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Author Topic: Legend of the Seeker  (Read 527 times)


Legend of the Seeker
« on: May 05, 2009, 01:06:15 pm »
Legend of the Seeker

An interesting sword & sorcery series produced by Spiderman, Hercules & Xena guru Sam Raimi, yet much less of a campy tone this time around.  Pooser and I are hooked, and thanks to hulu you don't even need a television to watch them all for free.  It follows the exploits of a young paladinesque lad with a magic sword, his chicken speaking nut-bag wizard and an uber-hot celibate priestess as they lead the rebellion against an evil tyrant.

The guy who plays Zeddicus the Wizard was also the gyro-copter flyer from Mad Max.  You know, the crazy British guy with the huge teeth and no pants who tries to steal his dogfood.


Re: Legend of the Seeker
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2009, 01:29:44 pm »
ive been watching this from the beginning as well and yes its much better the raimi's other daydreams

and she better be celibate after she takes your free will away with a look and a chokeslam setup grip
but she is uber hot

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Legend of the Seeker
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2009, 03:17:24 pm »
The Series is based on the "Sword of Truth" Book series by Terry Goodkind.  Its like 12 books or so, last paperback out recently to end the storyline.  Its a long series but a good read.


Re: Legend of the Seeker
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2009, 03:19:27 pm »
Oh, good. So the tv series has a lot of material to work with. =P Book a season anyone?


Re: Legend of the Seeker
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2009, 03:35:55 pm »
No milty, they've decided to use the books as a faint reference. I often give plenty of room for flexibility and don't really freak out when a series doesn't follow its source to the dot, but this one is pretty horrible. :p

The production quality is bad, the acting is pretty hilarious, and Richard seems to be played by a 15 year old. Kahlan is smoking, but that's pretty much one of the few redeeming qualities of the show.

Definitely would not recommend it to anyone unless you're absolutely extremely bored and need some filming lessons on what not to do. :D


Re: Legend of the Seeker
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2009, 04:24:37 pm »
Sadly, I enjoy, in some twisted way, really bad B-level television. Especially where fantasy is involved. I get to imagine how I could do it better.


Re: Legend of the Seeker
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2009, 05:03:17 pm »
Perhaps it's the poor quality of B-level filims/TV that allows your imagination to expound beyond what is merely seen, and truly imagine the world for your own enjoyment.  *shrugs*


Re: Legend of the Seeker
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2009, 05:54:21 pm »
Ahh read the books the author has done a good job.  Each book is like 800 pages so I recommend long business trips with lots of airports.

Script Wrecked

Re: Legend of the Seeker
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2009, 05:20:32 am »
Quote from: lonnarin
The guy who plays Zeddicus the Wizard was also the gyro-copter flyer from Mad Max.  You know, the crazy British guy with the huge teeth and no pants who tries to steal his dogfood.

That would be Bruce Spence, the crazy British/New Zealand guy with the huge teeth who played Jedediah the Pilot (aka The Gyro Captain), also known for his "teeth" role as the Mouth of Sauron.



Re: Legend of the Seeker
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2009, 08:21:08 am »
I watch this show as well. While the acting can be cheesy at times it really isn't that bad for a tv series (fantasy series are never easy to pull off after all). What I do like about it is that everyone in my family enjoys watching, including Raylynn (6 1/2 years old)--in fact when she gets to spend time with Dad she asks to watch that show first thing....which is pretty cool. :)
 All in all it is a good 'fill in' for those wanting fantasy for their television viewing. The story is interesting for sure (go read the books, they are great), it could be better in several areas (production, acting and such), but then every single movie and tv show could be better.
 I give it a B/B- simply because my entire family likes to watch it...and it gives me time to spend with Raylynn. :)


Re: Legend of the Seeker
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2009, 04:38:13 pm »
yes, I like watching the series. but I was still miffed that they sorta.... "diverged" from teh plot.... so I've accepted it as an alternate universe in which events played out somewhat different....

the hilarious thing though, was that my ma would complain about my complaints about it when we started watching... then I got her to read the book, and soon roles were reversed. xD


Re: Legend of the Seeker
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2009, 05:27:53 pm »
the hilarious thing though, was that my ma would complain about my complaints about it when we started watching... then I got her to read the book, and soon roles were reversed. xD

Heh. Classic.

