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Author Topic: Greetings  (Read 153 times)


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    « on: June 27, 2007, 04:52:45 pm »
    Well I must say that this has caught me by some surprise!

    I have been playing MMORPGs since EQ and have been active in EQ2, SWG, CoH, WoW and now LOTOR.

    All the while struggling to find RP that goes beyond going to the local designated spot and posing and talking about how angst filled everbody's character is.

    People in MMORPGs seem to think that is it.  That is what RP is.  I am looking for that, but then I am looking to go out and adventure in an RP world.  Sure it is fun to go back to the local tavern and have a few tankards and talk about adventures.  But I kept wanting more.

    For some reason I always thought NWN was a Vampire: Masquerade setting and I never looked into it.

    So as I am struggling in LOTOR to create a Storyteller kinship that takes players on adventures that have little to nothing to do with the quest system, one of the people in my kinship (fed up with the RP in LOTOR) says they are going to take a look at NWN.

    Imagine my surprise when I find out that I do not have to re-invent the wheel!!  Here it is.

    Or is it?  What is the downside here?  The screenshots seem to indicate that the graphics are as good as the MMORPGs I am playing in.

    It is RP based.  GM driven content.  Problem solving, mysteries, players can effect the world.....

    What else is there?  What am I missing?  Where have you been all my life?


    Re: Greetings
    « Reply #1 on: June 27, 2007, 05:16:41 pm »
    Welcome and we hope you enjoy your time in Layonara.
     The server is all about RP and immersion in to the world. We have numerous GM events every month in order to encourage and enhance the RP factor and the fun factor (take a look at the calendar for this month and the past few months). Great people and great fun!


    Re: Greetings
    « Reply #2 on: June 27, 2007, 05:17:30 pm »
    [cynicism]The downside is that NWN is an old and dying system thats more restrictive mechanically then others you may have encountered.

    If you're willing to put up with that then I think you'll be content here. [/cynicism]

    That said, I wish you the best. Its fun here :)


    Re: Greetings
    « Reply #3 on: June 27, 2007, 06:07:05 pm »
    Welcome.  If you like RP this is a good place for it