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Author Topic: A few new faces  (Read 1804 times)


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    Re: A few new faces
    « Reply #20 on: May 14, 2007, 03:26:51 am »
    thanks, I have two GREAT RPers, just great Rpers that like to play odd chars often dealing with very odd chars. I chose to help them to make them fit in easier with the move and all. It is always a nightmare to do there char requests lol, thus the problem with players of there talents, "always the hardway"

    I fully understand the no claim to nobility which was why the house fell many years ago, completely unknown, dead much like the house of usher, just with having there nobility stripped from them (means no longer nobel). though stripped they continued there idea of propper up bringing, which is what we mainly wish, not alot of RP choices for such choices lol. cousins wedding cousins to keep the line 'pure' and there mage talents in the line. Very distant inbreeding.

    Sinthar was able to return after thousands of years through the use of portals that a rare few believe may be tied to Blood Wells. It seems that during his time on the World he had created a few Wells to help in his battles against the Dragons. When he was banished he was able to communicate with one in control of a well. With this he corrupted those and they eventually fell under his limited control. With this limited control he influenced them to create a few more wells and thus his power grew. He was able to convince a few to willingly help his cause with the promise of knowledge, power and wealth. After hundreds of years he created enough power in three of the wells that he was able to bring an army through from the Planes.

    the above is pretty much where we got the idea and felt it fit perfectly with the history we sought, a guilted mark on a once good folk. don't wish to be evil just have a less then perfect past that spans generations. that sought power and greed gained it later to only pay for there deeds.

    We wish no char relation to Sinthar, much as you said old long dead family members that have no real impact on chars just old family history, which as you said may or may not be true. which I feel adds a nice unknown factor to our chars that we don't even know about. Many house's were wrongly acused of crimes by politcal enemies.

    question on the blood wells thing though, could the crime we don't know the the family ever did was be acused of safe guarding one of these destroyed blood wells?

    pretty much they got about 3-5 page bio's already in the works.
    thanks for getting back to us, please feel free to MSN me about any questions your DM's might have I will be working with everyone to make sure things go over smoothly.

    I asked them to stay away from evil, so living in a place around Pratz is probly not best. they just merely wish to have a questionable evil past, that has brought woe and what not on our poor heads, giving us cause for whatever road we choose to take.

    and thanks for the link to the players handbook, I will make sure every player coming over gets a copy of it. (could have used one of these lol, only so much you can do with major history and godspages)


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      Re: A few new faces
      « Reply #21 on: May 14, 2007, 06:06:11 am »

      Welcome, welcome, welcome!

      Sad to hear about your other server, sorry it went down like that! All buisnesses within the first year struggle, that's what I hear alot. (Not saying your server was a buisness but you get the picture.)

      Barbarians huh? If yoo speaks dumb dumb then me knows you.

      Basically Taric can easily speak dumb to barbarians, hopefully have a few adventures and teach Taric a few things about fighting...I hope one of your barbarians use a sissy rapier to fight, and use sneak attacks...No? Ah screw it! :D

      Welcome aboard!



      Re: A few new faces
      « Reply #22 on: May 14, 2007, 06:22:50 am »
      Welcome to Layo.  You're gonna like it here.  Guaranteed.  :)


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        Re: A few new faces
        « Reply #23 on: May 14, 2007, 09:39:58 am »
        hey nice to see some name that is familar , joyrock ,risen ,aleksei ..

        well this sure is nice to see . i hope everything will work out for you guys also :)

        well as some might guess , i am part of these people in a sense i guess we can call it

        i was a DM there and it was my first time as one ever . man it was hard at time and others ..quite fun . anyway i serious look forward to see you all and anyone else here too


        Re: A few new faces
        « Reply #24 on: May 14, 2007, 09:49:53 am »

        Just a note on blood wells.  They're insanely powerful things, not something that there would be too many of in all honesty.  There was only one known to exist in recent history, and its destruction was a major event (plot-level as well as world-altering).  Blood pools are a different matter....smaller, more portable and a necessary decoration for any evil genius' lair. ;)

        Anyway, my personal advice would be to steer away from the blood well aspect and stick with blood pools, if you're intent on going that direction...though even that is subject to a review by the top Loremasters here....and one of them carries a whip. ;)

        Sinthar Bloodstone has been defeated now for a little over a decade in game years.  Our timeline states:

        A large group of heroes destroy Bloodstone and the war ends. At nearly the same time a Bloodwell is destroyed in the Demon Tower and the resulting explosion levels a large part of the Demon Mountains and puts the world into the Dark Ages due to the dust and debris that circles the globe.

        As has been mentioned, there is an updated handbook coming out as soon as it can be completed, and this will contain a lot more current and up-to-date information.  However, you likely don't want to wait for that, so the suggestion would be to work up a biography (taking the above into account), submitting the bio and then working with our character approvers and GMs to get things worked out so they make sense.

        Welcome again, and enjoy your stay.


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          Re: A few new faces
          « Reply #25 on: May 14, 2007, 02:45:02 pm »
          Star you made it! glad to see you.

          Well our server was, well it had been around to long, to many folks living off past glory. It was great and fun, but the infighting just got to much to handle, we were so split your best bet was to pick a side and grab your sword! *calls the charge as the cannons fire* we became 4 servers in the end there was only 2 servers that had any players, the one I was admin of still got 13-20 and had the highest player count, but school took many away from us and many folks that could do the work needed. It just got to much to handle I was keeping the server going for everyone else. never even getting to play my char. been plotting to sneak off here for along time, and when I did I asked a few friends to come along.

          seems they changed it on me, they want a more 'Fall of the house of Usher' feel to it. So we are going back to the basic idea and will work from there :\


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            Re: A few new faces
            « Reply #26 on: May 16, 2007, 12:40:10 am »
            Hi I am yuyu, I am another one of those players from that strange place. We just keep comin don't we? Anywoo like the place, and hi to all my old friends!:D


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              Re: A few new faces
              « Reply #27 on: May 16, 2007, 04:50:34 am »
              I have decided it best not to play here, to many "You must be playing here fpr a year" rules when NWN2 will be the place to RP by the time I can access half the things basic NWN nonmultiplayer allows me to access from the box.

              I am sorry I just can't go through the hours it takes to make a char to run into those rules, and the more I read the more restrictions there are. :(

              Nothing against anyone or this place, but I just don't like RP restricted to pretty you must be a human fighter, you must be good, and you must go through being OKed. I thought the OK's were to see if you were capable of Rping it in the manner befiting this place. That was a mistake -I- made.

              will still be cheering for the rest of you working on your chars.

              I post this not as anything bad, just giving my reasons, I am sure you like to keep up with what turns folks away.


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                Re: A few new faces
                « Reply #28 on: May 16, 2007, 06:43:11 am »
                i welcome you... and so does Shinrei's hellhound... be careful though... that pooch has a mean habit of "marking" people *chuckles* just ask Xblade... i made my pooch mark him :D


                Re: A few new faces
                « Reply #29 on: May 16, 2007, 07:59:42 am »
                Quote from: yuyu^^
                I have decided it best not to play here, to many "You must be playing here fpr a year" rules when NWN2 will be the place to RP by the time I can access half the things basic NWN nonmultiplayer allows me to access from the box.

                I am sorry I just can't go through the hours it takes to make a char to run into those rules, and the more I read the more restrictions there are. :(

                Nothing against anyone or this place, but I just don't like RP restricted to pretty you must be a human fighter, you must be good, and you must go through being OKed. I thought the OK's were to see if you were capable of Rping it in the manner befiting this place. That was a mistake -I- made.

                will still be cheering for the rest of you working on your chars.

                I post this not as anything bad, just giving my reasons, I am sure you like to keep up with what turns folks away.

                I'm not quite sure why you have some of the impressions you have.  Perhaps it is a misunderstanding about some things, but a few of your comments above aren't quite accurate.  However, if you feel this isn't the right place for you, then I hope you find another place that is more suiting to your play style and desires in an online world.


                Re: A few new faces
                « Reply #30 on: May 16, 2007, 08:32:39 am »
                Quote from: yuyu^^
                I have decided it best not to play here, to many "You must be playing here fpr a year" rules when NWN2 will be the place to RP by the time I can access half the things basic NWN nonmultiplayer allows me to access from the box.

                I am sorry I just can't go through the hours it takes to make a char to run into those rules, and the more I read the more restrictions there are. :(

                Nothing against anyone or this place, but I just don't like RP restricted to pretty you must be a human fighter, you must be good, and you must go through being OKed. I thought the OK's were to see if you were capable of Rping it in the manner befiting this place. That was a mistake -I- made.

                will still be cheering for the rest of you working on your chars.

                I post this not as anything bad, just giving my reasons, I am sure you like to keep up with what turns folks away.

                I think I'll PM this to you too.

                you do NOT need to be a 'goody human,' well.. any of that.  The only restrictions currently are evil and chaotic neutral.
                That being said, I have one of the nicest evil characters around, her names Beil. (Beilidel)  I couldn't start her as evil because of the alignment restrictions, so She is a lawful neutral monk of Corath.  what does that mean? well, not a heck of a lot to most people.  But, her god is CE, hated, and illegal to worship.  She follows laws but thinks they area bit lax when they are in her favor, but part of her is spreading chaos (you'll find out in a few years the chaos that happens if you stick around, heha!)

                anyway, why am I posting this?  We don't want to turn people away, we want people to come and beable to immerse themselves in the world.  Make your characters, modify their background to fit into an alignment, and walk around for a day and see.

                Oh, and any of ya'll are quite welcome to come up and say hullo to Beilidel!  shes really quite nice, but I'm told she steals everyones hearts...  she did get killed in a fit of jealousy already ;)


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                  Re: A few new faces
                  « Reply #31 on: May 16, 2007, 12:04:53 pm »
                  Well It rather restricting being there are only 9 alighnments and 4 of them 40% are restricted. One I can play if I am here for a month, and the rest I can play after 9 months. Why put that much time into NWN only being able to use 60% of the alignments?

                  There also other restrictions, many of these 1 year PRC's, and more. For some like your self who has been playing here I am sure your rather use to it all, and have access to a great many things.

                  Much like you said if I stick around for a year. Not something I want to do to gain access to a great many things I can have right from the go on most any other server.

                  really like the place and don't mind the bio part. But your -forced- to play LG,NG,CG,LN,and TN.

                  been playing NWN for many years, I grow tired of the actual game, let alone the normal restrictions on the game. limiting access to other alignments limits RP.

                  I don't want to take the days it takes to make a good bio, and char concept to find out I can't play it due to section 8 pargraph 9. None of this for noobs no matter how good you are at RP, nor how much you read.

                  thanks for reaching out, besides I am great friends with celezar and jimblee and much like Joyrock says I don't think they will want to play here with such restrictions.

                  9-12 months is a LONG time to wait with NWN dieing off. In that much time NWN2 will be good.

                  I just don't think it something you can understand playing here for so long, and having access to the things I don't/won't for 9 -12 months. was willing to start over willing to be a noob on a new scary server, but not for that long.

                  the whole you must be human you must be a fighter thing was to show how bland your restrictions are to new folks. You can't be anything on the slightly evil side for along time. While your server looks nice, bio's required, and heavy restrictions just don't make it worth it, the bio's I don't mind, I like the idea but I liked it for the wrong reasons. I thought you could play any alignment you wanted they were just subject to a most likely no unless your bio is  good. but that not is the case. It is a matter of time something no matter how hard or how good I RP I can't change. :( 9 months to play, when you still got to do work to get in the door. Don't mind doing the work to get in, but even then your just in. Sure if I submit a bio I would probly really like the place. But I am sure I would like some other place just as much, that I don't have to wait 9 months to a year for something.

                  like I said above it is not you guys turning me away, it is a battle with time, and how much I value mine at. I log probly 40 hours a week on NWN, that along time play good, and my last two chars were super good, and playful good. alot of good, only fun neutral for me is chaotic.

                  I guess you can say in some ways I don't like how you don't allow folks to prove they can RP something, that you inforce a rule based on time, alot of time before allowing them to prove anything. I could understand a month or two but 9 just pretty unrealistic to ask someone to wait.

                  played good a hundred times, and for 9 months that pretty much it for me. That why i don't feel it would work out, if I was a new player sure I would love it, but I am not new, I am a old player. I have played with out the need of hak pack's forever, just the need of freedom to RP as long as you can RP it is what I am looking for in a server, and well please don't take this the wrong way but I feel your server is more for new players then vets.

                  thanks for everything ^^


                  Re: A few new faces
                  « Reply #32 on: May 16, 2007, 12:32:57 pm »
                  I understand what you are saying really, but I also understand the reasons why these are there.  There is a limit on what the community is willing to accept about pvp and bad rp and it has been expanded recently (pvp). Now giving the opportunity to new players to play strait up the bats LE or NE, without knowing what kind of community this is, the back stories and front stories to this world, is bound to make poor rp. Also this is actually preventing an open pvp battle between good and evil that I have seen on other server, which can bring down the level of fun we have.

                  I have been here for a year now and have recently submitted my first NE char for this community and it has been turned down, am I sad? a little. Mad? not at all because I understand that it is to preserve the level and quality of rp we all have.

                  Every one here will tell you that once you start playing here it is very hard to not play here, I am sure that if you give it time you would understand why we try to preserve the greatness of this place, and this is one step that has been taken to make sure it is. And like Lisanwillow said, there is a process in game that can happen to slowly but surely change your alignment, coupled with the character development threads that we keep.


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                    Re: A few new faces
                    « Reply #33 on: May 16, 2007, 01:03:08 pm »
                    Well I can RP with a stick, the server I come from does not have half the fancy nobs and whistles, and the likes. What I want is freedom, and I am willing to earn that. But the thing is this.

                    I could out right blow your minds, and for argument sacks become the greatess player in the history of this server. Just a all around fantastic player. BUT that still does not get me around the timer.

                    Sure I understand it is to keep the trash out of this place, but it also keeps the great Rper's out the folks who are great people that have everything but the time to wait.

                    I mean this server is nice and all but who is to say it will be around in 9 months or have a playerbase over 15? So I spend all this time waiting to earn something, that might be pointless by the time I can get it. NWN is at the end of it's ropes. NWN2 is the hot new thing with a expansion coming out and just that alone offers alot what this servers makers took along time to create.

                    it just time is a door being a good person,great Rper, and spending many hours can't pass.

                    I honestly had no wish to make a evil char, but if you limit that you limit more, and I have seen alot of limits. And I understand it is to insure players feeling don't get hurt.  But I want to RP. Now I can tell you playing here or someplace else it all NWN. only thing that matters is the level of RP. and in a carebear server like this, I am pretty sure I don't need to worry about any evils other then DM related trying to mess up my char's perfect day.

                    Just tell me this, is this or is it not a carebear server?

                    carebear server - A server where above all else a players feelings are taken into account, evil is done mainly by DM's and you logon to say hi, pick flowers, bash monsters, fight Dm evils craft things, hang out in a house, and the closes thing to player evil is that one guy that steals your bread with you fully knowing he did, because he had to ask you first.

                    I don't like this stuff, it something I could get on WoW, or a social server. lack of fears, or not worring about other players due to 90% of them being good natured or neutral.

                    If you can honestly tell me, that there is more to  loging on then crafting things, socializing, bashing monsters, and doing DM events I will stay.

                    but if it just sit around, talking or gathering resources while I wait for a DM to logon to spawn something on me ,to steal my shovel so I can gather a party of mighty hero's to get back my shovel. Then it is WoW with DM's I just feel this place does not want real RP it wants carebears. folks that logon and say they wub you. I don't mean this to insult the makers, or anyone but that just the impression I get, and that was all fine 4 years ago when NWN was new and so was I but I done EVERYTHING. and even freedoms to do things get old when you have done them so much you can guess how fun not being able to do things would be.

                    I just kinda feel like it is one of those movies where to protect you from your self the laws are very strict, and freedoms or revoked to insure everyone is happy and at peace, the whole perfect society thing, very borring.

                    Once again this is the way you folks like it, and that not how I like it, so why waste a few days to get in the door to find out you don't like it? that a pickpoket PM's you saying, is it alright if I pickpoket you? -.-


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                      Re: A few new faces
                      « Reply #34 on: May 16, 2007, 01:10:54 pm »
                      i had seen alot i like here already and i had not even gotten out of  start city with my character so to speak :)  . but yeah i also am a little to put it , surprised and slightly sad about the time you need to stay here . i do think those thing with time like 9-12 months are ..bit to much , who say i am alive to that time , not like i can look into the future :p

                      i do understand why though but it honestly much to ask people to wait about a year for certain things .  but i am also sure people would like here once they settle down and get the hang of most of the background and story and ofcourse get their character into it :) and the friendly attitude here is major plus also

                      i also like the rule about CE , i had seen too many just ..well attacking insted of really rping on that alginment .

                      now i would normaly say you cant really say how good a player that play good would play a LE as example ..know the saying "dont judge a book by its cover" ? ..this is just my meaning that you cant judge how good a player would rp certain thing untill they try . who knows they might actualy be very good ;)

                      the bio idea here is a good one but i admit i was really really nervours . i am not good at bios as it is hard so i would often spend hours trying to get it to fit and tryping . then ran over the text 3 times to see if i can see a mistyping and fix it . but the idea is good . it allow the dms to have it stored and i guess it can be used later

                      but the entire crafting system and general how it had been build up ingame ...good work :)  i really enjoy how it look . so yuyu^^ ..if you ask me . then i think you would find it real fun here but whatever you choice is , best wishes from me


                      Re: A few new faces
                      « Reply #35 on: May 16, 2007, 01:17:26 pm »
                      oh there is a lot more, we do have a limited pvp system that allows for pvp it is in tryout right now and if there is abuse it will be taken out. There is some evil players out there that make things interesting, the dynamic and interaction between the people and their chars makes it worth it. And there is a steady amount of planned quest that are running by Gms, impromptu quest, spawn drops, player led events, crafting, bars, families (rp) etc. and then there is those that are in the allowed alignment but are not so good with other chars, that quibbles with people, pick up fights, might even run amok on a trip if they feel it warrants it, but counter balance their deeds by doing the right things from time to time. Also there is is player based organizations  or npc based that you can join to broaden your RP and make some hard earn gold. With the new version of Layo that has been up, the racial tensions have been brought up, dark ages, monster races not allowed in certain towns etc.

                      I can honestly say that I have not seen the year go bye, and I am a hard person to please in RL.


                      Re: A few new faces
                      « Reply #36 on: May 16, 2007, 01:55:25 pm »
                      could have used one of these lol, only so much you can do with major history and godspages

                      They're not easily made, it takes, well, a while :) (and that's from experience, hehe).

                      Welcome to Layonara, we've also got an IRC server and channel where players hang out so you can bounce ideas there as well.


                      Re: A few new faces
                      « Reply #37 on: May 16, 2007, 02:07:02 pm »
                      Quote from: star23_16
                      the bio idea here is a good one but i admit i was really really nervours . i am not good at bios as it is hard so i would often spend hours trying to get it to fit and tryping . then ran over the text 3 times to see if i can see a mistyping and fix it . but the idea is good . it allow the dms to have it stored and i guess it can be used later

                      Oh my... it doesn't need to be that nerve-wracking.  It's not like we want or need a novel on every character (that's what the character development threads are for! ;)) -- we just are looking for enough to establish the characters' basic background and personality.  To flesh them out and to ensure a good "fit" with the story and community.

                      No points are subtracted for spelling or grammar (unless the error changes the meaning significantly); though I admit that proper grammar and spelling make submissions easier to read.

                      As for level of detail, it depends on what you're going after -- a basic race/class combo doesn't need as much as something that has an unusual/difficult class (or set of multiclasses), a special subrace, and unusual alignment for that race/subrace, and/or an unusual deity choice for the race/class/alignment.

                      For example, a CG Elf Ranger following Folian S'pae is going to have a much lower expectation in terms of detail than a LN Wemic Druid/Rogue following Pyrtechon, because the latter is unusual in several aspects.  There's nothing wrong with unusual, but it does require a little more effort.


                      Re: A few new faces
                      « Reply #38 on: May 16, 2007, 02:12:30 pm »
                      Wow yuyu.  I hope you can find a server that is as great as you are.  Maybe someday, if you look hard enough, you can find a world where you can be the greatest player ever and amaze everyone with your stunning RPing.

                      I think we'd all be ashamed to RP with you here in our humble little world of Layo.  We'd probably feel quite badly that we couldnt measure up.

                      Good luck!


                      Re: A few new faces
                      « Reply #39 on: May 16, 2007, 02:37:44 pm »
                      Quote from: yuyu^^
                      I could out right blow your minds, and for argument sacks become the greatess player in the history of this server. Just a all around fantastic player. BUT that still does not get me around the timer.
                      The "timer" is not arbitrary -- it is there so that you can be evaluated as to your abilities as a roleplayer.  By having objective standards, it protects the team from claims of favoritism.  

                      The minimum requirements for Chaotic Neutral aren't that severe -- 2 months and a level 10 character (level 10 being not that hard to reach for an active player in that amount of time... at least with a non-level-adjusted race).

                      As for the evil alignments, the rules are more lax than they once were -- you can now start as an evil character with enough experience and positive GM feedback.  Before, you had to gradually shift to evil, with approval, over a long period of time.

                      I would ask that you put yourself in our shoes for a second... a new player joins the community, and the first thing they want to do is play an evil character?  That's going to be looked at with a heavy dose of skepticism.  Chaotic Neutral is a little trickier of a case... history has shown that it is a very difficult alignment to play properly, and as such, it has been restricted.