have had at times, got a little too caught up with her character, but also the persona she had taken up and decided to take a break. She returned again but due to some more conflicts left once more.  She returned in V3 and the new forums under a new username to set the record straight on her age and who she was but that never came to fruition before this event with the alleged coma took place.

She is upset and sorry for the grief she may have caused for this mistaken identity, she didn't realize how caught up one could get.  I have asked that she focus on her studies and keep in touch, but she will not be playing.  I believe also she has a few friends to contact to set the record straight.

Layonara is going to leave this episode to those who are very closely involved and step away from it.

Now onto a few of my thoughts...

I thought about some things and while my initial anger probably was a fuel for the harsh tone I had in my post that closed that thread, I think in retrospect I should have handled it better.  Obviously there were some people who would be feeling great emotion if they have been going through this thinking it's the full truth and for me to "slam" the door with terms such as "sick joke" might not have been the best.  I think a more calm "Something is not adding up here and I fear some people are not hearing the truth as the evidence of this story's fabrication piles up" might have been a bit more sensitive.  So to those who I may have offended in that regard, I'm sorry.

I also want everyone to know that we have a protective nature here as well and are looking out for the best interests of the community and we'll use all the information that is available to us to protect Layonara and it's community.  

Some of you may not know but when you connect to the forum you leave a trace of your internet connection. This sort of information is viewable to the Administrators of the forum who can be viewed on the User Groups Page.  

When you're in game you also leave this information and Dorganath, OneST8, Leanthar, Nibor21 and myself have access to that information via the database and Pankoki and EdTheKet through server logs.

One person asked me about Forum PMs. OneST8 and myself have access to this information only via the database though, there's no "Read this person's Private Messages" or anything like that.  It's on a database, it has to be stored somewhere... But that's the risk you take when you submit most information over the internet.  That is why you should always make sure your network admin gets cookies.  With that said, we're not going to read your PMs.  Unless a law enforcement agency asks us for them or we have an extremely strong suspicion that you may be guilty of something illegal or very detrimental to the Layonara community.

All poll voting is private but the information is stored on a database so once again OneST8 and I have access to that information.

No one can see tells in game.

No one can see private IRC communications.

I want everyone to understand that even though to some it may not seem so evident recently, we do really care for the players here.  Our number one goal is for you to have fun and enjoy yourself.  We want you also to meet new and interesting people in a family friendly environment where the magic of our fantasy world can help us feel young and creative and for us to be able to take out some of the real world woes on monsters.  Emotions can flow in every single direction when a group such as our playerbase joins up.  Many relationships have evolved from Layonara; great friendships, confidantes, mentors, coworkers and even love.  

Alas these emotions bring along other ones though.  There is indeed a Balance to the Layonara community too (oh no here comes the Plen!), and things go on tilt. Scores of differing opinions rise, rumours flow, relationships end, people fade, deception behind the computer, envy, frustration pile up then to add to that, there has been a lot of change recently to Layonara.  Very balance upsetting!  I've talked to a few people who are concerned about this and I find a rather large irony in the fact that these people approached me much like I think characters would approach Plen. I as a person can do for the community what Plen has tried to for the game.  Because like the cycle of Layonara's Nature, there is the one with the Layonara community and I intend to help keep that balance in whatever capacity I can :)



Re: Zelda1, Some Clarity, Layonara Balance
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2007, 08:03:29 am »
I think it's fair to say: We love you, Orth.

A point I think I should add... As a player, a member of the community, and someone not a part of the Team, I really think it speaks volumes about the folks who run Layonara that they would rather uphold the dignity and trust of the Team than solve a minor problem quickly and easily by reading someone's Private Messages.

Trust is a big thing. If the community doesn't trust the people that run it, badness happens. Thankfully, the people that run our community ARE trustworthy! And they do everything they can to live up to that faith in them. They put in countless hours every month, every week, and they still put forth their greatest efforts to be diplomatic, positive leaders in the community. That's dedication. And that's faith in us.

The Team puts a lot of faith in us, the players. They put a lot of trust in us.

And I think that says a lot.


Re: Zelda1, Some Clarity, Layonara Balance
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2007, 10:57:50 am »
Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman
The Team puts a lot of faith in us, the players. They put a lot of trust in us.

And I think that says a lot.

And yet time after time, we, the players, take cheap shots at them.  I won't speak for anyone else, but I know I have posted things and said things that were a reflection of my ire.  While I reserve the right to be annoyed or even angry about some of their decisions, at no time do I have the right to treat them with disrespect.

They deserve better.


Re: Zelda1, Some Clarity, Layonara Balance
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2007, 12:47:21 pm »
Just wanted to say... I'm glad to see the DM team on this server are so dang caring and awesome :) We need more of that, and I hope everyone realizes you guys are trying your best and give you what you deserve.


Re: Zelda1, Some Clarity, Layonara Balance
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2007, 08:58:18 pm »
whelp, I'm confused, but whats new?

thanks for posting this, keeping people informed is important.


Re: Zelda1, Some Clarity, Layonara Balance
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2007, 09:40:39 pm »
I hope she will be ok and I hope she will be able to come back when it is fitting.


Re: Zelda1, Some Clarity, Layonara Balance
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2007, 01:32:23 am »
That was excellently put orth, you the man.