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Author Topic: WH 40K help..  (Read 251 times)


WH 40K help..
« on: August 08, 2006, 04:56:48 am »
A few weeks ago I endtered m army into the 13th Crusade world event, It was my buddie's idea. And right now I'm sorely hurting here.. Last planet I took costed me 3 dreadnoughts and 2 titans while banishing Nurgle. My army is iat half battle power because I heavly depended on the titans.. Not My arm was randomly selcted to spear head another attack and I just got the scout reports that I'm Squaring off with Abbadon's main force which has one wharhound Choas tiotan and a few dozen greater deamons. What i got to fight with is Mike's Imperal force, mostly cannon fodder soldiers, 2 Psyckers, 2 baslisk with earth shakers 3 of them nifty flame tanks and one of them huge 11 gun tanks I can't ever remember the name of it...

My army is, 3 Dreadnougts, one dule power claws, and the other two mini guns, Calgar wih full honor guard one libarian, one apoithcary, 2 full Melee teminator squads, One land raider (with guns no las cannons) one preditor ( full lascannon array), one whirlwind, 4 Tactical squads (tow of which are on stand by) and 2 full assault Marines which I'm gonna arm with melta bombs and I'm thinking of Suicide runs on the Titan.

Well my Basic Stragity is following:

Lure the titan with in firing range of the Earth shakers and Whirlwind and drop its geller fields asap then send the assualt marines in to cripple it. use the Teminators to keel the smaller stuff at bay wth support from both the land raider and Preditor and then have Calgar with honor guard hunt Abbadon down and pick off the HQ

And use the Impreal army as a meat shield to get Calgar in once the titans and deamons ae down.. As for Deamons I have no idea, could be greater or a chaos god..

God I'm wishing I teamed up with the grey knights squad that another guy has in this death martch...

I just hope this isn't the end of my army.

Hehe If so i'll be out of the 13th crusade
Well any ideas?


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    RE: WH 40K help..
    « Reply #1 on: August 08, 2006, 05:37:56 am »
    I gernerally only play 40k not epic which i think your talking about.

    I have no idea how good a totan is but i can imagine it is pretty harsh.

    I play chaos and as far as i am concerned i will take any space marine that comes my way.

    So.... Good Luck  :p


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      RE: WH 40K help..
      « Reply #2 on: August 08, 2006, 05:51:22 am »
      Oh i think you ment Baneblade as the tank.

      Had a quick think.

      Stand back and shoot, he will have to come to you and I assume a Titan has lots of Structure points so fire your Ordance at them for your 2d6 armour penertration and choose the highest, i am guessing it has 14 armour but a las cannons from the predator will do a good job.

      The longer it takes him to move forward the more rolls he has to do on his Greaterdemons and normal demon summoning, you might get lucky and have a the possesion early on and be able to shoot the demons before they get in close combat. Also if you can work out which squad has the champion which is the host then killing that sqaud will force the demon to come in instable and give a chance of it killing itself.

      Keeping back will make any demon summons he has spawn closer to his side of the board and not summon and assault your firing squads. Keep the drednaughts near the front of your army so if demons do get summoned they can jump in and help assualt, same with the assault troopers, keep them at the back in cover, when your first sqaud gets assualted bring them in.

      Basically it sounds like you will have more firepower, stay back and shoot keep your assualting stuff close enough to the front so that when he smashses into your lines you can counter assualt the next turn and hopefully return to firing before the next wave gets in. If his demons are summoned and get into your lines you need to kill them quickly as you wont want close combat messing up too many of your sqauds for fireing.

      I assume you know how to play but just in case, check what sqauds he has with the marks of chaos, any sqaud without the marks will need to do pining checks against the ordance you have, make sure you see his rolls for demon summons and get him to declare whether he is accepting the summon for Greater deomon and whether he ahs chosen numbers for his normal demons.

      Good Luck.


      Re: WH 40K help..
      « Reply #3 on: August 08, 2006, 05:52:31 am »

      Switch sides! Nobody wants to be on the losing site. :)


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      Re: WH 40K help..
      « Reply #4 on: August 08, 2006, 07:51:58 am »
      you have two choices. Run away and let the Space Wolves do it, real men. Or imprace the dark powers. oh yea, or die *grin*


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      Re: WH 40K help..
      « Reply #5 on: August 08, 2006, 08:24:42 am »
      Grey Knights are really cool... Hehe last time i looked at WH40k stuff, those were the last codex i've read, a bit expensive point-wise, but surely worth it.

       As for tactics, well... Rambo mode all the way! :P


      Re: WH 40K help..
      « Reply #6 on: August 08, 2006, 03:43:00 pm »
      I an't running! Logan Silvermane! I'll recover the bloody spear of russ just to embarrass you guys! HAR!

      And as of now I have the advantage in long range, I just got word he as fallen angels and Mike is pulling out his vindicar assassian to put a bullet between Abbandon's eyes. hehe


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        RE: WH 40K help..
        « Reply #7 on: August 08, 2006, 04:05:00 pm »
        you can try....

        i want my 10k btw  ;)


        Re: WH 40K help..
        « Reply #8 on: August 08, 2006, 04:45:19 pm »
        I an't switching sides! Ultra marines rather die before giving into the hericy


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          RE: WH 40K help..
          « Reply #9 on: August 08, 2006, 11:16:29 pm »
          set up the tanks and artillery in the back and the cannon fodder in the very fron. others iun the middle. then fire away once they get close.

          Im thinking about starting playing war hammer 40k. but my wallet wont like it since im planning on making another large purchase on possibly Saturday.


          RE: WH 40K help..
          « Reply #10 on: August 09, 2006, 01:23:44 am »
          i used to collect abit of that, not space Ultramarines though, i had a few Eldar (right name?) but my painting skills made them look like something from a nightmare, more than they looked anyway, but i could paint tanks ok lol
            whoops hehe


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            RE: WH 40K help..
            « Reply #11 on: August 09, 2006, 02:55:52 am »
            Ultramarines...... Sigh, you really are in a mess.


            Re: WH 40K help..
            « Reply #12 on: August 09, 2006, 07:18:53 pm »
            Good news is mike is telling me there will be another Imperal army joining us. I'll post the Post battle sat evening

