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Author Topic: A little get together  (Read 710 times)


A little get together
« on: June 02, 2010, 11:45:57 pm »
I saw this thread here:

and one of dorg's statement's in there was "Ask not what layonara can do for you, but what can you do for Layonara!" *coughs* erm, more or less... I took the liberty of para-wording that. (that's Paraphrase + rewording, mind you! :D )

Now, I think I'll try and get something interesting going, something a little Player driven. Sure, if a DM stuck their nose it, it would be interesting/fantastic. as far as what I could contribute in game other then some RP, not much, I don't have the richest characters in Layo, they probably couldn't afford to throw a birthday party for a small group of two, unless all they did was cook some stew and had some roasted deer birthday cake from from the dappelgreen forest.


Sooo, This will be something a little more convenient, nothing fancy, rather simple, and quiet frankly, it will be only as fun as those who attend can make it.

Here's the Idea:

Every week, or even every other week, we need a time convenient for those most interested (and if we have lotsa AESTers and ESTers that wanna do it, run two seperate sessions!) and pick a tavern somewhere in Layonara. It could be the stormcrest shack, the one eyed harpy, the wild surge inn, leringard arms, The caring arms inn, Or any of those other crazy taverns that I've never had a chance to see! (actually, I'd love to go somewhere other then mistone and see some more, heh. >.>)

Simple gather, sit around, and chat... Use your imagination! swap stories with folk you never have spoke before! Have some toast with that boast!

"Well, one day, I had to face off with a dragon!" *another tavern goer glances over and rolls his eyes* "Yeah, I'm sure, it musta been me mother!" *a loud ruckus of laughter follows*

Heck, I'd love to see a bar fight between a dwarf and a halfling that started over who had the better beard! It doesn't nee dot be PvP, it just needs to be a few rolls of the 1d20 before the other's break it up. (just use a little common sense, and make sure it's planned out with the other player!)

and best yet, there is no set "were finished time"... if some one starts, tehn leaves, and another 4 more continues, who are joined by a few more who carry it on after they have to log, it can pretty much go on until no one is logged onto the server! And it doesn't have to be all "goody goody" per se, I mean, it's a tavern, there are bound to be some unsavory folk there. It's the convoulted mix of personalities that make the RP interesting

I'll be in at the caring arms in as one of my PC's in Fort Wayfare sometime this weekend, I'll make a post in one of the IG forums, and post a link back here afterwards.

So, any thoughts, ideas, concerns? And by all means, start your own posts and post a link to it on this thread. Only thing I ask is it not be a bashy run anywhere, and don't come expecting any or much xp, this is not somehting beign run by a DM. It's being run by "Us". Make it someplace interesting, heck, if you get enough naturey folk, get a hike going, and -IF- needed, fight off some things that wonder onto the beaten path, and check out the interesting regions. Stone would be a great place too IMO. I've seen it a few times, and I think the place looks amazing compared to some other areas. you could have a fishing trip there! (though, it might seem odd to specifically go there for fishing... >.>)

SO! Shall we? :D

The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer


Re: A little get together
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2010, 11:50:55 pm »
And Bards would be a plus...

Rockhead or Lana would be a quadruple plus...

Acacea would be over 9000...

//EDIT: and of course good Sir Andrew and Mister Farros


Re: A little get together
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2010, 11:53:30 pm »


Re: A little get together
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2010, 11:57:46 pm »
Quote from: RollinsCat

OMG, I forgot Andrew! And I forgot... forgot... RAAAGH! what's his name! Ionnarin's insane bard of rock and roll!

*Stacks Andrew's and "Hewhoicannotnameatthismomentbecauseit'sbeenawhile"'s name up there with the other three.*


Re: A little get together
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2010, 11:59:34 pm »
Farros is the name!

*passes Andrew a hankie*

back to topic! :D


Re: A little get together
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2010, 12:19:57 am »
Friday night I'm game, pick the bar.

don't pass the Red Coat bard any beer though.


Re: A little get together
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2010, 12:31:07 am »
hmm... Zari's not a bard... but her boyfriend is!  maybe we can get a whole band together!

gilshem ironstone

Re: A little get together
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2010, 12:34:52 am »
Andrew and Gel would be like John and Paul or something... Except that Andrew is ten times the musician Gel is.  (Anyone who has heard one of Gel's really bad impromptu songs knows what I mean.)

I would love to make it if I am not working in my RL tavern.


Re: A little get together
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2010, 12:48:25 am »
kk, I'll make another post, as said earlier... So far, Friday night, EST (I'm assuming, Rollins, unless you have another Timezone in mind) at teh caring arms inn in fort wayfare. :D

Any other ideas welcome, pretty please. and bring true to support your local tavern! :D and the more, the merrier! tell your family! your friends! tell your friends friends and even that guy over there! :D


Re: A little get together
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2010, 12:50:32 am »
Who's Ringo and George then?

And does that make Zari Yoko?



Re: A little get together
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2010, 12:52:23 am »
>.> I'll bring the Richie out, he can be Ringo. :D *imagines a brownie on a huge drum kit, and grins ear to ear*

