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Author Topic: Hullo  (Read 564 times)

Amadan's Fool

« on: December 20, 2010, 11:00:42 am »

Just registered.

Looking forward to making a character and starting to play in the next few weeks- have been lurking about and reading the lore etc for the last few days. Looks like an amazingly detailed world with loads of history etc- think I'd have to say well done to the creators and community before even starting playing.

Anyway, I guess I will have a load of questions before I start playing- think I am going to try and start with a fairly straightforward character who is quite lacking in knowledge about the world as a way of learning ingame.

However, one thing wanted to know- an easy character for me to play of a sort I have RP'ed before would be a peasant type who hates the lords etc. However, looking at the various lore pages although I can see quite a lot about conflict between races etc there doesn't seem to be too much about relations between lords/peasants etc. Any pointers to where to look would be quite helpful.

Sorry if it is isn't helpful to post a question in the "hello I'm new" thread.

Hope to see you ingame soon.

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Re: Hullo
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2010, 12:03:25 pm »
hey, hello!  good to see a new face!

Given the medieval bent you could probably have your character come from a "bad lord of the manor" situation from just about anywhere.  There are places where there is more going on and the possibility for abuse has increased in light of the overall rulers.   some places that come to mind: the Rael kingdom, the kingdom of Succession, and Kartherian on Alindor (Morholt Kingdom).  Co'rys on Mistone is another pretty corrupt place.  any of those would be places where a peasant would find plenty of reasons to want to rise up against their overlords...

look for Andrew Reid in game if you want help or rp!


Re: Hullo
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2010, 12:16:11 pm »
We also have a Character Stable of pre-made characters ready to be played if you want something quick and easy to get IG and start. :)


Re: Hullo
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2010, 12:16:55 pm »
First of all, welcome to Layo!

Quote from: Amadan's Fool

 think I am going to try and start with a fairly straightforward character who is quite lacking in knowledge about the world as a way of learning ingame.

This is a great way to start off, and generally gets your characters approved faster when there isn't a lot of conflict with lore.  Also, it's fun to learn things in character as you learn.

However, one thing wanted to know- an easy character for me to play of a sort I have RP'ed before would be a peasant type who hates the lords etc. However, looking at the various lore pages although I can see quite a lot about conflict between races etc there doesn't seem to be too much about relations between lords/peasants etc. Any pointers to where to look would be quite helpful.

My suggestion is that if you're looking for the "downtrodden" type, you should look into Co'rys.  It's probably one of the most corrupt nations- definitely the most corrupt nation on Mistone, with the "upper" class really only caring about themselves and not caring how much they have to step on the little people to get what they want.  Definitely a great place to start.  Feel free to ask as many questions as you need to, and also you can try the General Discussion Forums, the Ask a Gamemaster Forum, and try our irc at #nwn.  IRC is probably the fastest and easiest way to get in touch with GMs as well as players that can help you with what you need.

Again, welcome to Layo, look forward to meeting you in game!



Re: Hullo
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2010, 12:28:07 pm »
Welcome to the world of Layonara!!!!

Very friendly server with players always willing to help...just ask ;)

Hope to see you in game soon!


Re: Hullo
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2010, 01:08:33 pm »

I must confirm my fellow player's recommendation about Co'rys.  It is corrupt, nasty, and it is located on the continent you will spend the early part of your characters career.

[Shameless Plug]There also happens to be two guilds that work on either side of the corruption of Co'rys, one taking advantage, the other still in its infancy hoping to work against the corruption (my guild of course).  So you with the angle you are after there are already at least two groups to interact with.  [/Shameless Plug]

Hope you enjoy your time here!  Keep an eye out for Tyra Dragonheart, if you decide to make a 'corrupt-lord-hating peasant.'  She may try to recruit him/her.  :)


Re: Hullo
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2010, 02:12:48 pm »
Keep an eye out for Tyra Dragonheart, if you decide to make a 'corrupt-lord-hating peasant.' She may try to recruit him/her.
 Yeah Tyra is annoying so everyone loves to hate her. :p   Welcome to the server, Fool. ;)  If you are looking for ideas I'll second what Milty said..lots of premade characters to choose from in the Stable.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

Amadan's Fool

Re: Hullo
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2010, 08:48:27 pm »
Thanks for the replies. I have been having a read about Fort Vehl and Co'rys- helpful.

I may well take up one of the stable characters before trying to write a submission for another.

Thanks again.


Re: Hullo
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2010, 11:56:54 pm »
Sometimes it is best to experience the place before you can accurately write a story for a character.  I know the character I first made and thought would be cool, turned out to be INCREDIBLY cliche and turned out to not be much fun to play.  The characters I made after that fit in more (or less) with my best being my longest lived Character, Shiff Dragonheart (my second or third character).

That said...  the stable will allow you a template to experience Layonara with before you try your hand at your own creation.

Have fun and good luck.  Hope to see you IG :)