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Author Topic: To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware  (Read 221 times)


To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware
« on: October 17, 2005, 06:41:00 am »

You may have to change your characters to Gnomes.  ;)


RE: To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2005, 06:47:00 am »
People really, really, really, need to get over themselves.

I hate politically correct stuff. I think I'm going to go out at count MANhole covers today.

Vyris the DWARF.


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    RE: To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware
    « Reply #2 on: October 17, 2005, 06:51:00 am »
    Vyris - 10/17/2005  3:47 PM

    People really, really, really, need to get over themselves.

    I hate politically correct stuff. I think I'm going to go out at count MANhole covers today.

    Vyris the DWARF.

    Ah but then men aren't covered by political correctness - so MANholes is ok for a sewer cover.


    RE: To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware
    « Reply #3 on: October 17, 2005, 06:56:00 am »
    Wintersheart - 10/17/2005 8:51 AM
    Vyris - 10/17/2005 3:47 PM People really, really, really, need to get over themselves. I hate politically correct stuff. I think I'm going to go out at count MANhole covers today. Vyris the DWARF.
    Ah but then men aren't covered by political correctness - so MANholes is ok for a sewer cover.

      I believe they're "supposed" to be called: Personnel Access Hatches
      ...or some nonsense like that.


    RE: To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware
    « Reply #4 on: October 17, 2005, 09:07:00 am »
    Dorganath - 10/17/2005  9:56 AM    
    Wintersheart - 10/17/2005 8:51 AM
    Vyris - 10/17/2005 3:47 PM People really, really, really, need to get over themselves. I hate politically correct stuff. I think I'm going to go out at count MANhole covers today. Vyris the DWARF.
    Ah but then men aren't covered by political correctness - so MANholes is ok for a sewer cover.

      I believe they're "supposed" to be called: Personnel Access Hatches
      ...or some nonsense like that.
     But that might offend all of the hatches out there.  We must find another non-offensive name for it!  I say we call everything 'that'.  No one can be offended by 'that'.  Every person will no be called 'them' or 'they'.  This way 'they' cannot be offended when we call on 'them'.  That is Political Correctness taken to its logical end.  It's ridiculous isn't it?


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      RE: To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware
      « Reply #5 on: October 17, 2005, 01:57:00 pm »
      Ummm arnt there realy giants?


      RE: To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware
      « Reply #6 on: October 17, 2005, 02:22:00 pm »
      regnus - 10/17/2005 11:07 AM
      Dorganath - 10/17/2005 9:56 AM  
      Wintersheart - 10/17/2005 8:51 AM
      Vyris - 10/17/2005 3:47 PM People really, really, really, need to get over themselves. I hate politically correct stuff. I think I'm going to go out at count MANhole covers today. Vyris the DWARF.
      Ah but then men aren't covered by political correctness - so MANholes is ok for a sewer cover.

        I believe they're "supposed" to be called: Personnel Access Hatches
        ...or some nonsense like that.
      But that might offend all of the hatches out there. We must find another non-offensive name for it! I say we call everything 'that'. No one can be offended by 'that'. Every person will no be called 'them' or 'they'. This way 'they' cannot be offended when we call on 'them'. That is Political Correctness taken to its logical end. It's ridiculous isn't it?

        As one of "them", I personally take great exception to you lumping us in with "they". 
        "They" used to be part of "them", but "they" eventually thought they were too good for "them," and so "they" went and formed their own group.  Sadly, "they" tried to retain the prestige of their former association with "them," and in doing so, "they" brought shame and disgrace to "them" wherever "they" went. "They" did a bit of "this" and a lot of "that"...which was ultimately the one thing that "they" should never have done.  "They" tried to come back to "them" once, but "they" refused to mend their ways. Mark my words: "they" will never again be allowed among the ranks of "them". Ever.
        You'll be hearing from our lawyer.

      Dark Jester

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      RE: To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware
      « Reply #7 on: October 17, 2005, 03:03:00 pm »
      As a member of "We", "We" take great offense at being excluded from "Them". "We", being a subgroup of "Us", are truely sad that "We" can not be members of "Them" or "They". Please refrain from the exclusion of the global organization "Us" in the future, and do not discriminate against those individualists among "Us" that prefer to be called "You".



      RE: To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware
      « Reply #8 on: October 17, 2005, 04:35:00 pm »
      'I' am offended by individualists that like to be referred to as 'You'.  What makes 'You' any better than 'Me'?  'Who' made 'You' better than 'Me' anyway?  'I' for one think that 'You' should step back in line and be counted like the rest of 'Us'.  Any more of this individualist thinking and 'We' will be forced to have our lawyers sue 'You'

      Stop thinking for yourself and become one with the herd!


      RE: To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware
      « Reply #9 on: October 17, 2005, 06:22:00 pm »
      They're called WTAs: waste transite accesses, Gaaaad! WE are so dissapointed in ye tsk, tsk :p.  And political correctness should take a flying leap down one ;)
      Yet being a member of the underground movement of freedom fighers: FLNJB  (in french but our movement grows, cells around the world will sprout, we will be VICTORIOUS)!!! It gladdens me to see the explotation of our friends the garden dwarves beeing stopped and when we WE are strong we will come to rescue YOU as well, gnomes.  This WE pledge ye, aye!




      RE: To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware
      « Reply #10 on: October 18, 2005, 03:50:00 am »
      Freemanb I greatly suggest getting rid of that link.. there was a.... "nasty" picture that well offened me when I randomly clicked a link. I can't read what it is..

      PS I have a small army ((20+)) of "Liberated" lawn gnomes/dwarves in the woods behind my land hehe


      RE: To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware
      « Reply #11 on: October 18, 2005, 08:32:00 am »
      Yeah just took it off, had to click everything one by one, t'ill I found what you were talking about.  Sorry, I missed that and allright fer yer dwarf liberations ;)


      RE: To all those that have dwarf characters - Beware
      « Reply #12 on: October 24, 2005, 08:09:00 pm »
      Wait wait wait...  the drama production was in PANTOMIME!  How can a mime call a dwarf a gnome?!

      *shakes his head in disbelief*

      Besides, isn't "Gnome" derogatory for jewish and swiss bankers who supposedly defrauded the Bank of England?

      Apparantly to be politically correct, one must hate the Swiss rather than little people.  :)