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Author Topic: A few new faces  (Read 1822 times)


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    Re: A few new faces
    « Reply #40 on: May 16, 2007, 03:12:22 pm »
    gunther I will ask you watch it, she ment nothing she was just stating for argument sake, that it does not matter how good you RP, or if your capable of it. You can't beat the timer, and that is alittle unfair to folks that put more into things then folks that don't.

    many of the folks I am trying to bring over, feel that there not much for new players, only the old players. Which I am guessing you to be one. Everything so much easier when you hold all the cards. We are new here, that hard enough on us, let alone mounds of rules. We are not out to make trash chars that have simple bio's that make it easy to get on the server we are out to make good, detailed chars that are above the average standard, and capable of more RP from that extra bit of work.  She has a right to be upset being that many of the folks she has RPed with for many years will be staying. including me her older brother.

    I must say alot about this server is a turn away to new players, you can say it is not but then again your not new. You have not picked up everything you worked on since the game's release, and tryed to lead a group of players to a new home. Everyone coming has been through alot with NWN and are great players, they earned everything they ever got, you can't blame them for feeling cheated when the only way to get things here is not by really earning it, but by being loyal to the server, and being on your char. doing decent RP. and what I mean by decent RP is different from good RP, you don't need great RP to play alot of the restricted things. you just need a decent level. that right there is a turn off to some because, well they have not logged in yet, but they feel the level of RP here must be rather low if such things are restricted.

    Now they understand you don't want CvC (Char vs char, means the chars battle not the players, PvP is such a hateful word)

    None of us care about PvP/CvC, but we just feel the level of RP here, must be on a low standard if such restrictions  are needed so badly. because I can say such restrictions do hurt RP.

    I asure you none of us care about CvC/PvP we care about RP, but we hate DM fed RP. It comes from us playing on a server where evil was allowed, and not just that subraces, like vampire, devil, demon, Drow matron, etc. Races that require much work in the ways of RP, and much in the way of avoiding conflict but still being able to RP evil. then we come here, to find that the most basic of things are restricted. You can't blame someone for thinking the server is made to tend to small children or folks new to RP, because such things should not be restricted on a server filled with great or experienced RPers.

    It is does make me some what sad to know that the majority of this player base is unable to handle evil (this I assume other wise such restrictions would not be needed, once again assume), it is a truelly needed part of RP.

    She is upset because she knows many of her great friends will stay, others will not a dividing factor. In trueth we had about 10 players coming over many have been turned off to this, and truethful there comments about how good can the RP of this server, be if players can not be trusted to be resposible, or capable of handling alignments. Miss judging perhaps. but Can you honestly expect folks to wait 9 months to RP something they have always had the ability to do before?

    Most my players thought that evil was restricted to the ability to RP, because that what there here to do, not to some timer which they feel proves nothing. If there was a time restriction it would be in reason of at most a month or two. not 9 months, and a few other things a year they could live with out RDD.

    I my self will be making a cheap throw away char, that I plan to play to see if I even wish to stay. It might be harsh for me to say,  hope you don't think, I think  so little of your server. But one must remember your restrictions reflect your trust in your players. If the DM team and others think so little of it and feel it takes so long to become a "Vet" Then how can new players think very highly of it? How can they be expected to spend days reading and knowing your history if it probly not worth it?

    it was also a hard blow battling with Zugzug to jump through the hoops of his bio changing it a few times making sure I got everything to find CN was restricted.:\\  The idea was al'ready a little off from what it was, and the bio turned out alittle wierd in my mind.


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      Re: A few new faces
      « Reply #41 on: May 16, 2007, 03:34:21 pm »
      The "timer" is not arbitrary -- it is there so that you can be evaluated as to your abilities as a roleplayer. By having objective standards, it protects the team from claims of favoritism.
      I just find the timer pointless, I have no wish to play evil from the start, but restricting is well restricting. It is kinda like the whole you can die for your country at 18 but not go into a bar and buy a drink.

      If it takes you 2 months to be evaluated, so I can have the grand honor of playing CN, just makes me wonder at what it takes me 4 years to do.

      It clear that us new players won't ever be able to fit in, because we can't ever be equals as the vets. unless I plan on spending a year to gain all the rights. And still in that year I must be active enough, and all these other standards to meet your standards. even after the year timer. I would just rather a single standard.

      The server we came from leveling was on a timer it took 6 months to get to level 21. that if you leveled every chance you got. then at each level past 12 you had to get 5 DM quest tokens proving your char has done important deeds to level. at 15 you had to get 10 Tokens. It took players weeks to get one level past 12.

      Thing is I don't mind being restricted in levels you don't need them to RP but I do hate being restricted in RP. I don't think it fair to judge me harshly for not agreeing with the idea that you must be a vet to be evil but you can be new and be level 20, and be trusted with Epic level RP.

      Think me cruel for saying it but I don't think the RP of the server can be very high grade, if it takes 9 months to play evil it so restricting on evil. I can't ever enjoy the joys of combating the evil temptations of a evil force that seeks my char to join forces with them, because they might send me a tell.
      When  timer cuts into RP, you don't have real RP.

      "you have been playing for 9 months right?"

      Only thing to play is Good, Neutral  does not count, because in the grand scale of RP it never has count. it neutral, it not suppose to do acts of tipping the scales it suppose to balance them.

      I have no fear of anything short of being robbed, or perma death to fear, or put in jail.

      I will never be able to earn a short cut around the timer. I want a server where I can earn things, not one where I can do a decent job and wait it out. here if your the newest player, your last inline for everything. Why work when you can do a decent job and wait?

      Black Cat

      Re: A few new faces
      « Reply #42 on: May 16, 2007, 03:36:43 pm »
      Quote from: Joyrock

      it is does make me some what sad to know that the majority of this player base is unable to handle evil (this I assume other wise such restrictions would not be needed, once again assume), it is a truelly needed part of RP.

      As I understand it, these restrictions are not in place because of the majority, but because of a select few player who couldn't RP those difficult alignments and ruined the fun of others... I started as a total newbie in RP and online gaming here on Layo about a year ago, those restrictions were already on and where much more severe then... and I never felt it as a deterent to playing here.

      But then... I never felt incline to play evil either as I personally believe them to be hard to play properly and I know my limits.


      Re: A few new faces
      « Reply #43 on: May 16, 2007, 03:44:00 pm »
      Now hold on... I understand where you're coming from, but you're painting with too broad a brush.  The only thing on Layonara that has a restriction based on time is a subset of alignments that the team has decided require evaluation of a player's abilities before they should be approved.

      Nothing else has any type of time requirement.  There are level requirements in some cases, but I know folks who have been playing for a few months who have a character higher leveled than any of the ones that I play.  A hardcore player who can make a lot of GM quests can rise in levels relatively quickly, at least up to a point.

      No one is going to refuse to group with you based on length of membership.  To be fair, characters with large level disparities are discouraged from grouping together (for "bashing" trips... this doesn't apply to RP sessions) to avoid "dragging" or "muling" for the lower-level characters.  GM quests involving any type of combat are often open only to specified level ranges (some low, some middle, some high) so that the GM preparing the quest can create appropriate encounter difficulties.


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        Re: A few new faces
        « Reply #44 on: May 16, 2007, 03:53:17 pm »
        thank you black cat That what i have been more or less trying to say, is that it can be expected of a new player, to bypass evil and play a truelly good char, but it harder to expect it of old NWN players.

        That why i feel this server is bent more towards a training ground to turn new players into good RPers of slowly taking them through the stages of it.

        But what about people who have been through it, and been through it, and been through it? If there was a way for me to earn rights through proof of the ability to play them to this servers standard I would not have a problem, but the thing is that the earning comes AFTER the timer. And the timer is a VERY long time.

        As I said 40% of all base NWN rights here are restricted. I can understand that, but there restricted to nothing but time. the server could no longer be around in the amount of time it takes to earn the basics.

        Now I am willing to jump through hoops of bio's amoung bio's to 100 pages of it, I love doing that stuff. :)

        But tell me how can I earn my way through time? by just playing right?

        Well this timer is so I can be evaluated right?

        Now I plan on being active VERY active, but honestly i don't think I will because just the idea of I can't EARN things drains that will from me.

        Why should I logon 40 hours a week? trust me playing the same char 40's a week for 9 months does get old, and playing good 40 hours a week does get old. Now I am willing to be active, very active. in that amount of time being so active I should be able to be evaluated much better then someone who logs 8 hours a week. See my point?

        it does not make me want to try, it makes me not want to do anything. but feel like a second class member of a community. And no one wants to feel that way but that is pretty much what the server does. it breaks us up into classes. And I will never be able to be a equal :\


        Re: A few new faces
        « Reply #45 on: May 16, 2007, 03:56:36 pm »
        First, please excuse us if we are a bit strong in our defense of Layonara. Most of the players here are very loyal to this game, and sometimes we get carried away :-)

        As a relatively new Layo player (who would not qualify for an evil character), and a fairly experienced RPer, I don't really understand your issues with the world. In my opinion, most people I RP with on a regular basis are quite capable of responsibly RPing evil, but if they did, the feeling of the world would change considerably, and even if you or other players don't care about CvC/PvP, there would be a few who would, and would take advantage of things. For a while, subraces were closed off, not because people couldn't play them, but because the demographics of the world were not being represented in the characters.
        If you all are experienced players, I find it hard to imagine that you haven't experienced the problem of a few bad apples ruining a game for everyone, and surely you must have played in campaigns that have a certain orientation or "feel" to them, which restricts the type of characters one can reasonably play.
        It's a bit unfair to come to a new server, and expect it to be like the one you came from. I understand it may be an adjustment, but if you have been in various settings as you say, I'm sure you are capable of adjusting to it. If I went to your game, I would try and fit in to the type of campaign you ran, and try not to make comparisons.
        With that said, I hope you at least try our game and see what you think before making judgments or deciding it's not worth it,. If you haven't played the alignments we allow in a while, maybe it's an opportunity to give it a try, or to creatively twist the accepted notions of those alignments. Any game has to have its limitations, or it gets out of control. Please try to accept ours for a while, before dismissing it out of hand.

        Edit (because I'm a slow typist and several people posted while I was writing):
        Quote from: yuyu^^
        playing the same char 40's a week for 9 months does get old, and playing good 40 hours a week does get old.
        it does not make me want to try, it makes me not want to do anything. but feel like a second class member of a community. And no one wants to feel that way but that is pretty much what the server does. it breaks us up into classes. And I will never be able to be a equal :\\

        First, TN and LN are unrestricted, and second, if you think that playing good is all the same, you may be restricting yourself far more than the server ever could.

        Any community is difficult to enter, but Layo is better than most I've been in. If you RP well and participate in the forums, I assure you you will feel like an equal and valued member in no time.


        Re: A few new faces
        « Reply #46 on: May 16, 2007, 04:07:14 pm »
        I would note that the tone of some of the posts critiquing our world have become a tad harsh.  We have a solid playerbase of people who value the experience of being in character.  Understand, as I'm sure you must, that when you start saying things like...

        " I must say alot about this server is a turn away to new players, you can say it is not but then again your not new."

        "None of us care about PvP/CvC, but we just feel the level of RP here, must be on a low standard if such restrictions are needed so badly."

        "It is does make me some what sad to know that the majority of this player base is unable to handle evil (this I assume other wise such restrictions would not be needed, once again assume), it is a truelly needed part of RP." have started infringing on our collective pride in our world and some might take umbrage to your words.  We are proud of what we have created here.  We enjoy our world.  We know why our rules are in place and we accept them.  Please don't imply that we are substandard carebears that cannot roleplay.  

        This server is not designed to dissuade a player whose intent is to enjoy a thoroughly described, heavily player-impacted world.  It IS designed to weed out those who would bring poor manners, poor taste, and family-unfriendly attitudes.  This is because there are in fact children and teens in the world who don't need to see that sort of thing; not that they don't understand it, rather it is that the adults here believe it's not appropriate behavior and stand by that.

        Evil is restricted to prevent some of the above.  I will take your word that your group are quite capable of playing an evil race well.  However, the rules were put in place for those who might not understand the subtleties of "evil" or whose idea of such is derived exclusively from movies and television.  The team needs to know that the player won't grief, and understands the limits and the freedoms of Layonara.  That's it.  

        We do encourage the highest level of roleplay and immersion here, which is why so many of us volunteer to help write, build and GM Layonara.  Our reputation is earned.  I hope you find it to your liking as I am proud of it and what has been and will be done to make it better.  That said, it is not for everyone.


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          Re: A few new faces
          « Reply #47 on: May 16, 2007, 04:08:30 pm »
          Quote from: Faldred
          Now hold on... I understand where you're coming from, but you're painting with too broad a brush.  The only thing on Layonara that has a restriction based on time is a subset of alignments that the team has decided require evaluation of a player's abilities before they should be approved.

          Nothing else has any type of time requirement.  There are level requirements in some cases, but I know folks who have been playing for a few months who have a character higher leveled than any of the ones that I play.  A hardcore player who can make a lot of GM quests can rise in levels relatively quickly, at least up to a point.

          No one is going to refuse to group with you based on length of membership.  To be fair, characters with large level disparities are discouraged from grouping together (for "bashing" trips... this doesn't apply to RP sessions) to avoid "dragging" or "muling" for the lower-level characters.  GM quests involving any type of combat are often open only to specified level ranges (some low, some middle, some high) so that the GM preparing the quest can create appropriate encounter difficulties.

          I have no want of levels, levels for the most part are not important it means IG power, and respect but not over respect. I don't care if folks group with me or not if I wanted such things I would play WoW. Levels DO NOT mean RP.

          RP is based heavily on Alignment, more so alignment then levels.

          Now let me explain how I mean restricted. Drow are they restricted? No. But if you play a non evil Drow your playing a less then ideal drow. good and neutral drow are ment to be common but I am sure here there much more common then the evil sorts.:\\

          same with many of the other races, then you have these one year PRC's like RDD.

          now taking into account that the majority of such UD (Under Dark races are evil) how can one expect to properly RP them if evil is so restricted?

          Now when I saw things I did not see any of the races restricted, but there a hidden restriction being evil is it. most will simply put in a bio of a drizzt style char to cheat this, even though dark elfs are a evil race. I can only guess at the number of evil to good ratio of them is. but I am guessing good is more common/Neutral is more common and they probly walk around on the surface openly.

          I just knowing of such restrictions, I can expect to never run into a evil. well anything non DM.

          I will leave I can tell I am causing conflict... You can't understand being your ether new to NWN and this was your first server or this was your first server ages ago.


          Re: A few new faces
          « Reply #48 on: May 16, 2007, 04:40:42 pm »

          If you reread your posts they are full of assumptions.  You assume we are "carebear" role players.  You assume that our quality of role play is poor.  You assume that being new makes you a second class citizen.  You assume that this is the first server we have ever played on.

          There are assumptions.  Do you have any idea whether they are true?

          No.  You assume.

          You have never logged into this server. Nope. You have no idea what it is like.  You have preconceived notions that I believe would be dispelled if you actually played in this world.

          Honora is right... people have poured their hearts and souls into this server and...  as in anything else in life there are rules.  If you don't like how an organization is run in RL then you don't join, simple as that, and it is the same here.  But...  taking time to write posts telling us WE are playing on a "carebear" server and that our role play is bad does not sit well with me coming from someone who has never logged one minute of playtime in the world.

          If you want to criticize, create a character, play for a while THEN tell us why we are wrong, not before.

          And as far as feeling like you are a second class citizen because you are new...

          Where in life to you get to walk in the door to a company, school, or organization and get to be equal with all of the members who have been there for ages?

          hmmm... No where.  In life you must prove yourself.  Prove you are worthy of the promotion, raise, or fancy new corner office.

          I am sorry if you feel that this world is not for you.  I think if you took the time to actually check it out you would be amazed at how good it actually is.

          What I have a hard time with, and led to this post, is someone who has never logged a single minute bashing the server, and yes, that is what I read in your posts, bashing.

          to quote your last post:

          "You can't understand being your ether new to NWN and this was your first server or this was your first server ages ago."

          So now we're all noobs?

          Lovely. More assumptions.

          Hope you find something that satisfies your needs.


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            Re: A few new faces
            « Reply #49 on: May 16, 2007, 04:43:19 pm »
            Quote from: Honora
            I would note that the tone of some of the posts critiquing our world have become a tad harsh.  We have a solid playerbase of people who value the experience of being in character.  Understand, as I'm sure you must, that when you start saying things like...

            " I must say alot about this server is a turn away to new players, you can say it is not but then again your not new."

            "None of us care about PvP/CvC, but we just feel the level of RP here, must be on a low standard if such restrictions are needed so badly."

            "It is does make me some what sad to know that the majority of this player base is unable to handle evil (this I assume other wise such restrictions would not be needed, once again assume), it is a truelly needed part of RP."

   have started infringing on our collective pride in our world and some might take umbrage to your words.  We are proud of what we have created here.  We enjoy our world.  We know why our rules are in place and we accept them.  Please don't imply that we are substandard carebears that cannot roleplay.  

            This server is not designed to dissuade a player whose intent is to enjoy a thoroughly described, heavily player-impacted world.  It IS designed to weed out those who would bring poor manners, poor taste, and family-unfriendly attitudes.  This is because there are in fact children and teens in the world who don't need to see that sort of thing; not that they don't understand it, rather it is that the adults here believe it's not appropriate behavior and stand by that.

            Evil is restricted to prevent some of the above.  I will take your word that your group are quite capable of playing an evil race well.  However, the rules were put in place for those who might not understand the subtleties of "evil" or whose idea of such is derived exclusively from movies and television.  The team needs to know that the player won't grief, and understands the limits and the freedoms of Layonara.  That's it.  

            We do encourage the highest level of roleplay and immersion here, which is why so many of us volunteer to help write, build and GM Layonara.  Our reputation is earned.  I hope you find it to your liking as I am proud of it and what has been and will be done to make it better.  That said, it is not for everyone.

            I think you take alot out of context.

            Remeber we are new, We fully understand what turns us away. Before I get to know you I am put through "tests" thing that test my character as a person to live up to your standards. If not even some what elitest.

            Now restriction are there to prevent things, what does that tell us new players? Well I will tell you, what it told me and that I was still willing to conform.

            "we the players of layo love this place very much, we wish to play here for ever. we do not trust foreign invanders that are new players. We wish to not give them a chance, we will give them nothing, they will change or they will simply leave, and we will still be happy because we love this place."

            Restriction are a turn away. That not a guess it a fact, because I my self am trying to bring a great deal of good people here. Notice the post you took that from has a layo player openly insulting a new player. yet it was not the layo that threw the first conflicting sentence but Me :\\ I am in charge of a great deal of folks. good people that wish to be treated as equals. people that are meeting the players of layo half way by reading your rules, and following them. Now I must say some of the hoops we are jumping through are a bit much. But do you care much? It does not seem that way. I can guess new players are a welcome site, and you love to have them.

            But you don't seem to care to listen to there comments, or critisms. You merely wish to say this place is perfect in everyway known to man.

            I understand you like this place and find nothing wrong with it. BUT when was the last time you had a group this large of old NWN players go through the hardship of leaving home to move to another server tired, hungry, cast out on the streets *sniffs* trying to make a home here to find that all the basic freedoms they had will be taken away from them, with no chance of earning them?

            a player voiced there feelings on this, and was thought ill of do to it, one of MY players and a family member.

            She knowing what you would say said she would leave, she was PMed and told she was very wrong about this place, and commented on being wrong. this attitude "how do you knwo what turns people away?" I would guess being new and being thought a PvP monger for not liking the restrictions would make someone feel unwelcome.

            ones says they do not liek the restrictions on evil and a Oh, well we have a PvP system, assuming that what we are trying to say is that we wish to make Chaotic evil like chars and run around PvPing.

            Your right it not for everyone, but to the degree that some implyed that if you don't like it you must be a power gamer, PvP monger, that does not know what Good RP is and must be a bad person.

            No where did anyone say they were not willing to -prove- they had what it takes, or even wait. They just said they feel  2 months for CN is to much, 9 months for evil is to much, and that what turned them away.

            We don't ask to bypass rules, but when someone tells the reason they have decided not to play here, it might be alittle rude to think ill of them and tell them, no you don't understand when they clearly do.

            You wish to put RP second, behind safety of no player conflict. to tell someone they don't understand and that they should send days writting a bio join a world where when they get in, they won't enjoy is unfair. We heard a GREAT deal about this place before we came, I am a old NWN player I have built many game worlds, I have talked with alot of well known game world designers. I asked what place would be best for blank and they told me the pro's and con's of this place before hand.

            No one has really offered much incouragement towards her, other then your wrong.

            I can understand the 9 months rule 9 months ago, but NWN2 expansion has been set. We give valid fears of why we feel less then over joyed about this rule.

            that and the rather insulting manner a few things were handed to her, I must admit I am upset about this, it hard to do alot I have done keep all the moving in such in order, but it also hard to sit and watch my sister take flack, for feeling your world's rules restrict RP to the point she feels unable to RP in it.


            Re: A few new faces
            « Reply #50 on: May 16, 2007, 04:50:19 pm »
            One more thing for the record...

            The "Hoops" that people have to jump through to have a character on Layo are the same for everyone, old vet, and first time player.

            I have seen character submissions turned down that were submitted by players that have spent years on this server. And may I say, flatly turned down as in, the character approvers say there is no way you can do that with a character.

            Every single character MUST go through these things.  No one (or group) is being put through anymore of a test than anyone else.

            Everyone here who has an active character has had to do the same things to get approved.


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              Re: A few new faces
              « Reply #51 on: May 16, 2007, 04:53:34 pm »
              now now... restrictions are just there to give you something to go against... i personally play a Chaotic Good halfling ranger and things often seem to dissappear from packs (rp wise of course) that being just because Halflings are often extremely curious and light fingered...

              so not only can you take your alignment but you can take your very character into it. i play a halfling that is fun to be around you can ask many people that have met him... he's tons of fun with his insults to the enemies and just being a halfling. But my Gray Elf is basically a jerk to many people and he's Lawful Neutral if i remember right. Alignment only judges your actions, Stealing, Lying, Random Killing, etc. that's what i love... you take your entire character into the picture not just, "oh well i'm Lawful good i must protect everyone!" you can have a Lawful Good character with predjudice verse dwarves or somethin' and refuses to help them.


              Re: A few new faces
              « Reply #52 on: May 16, 2007, 04:56:54 pm »
              Actually the time of a drow (dark elves on Layonara) walking openly is over, there was a time in our period called the dragon called where from all races people with special talents were called to save the world from total domination and destruction from a renegade mage called bloodstone. being the dragon called type gave a certain notoriety and respect. Now that this time is over and we are in the dark ages, Drow are chased out of town, have to wear disguises to be able to walk around, and even more people now choses to rp, intimidation and even some goes as to cvc or rpcvc if they feel the rp warrants it.

              Only those who have proven themselves through merit are walking openly amongst us, but still get nagged from time to time because of their race

              The evil type of chars can not commonly merge with the good align races openly. And again in every evil type of races there is the exception example Az'atta is a good align Dark elf God.

              Oh and People *looks at both sides* Take a breather and lets keep this objective.


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                Re: A few new faces
                « Reply #53 on: May 16, 2007, 05:01:04 pm »
                I gave what I feel a carebear server is,and what many also feel is one as well. I asked you to tell if it was what this place is, you have merely said logon. You want me to do everything, and not come close to meeting me half way.. What would you say if I did do everything you said login gave it a week?

                what if after that I still said I did not like it against all YOUR asumptions?
                just because I have not logged in does not mean I have not perhaps watched over the shoulders and talked to people who have played here.

                Lets say I jumped through all your hoops and did not like it? what does that get me?  Will you ever change your rules? or will you  simply say more time, you still don't understand. Some how I don't think your rule will ever change, that why i feel I can't play here.

                What is there anything for me, other then a chance of liking it? I am sure there a server I would like just as much with out the restrictions.

                Why would I feel like a second class player? because after I gave it a try you would still say you have not played here long enough, regaurdless of how many hours I have logged in a week compared to how much someone else might in a month.

                it not just your rules, it you whole out look on everything, even just the way you people use PvP shows your ideal's of things. I might prejudge, but do not claim prejudgements were not made about me.

                When I said I did not like this rule many of you instantly thought CvC/PvP monger, that needs to change there selfish ways and stop trying to PvP/CvC.

                I don't expect any of you to see things from point of view, your in capable of it. Not in a manner that is your fault just that we do not fully understand even where I come from. i know where you people come from, You come from here. If I have made misconsuption about this place, then you might wish to change your new player info, and welcome forums. because the info I get is the info placed out for me.

                I never said this place was a poor world, did not have good DM's or any of that, I said I liked this place but you have to many restrictions, to get the level of Rp that I wish. sure you can have great RP with restrictions, but it will always be beneath the level you can get with out them. least that is my believe and i am sure we will never a gree on that, to you being forced to play good or neutral might be more RP posiblities, but to me it takes more options to have the most posibilties.

                thank you for your time, While I feel I have spent to much time here it was enjoyible to read your history and not a waste of time. the waste of time would be trying to fit in here, your world is set in stone and so are you, you like it the way it is and won't change that. I saw this from when  I said goodbye and gave my reasons.

                I have no doubt I would enjoy my self around such nice folks, but I do feel I can have as much fun some place else that does not have the restrictions placed on me. I feel I could have more fun else where because when I am 5 months into it and I am tired of playing my good guy I could make a evil char and have alot of fun again. something I can't get here I like my good but I like my evil just as much.


                Re: A few new faces
                « Reply #54 on: May 16, 2007, 05:01:48 pm »
                well, I'll say it

                STOP ARGUING

                and have a good time playing when ya'll get approved!


                Re: A few new faces
                « Reply #55 on: May 16, 2007, 05:10:11 pm »
                Let me start off by saying, Welcome to Layonara.
                 Now with that stated...I will again start off with stating that the world, in its NwN (online) version is not for everybody. I have far different rules (and far more lax) with my PnP players. After doing this online version for five years these rules have been put in place for a number of reasons, being brought in over the course of five years. They have been evaluated and adjusted four seperate times, with the last happening about four months ago. The rules as they are now will be staying, sorry, it is just the way it is here. Some like it, some love it, some hate it, and some despise it, but it is how it is here at Layonara while using the NwN version to bring the world online. D&D was never made for online game play, we do the best we can with what we have with the goal of allowing a communinity to have fun but to protect that community and the families there.
                 I read a question above about when was the last time the world soaked up other servers or allowed other players to come in from other servers on a massive scale. This happens fairly often believe it or not. I can not count on two hands the number of worlds that have closed down and brought their players here. But then again I can not count on 100 peoples two hands how many worlds have not come is a matter of preference for individual players and/or other server communities closing down or whatever the issue/concern may be. If a player (or community) wants to come here and play then that is great and I hope they have a great time and become a positive addition to the community. If the player wants to not play here in this community then that is fine as well, players have choices and options out there.
                 Our rules are in place for this community and to help this community as a whole, not indivudal players and not individual team members, the entire community. Again some like it and stick around and have fun playing a game, but some hate it and leave. That is their preference as it is their time and their game, and they deserve to have fun.
                 Not sure what else to say on that front and I am not sure if you will like hearing those words but it is how it is right now at Layonara. I put the world online with the NwN engine knowing full well there would be things that had to be changed and rules put in place to create the world and community that the team and I desire.


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                  Re: A few new faces
                  « Reply #56 on: May 16, 2007, 05:13:45 pm »
                  will that admin fella please hit my little MSN button, I added him two days ago. I sure he sets to hide to ease the work load he has but I have been wanting to talk to him before this whole thing happend in hopes of avoiding something like this. *sighs* it much easier to ask one person things then a group of them, and it always best to goto the top. I promise not to take up to much of your time.

                  yuyu new there was no chance the rules would be changed, she just did not like telling her the rules were perfect, and she was the reason she could not feel the want to play here with her CvC ways. She said she would leave before playing because she knew you would be set in stone. She has dealt with me for far to long.

                  Oh and our community is still around I just choose to no longer run it,  both servers are being rebuilt fully for the first time in 5 years. I just wished to be a player and that not something you cna do in a place where folks still look to you for answers. our community still being around is why I or anyone from it will give it name, we respect other servers and do not wish to advertise in anyway for it. not knowing where we come from does pose problems for understanding us, you know nothing of our ways, granting us the advantage there.

                  When we came here I made sure everyone knew we were not out to make others conform to us but to conform to the way of others. this is why she chose to leave.

                  I fully understand folks love it here and must feel others must be insane to to not like it,or feel they won't  clearly they have not spent enough time here, or some other thing like that. That just shows you have carring players. :)

                  We come from a very different place and have many more freedoms that the admins and DM's of here must think we had to be crazy to allow, full freedom of speech was one of them.

                  As I said or ways would be just barbarian to you.


                  Re: A few new faces
                  « Reply #57 on: May 16, 2007, 05:20:05 pm »
                  LOL, thats him ^

                  big L

                  pming him works nicely


                  Re: A few new faces
                  « Reply #58 on: May 16, 2007, 05:24:01 pm »
                  @Joyrock, I don't use MSN and haven't for a long time (several years). So I am not invisible or anything like that, I just am not logged in to my MSN account because I don't use it.
                   On an additional note, you are welcome to send me a PM but not if you are going to hash over the same conversations as this thread has been "discussing" as that is a closed issue and things are not changing and I know that is not what you want to here but it is just how it is so I will apologize up front.
                   If you want to just talk or discuss other things that does not involve this thread then I look foward to your PM.


                  Re: A few new faces
                  « Reply #59 on: May 16, 2007, 05:27:58 pm »
                  Next to this Layonara has his own dedicated irc server. Most of the gm's and a lot of players are found here and it is the best way for quick questions.

