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Author Topic: Rurik Kessel  (Read 960 times)


Rurik Kessel
« on: December 01, 2005, 03:56:00 pm »
Rurik left his forest home to seek adventure and what he got was much more.
      His first years on his to road to adventure were far less then that, spending most of his time looking for work and tracking game across Mistone to further his crafting so that he could afford the luxuries that one needs to adventure. Soon he became a well respected tailor and bowmaker and was sought out by a dwarf name Gloin and a human fighter Alex, who spoke to Rurik about forming a crafters guild to make a better quality and quantity of products to the masses. He agreed to this as Gloin explain that this guild would take him on gran adventures to far away places and fight monster that Rurik wouldn't believe. Soon the three friends started out traveling and working the raw products the gathered from around the Layonara into sellable items. The grandest adventures they had and the fun they had doing it. "These are teh days" thought Rurik and he never wanted them to end, but nothing that good ever last. Soon Alex and Gloin grew distant and there only connection that held the group together was Rurik and it hurt knowing that the best of friends couldn't be like they once were. 1 year later Alex left saying he was going to try to find himself. After that day Rurik aswell left the Orcbashers promising himslef that he would never craft again to make items for the gain of money but for only to meet his needs on his travels.
    During his travels he made many friends, Ahndar cleric of Lucinda, Vin Onyxblade, Plenarius Bird lord and cleric of Katia, Xiao Lin, Tathnolu, Seteece, Pathfinder, Sago Spellfinder, Celgar cleric of Lucinda (and golem fanatic), Triba, Rhizome high Druid of Dregar, Synal'dur paladin of Toran and many others took up the call to fight the forces of Bloodstone and to end his reign of terror and fear on Layonara. Together they fought and soon had put up a great resistance to Blood. In time they learnd where two Blood pools were which gave Bloodstone his power and they sought them out and destroyed them weakning Blood. After which they rasied the lost library and brought it back to rest on the elven Island of Voltrex. Then they sought out to gain an Alliance from the remaining dragons of Layonara which was a very difficult challenge to undergo but soon they were able to bring them together and have a new ally in the upcoming battle.
    Soon Rurik grew weak from the war. The Soul Mother had come and taken too much of his soul and last night during his quest to bring the inhabitants of the Dragon Isles together to fight off Bloods army that had taken control of the land, he fell for the final time trying to help the wemics remove a oupost of Bloods forces.  But, he died knowing that they had succeded the battle and knowing that his friends lived. So as the Soul Mother came Rurik died with a smile on his face.
    Has Rurik Kessel left his mark on the world? Let the gods decide that. Has he left his mark on his friends? In the end isn't that the most important question?
  Fa sa wailanir em sa irelem. By my death or my honor.
  Ylanec aniraalw eo Fcee. Until the end of Blood.


RE: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2005, 03:59:00 pm »
We are going to miss Rurik.  Thank you for taking the time to write down a short history on your character.  He will be placed in Willows Weep.


RE: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2005, 12:57:00 am »
Tobias - 12/2/2005 1:56 AM   Fa sa wailanir em sa irelem. By my death or my honor. Ylanec aniraalw eo Fcee. Until the end of Blood.

  Indeed, I am going to miss Rurik.
  A friend of Jacchri he was and his company was always enjoyed. A mark he has left on me for always. I met Rurik when I joined the Orc Bashers and heard him speak the oath above for the first time. He has lived that oath and I will try my best to continue living that oath as I promised the day I joined the Bashers.
  I will never forget him always wanting to play with the giants near Pranzis, no matter that they were twice his size. A small man with a big heart, that showed me Dregar with Gloin in the days when these lands were unknown to me.
  May his soul find peace with the thought that he has left his mark on this friend for sure.

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2005, 01:41:00 am »
Kobal will surely miss Rurik Kessel. The occasions they travelled together were few, but memorable.


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    RE: Rurik Kessel
    « Reply #4 on: December 04, 2005, 11:11:00 am »
    Shadows linger and sway in the cold crypt of hero's, a small figure comes out of the dark dressed all in black. Pulling back the hood it is Willow Cloverleaf she is holding a single red rose. Walking slowly to where Rurik is, she wonders... is he really gone?

    Placing the rose upon the grave marker she begins to cry. "It is not fair. I have lost another that I would hold dear."

    Pulling her hood up again to hide the tears from herself, she then whispers to herself "I never got to tell you, anything... Good-bye my friend."

    Turning she leaves the cold dark place wondering if her memories of Rurik will always be with her or will the fade in time? She hoped that they will always stay with her, that is all she can wish for.


    Rurik you will be missed. It is sad to see this come to pass.

    Sakura (Willow)


    RE: Rurik Kessel
    « Reply #5 on: December 04, 2005, 07:13:00 pm »
    Tristen hears of Ruriks Passing.He says a prayer for Rurik to Toran and then remembers the Go Old days when they were both young.Farewell friend you will be missed but not forgotten.

    Sin'dolin Sighs at hearing another of his longtime friends falls to the soulmother.
    May you find peace and happiness.


    RE: Rurik Kessel
    « Reply #6 on: December 05, 2005, 12:15:00 pm »
    Michaelis gets word of this and remembers all the times Rurik has helped him.  None so meaningful then through the trials he had to endure to return to grace, favorably in the eyes of the all watching.  He mourns him deeply.


    RE: Rurik Kessel
    « Reply #7 on: December 05, 2005, 12:54:00 pm »
    A figure clad in dark robes steps out of the shadows and approchaes a crypt. Slowly, he lays a staff of mahogany upon Rurik's memorial.
      "Rest well Mahogany Lad..."


    RE: Rurik Kessel
    « Reply #8 on: December 05, 2005, 02:13:00 pm »
    [orange]*Triba arrives at North Point on some trivial matter of business. She spends the day in the city and before she returns to Mistone she decides to check on the Halls of Heroes. Something she isn't quite fond of but perhaps needed from time to time.  As she entered the blessed halls of the eternally restful a sense of nausea sinks deep within her and she realizes something is awefully wrong. Desperately, she seeks the source of her trouble and then sees the extra grave on the mausoleum.  Her body turns cold as she approaches the tombstone and when setting her gaze upon the inscription her stomach sinks deep within her as she falls to her knees. Emotions flare as the thought settles in. First of anger, then of deep sorrow eventually it all ending in a steady stream of unrelented tears. She chokes on her words and rests her forehead against the stone, the stuttering sobs continuously streaming through.  She knows what to do. It is only common for all halfling tribes to follow the same ritual. To bring that which speaks of home to the place of final rest. Triba opens the small locket on her amulet revealing something she hadn't seen in a long time. A simple seed. Simple to many. Special to her. The first seed to have been shed from the Broken Forest when it was improved by her and her friends. When the lasting taints of old liches and monsters littered it. The first sign of hope.  Cracking the seed in two she shatters a tile at the base of Rurik's grave and places the seed on the soil before it. Then mutters in halfling*  Child of the Earth, return to your home. Child of the Earth, watch the roots of those you left behind. Child of the Earth, your stories will become our spirit. Children of the Earth we will never forget.  *She then takes the other half of the seed and places it back in her small locket, sealing it and then kissing its clover shaped emerald cover. She wipes the tears away from her face and manages to stand, her legs still wobbling weakly.   Finally taking her little scroll pouch from her side she takes a very special one, the last polymorph scroll she had, and places it next to the base of the tombstone. A faint smile hovers over her face for a moment at the fond memories, these creeping slowly to her being until it becomes a warm grin. Knowledge that Folian now holds him in his fold and now serves as a caretaker of his bestial realm of forests and nature, knowledge enough to calm her down and continue.   With that halfling smile of hers she walks away muttering under her breath*  Take care Bitey...


    RE: Rurik Kessel
    « Reply #9 on: December 06, 2005, 07:10:00 am »
    *A terrible storm is raging outside the mausoleum at Willow's Weep. The old caretaker is silently and meticulously preparing yet another tomb, when he hears a knock on the main door. He puts down his stonepolish, and slowly walks over to answer the call. As he opens the door, he sees a tall man in the darkness outside, clad in armor, heavy rain falling around him.*

    *A lightning bolt shatters the night and from the light, he catches a glimpse of the armor clad man, white flowing hair, and piercing blue eyes that seem to glow with an inner light. His arms are holding something wrapped inside a travellers cloak. The caretaker nods and takes a few steps backward, allowing the man entrance to the mausoleum.*

    *As he walks inside, Ahndar unwraps the cloak in which he has swept Rurik's body. The caretaker looks at the body with only a hint of sadness showing. He has seen this far too many times. He steps closer to Ahndar offering to take the body, but quickly retreats as he sees the scowl on Ahndar's face. Though it lasts only for a brief moment before he calms down again* "I am sorry my good man, but I have given my word that I would see this through. Have you a"...*Ahndar looks down on the halfling lying in his arms, and a tear rolls down his cheek*..."He is so small now, almost like a child...I never actually thought about that while he was alive." *Ahndar seems to realise the caretaker is standing there watching him, and looks up at the man again.* "Have you a place prepared?"

    *The caretaker takes Ahndar to a newly prepared tomb.* "You can put him down on the stone slab here." *Ahndar gently lies Rurik down on the stone. For a few minutes he stands beside him, watching him and thinking of all the amazing times they have shared. He kneels down and places his hand on Rurik's forehead whispering:* "My smallest of were truely a giant among halflings. I shall never forget you Rurik." *Ahndar raises his eyes from Rurik, and seems to notice the rest of the mausoleum for the first time since he entered. As he sees all the newly prepared tombs his face grows dark once more. He stands up, courtly bids his farewell to the old caretaker, and walks to the door. As he walks through the door he looks over his shoulder, back at Rurik one last time, then turns and storms out into the night in determined steps.*