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Author Topic: A few new faces  (Read 1874 times)


Re: A few new faces
« Reply #60 on: May 16, 2007, 05:33:20 pm »
Quote from: Joyrock
will that admin fella please hit my little MSN button, I added him two days ago. I sure he sets to hide to ease the work load he has but I have been wanting to talk to him before this whole thing happend in hopes of avoiding something like this. *sighs* it much easier to ask one person things then a group of them, and it always best to goto the top. I promise not to take up to much of your time.

yuyu new there was no chance the rules would be changed, she just did not like telling her the rules were perfect, and she was the reason she could not feel the want to play here with her CvC ways. She said she would leave before playing because she knew you would be set in stone. She has dealt with me for far to long.

Oh and our community is still around I just choose to no longer run it,  both servers are being rebuilt fully for the first time in 5 years. I just wished to be a player and that not something you cna do in a place where folks still look to you for answers. our community still being around is why I or anyone from it will give it name, we respect other servers and do not wish to advertise in anyway for it. not knowing where we come from does pose problems for understanding us, you know nothing of our ways, granting us the advantage there.

When we came here I made sure everyone knew we were not out to make others conform to us but to conform to the way of others. this is why she chose to leave.

I fully understand folks love it here and must feel others must be insane to to not like it,or feel they won't  clearly they have not spent enough time here, or some other thing like that. That just shows you have carring players. :)

We come from a very different place and have many more freedoms that the admins and DM's of here must think we had to be crazy to allow, full freedom of speech was one of them.

As I said or ways would be just barbarian to you.

It's not that we feel you are insane or anything, but when ever you go into a new group you have to try and integrate without losing yourself to it. This is how this world works, some things I like, other things I don't but the player base is to awesome to just leave for the things I don't like.

Where ever you will go you may find some restrictions for certain things, it is up to you to accept them or not but it is also up to you to integrate within them if you do accept them. I wouldn't go into a country and say this law is no good change it for me or I leave. This is the same here, there is reasons that you have not seen, heck some i haven't even seen myself, for those rules to be there and we make the best out of them and have fun nonetheless, which is the basis of why anyone is here to have fun in a setting that suits themselves and a story the love.


Re: A few new faces
« Reply #61 on: May 16, 2007, 05:43:22 pm »
 My grandchildren sometimes play here with me.  I appreciate and support the family atmosphere encouraged on Layonara, and I think many others here do also.  I'm sure there are other servers out there that will let you express yourself "fully".  It just takes more intelligence to do it discreetly.


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    Re: A few new faces
    « Reply #62 on: May 16, 2007, 05:56:11 pm »
    helldozer while I thank you for trying to be polite, I think you misunderstand.
    I have stated and stated we wished to fully conform. I have been admin, I have dealt with it before I can pretty muchguess your DM team's stance on things. We never planned to change anything, but you can't tell someone there wrong for not wanting to play here.

    Yuyu is gone, said she is going to wait for the new version of our old server. trying to explian anything more is pointless and will only prevoke conflict. We don't need to be told we need to change to your ways we know that.

    But I do think you need to understand not everyone will think the world, of your world.

    I am sure you could care less if we played here or not you have alot of players what is a few more or less? I think you do care about what others think of your world, and anything short of perfection will upset you.

    Must remember your world was made for families, that alone will send many players away. change your ways to bring them back and it will drive someone away.

    So please you need to not preach anymore.

    This has turned from my sister to me -_- With joyrock this joyrock that... PLEASE READ WHO IT IS ABOUT, BEFORE POSTING. In fact please don't post at all I assure you she is gone. much like she first stated. only thing posting here does is serve to make me feel defensive, or the need to defend my sister.

    yes I know full well family server, yes I know full well not to try and change anything, yes I know full well some people are reading what the person on top posts, yes I know full well your trying to be nice, and yes I undertsand you don't mean anything.

    You don't need to put anything like don't like it leave she said she was leaving. that pretty much what started this.


    Re: A few new faces
    « Reply #63 on: May 16, 2007, 06:05:57 pm »
    Would be nice if "we "as Layo community , could simply accept that some don't like the world .

    Not every one likes our world and not all off us would like a world -not- run like Layo is.

    People all have different views on things and the world would be a better place if we just accept that.

    I wish Yuyu happiness and fun in the world she will find and I'm sure she wishes happiness and fun to us that enjoy Layo.

    I found it interesting that one was kind enough to explain why Layo wasn't for her to play and i feel a bit sad that "we "as a community reacted if attacked personally, for that i would like to apologize to Yuyu .

    Please , lets stop taking things out off the whole story it was written and welcome those that do come play on Layo to see if it is a place they can like and hopefully love .



    Re: A few new faces
    « Reply #64 on: May 16, 2007, 06:34:36 pm »
    I assume i was the "admin fellow" you spoke of above.  If so, sorry...I hadn't restarted my MSN for a while...oversight on my part due to just too much going on.

    For the record, I'm not "the top", Leanthar is.  But I will be happy to discuss whatever it is you wish as time allows.


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      Re: A few new faces
      « Reply #65 on: May 16, 2007, 06:42:34 pm »
      Quote from: Leanthar
      @Joyrock, I don't use MSN and haven't for a long time (several years). So I am not invisible or anything like that, I just am not logged in to my MSN account because I don't use it.
       On an additional note, you are welcome to send me a PM but not if you are going to hash over the same conversations as this thread has been "discussing" as that is a closed issue and things are not changing and I know that is not what you want to here but it is just how it is so I will apologize up front.
       If you want to just talk or discuss other things that does not involve this thread then I look foward to your PM.

      Err thanks so your the same person as the one that reads admin? with the MSN button?

      much rather MSN then PM's because from each form of communication you move up the more clear things become. no I have no wish to continue this I never did.
      But you know as a leader of my people and all I tend to get defensive of them, and when one is your sister... Anywho I might just get IRC I have it on my laptop but I don't feel like breaking that thing out.

      We will see once I login.  itend to be busy helping folks with bio's many of my players are what you would call foriegn, like Star there danish. I so helping them with bio's that read well is eating into my own time for things.

      it not so much a need to talk in private as a need tochat in a higher level then posts.


      Re: A few new faces
      « Reply #66 on: May 16, 2007, 06:48:35 pm »
      Quote from: Joyrock

      was my post such a dozer;)

      seriously though I think you misunderstood my last post. I was not speaking to you specifically but in General to every one.


      Re: A few new faces
      « Reply #67 on: May 16, 2007, 06:54:25 pm »
      Although it aggravates me no end, I readily admit that I was wrong to be as sarcastic as I was in my earlier post.  I apologize to the community for my callous remarks.  It accomplished nothing but making a poor situation that much worse.

      Unfortunately, I took the comments as a disparagement of some of the fine RPers already here (which sadly I really am not one of, but have friends that are).  Again, my apologies for my prior comment.


      Re: A few new faces
      « Reply #68 on: May 17, 2007, 09:25:25 am »
      Joyrock, I've added you to my MSN.


      Re: A few new faces
      « Reply #69 on: May 17, 2007, 11:39:03 am »
      Joyrock, I am sure on your side you are having quite a hard time trying to lead a group into a new land. This is never a easy task. But let me assure that even with the rules that we have in place, you and your group will find great RPing on Layo. We, as with all online worlds, are not perfect but we do the best we can.

      I as a player and community member have been through a large range of situations when it comes to the server rules, from breaking them (once) to trying to get detailed and well defined wording. I can say with some degree of experience that when it comes to play time the rules never get in the way of good RP and fun.

      I am glad that you and your players are coming here and I look forward to playing with you all. I think we already have one of you on, Star I think. She played last night with one of our long time players and I am sure it was great fun.

      So go on a write up a bio and give it a whirl.


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        Re: A few new faces
        « Reply #70 on: May 17, 2007, 02:06:46 pm »
        you currently have a few, star, lilth the druid gnome, risen & reborn's char, and script wrecked, and my very simple dave hendrix,   I always loved the simple chars everyone goes for flash these days, finding the good old cookie cutter chars to simple.

        umm jimblee and Celezar are still going to make there chars been pushing the limits on your char submission rules, they think they finally got it worked out thanks to Dorg. the others are pretty much finishing up school or waiting. Many decided to stay and ether work with the the 2 new versions of our old server or wait for it.

        but me I am on vacation 8) no one dragging me back into the whole "We need 100 area's done by friday get to work!" *sips his ice tea in the shade then calls out* little to the left there kaggan with that placable!

        So a few of us still around, and looking forward to RPing. few us have.I am by far not the best Rper of us, I just often handle the work loads, I lost my RPing talents when I became a admin, though some folks still say I got it. but my RP is often nothing special these days, and that fine with me, pretty much logon to logon maybe bash a few monsters alone. you know the stuff I don't need to think on.