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Author Topic: A Game Master is Like an Author  (Read 387 times)


A Game Master is Like an Author
« on: February 24, 2008, 09:12:57 pm »

I was thinking about GMs and their styles.  Which are my favorite and why.  Then I realised that I like a lot of different GM styles, just as I like a lot of different authors. One way to describe a GM's style is to liken it to an authors style.

Who are your favorite GMs and what are their styles?  I'll get us started,

Canuslupis (Dezza) is like David Gemmall.  The best selling author of Heroic fantasy.  Gritty realistic battles.  A strong masculine adventuring.  Death is real.  Legends are born on the stories of the past.

Shadow (Pseudonym) is like Terry Pratchett.  Best know for his satirical fantasty discworld series.  The absurd and the mundane become a playground of wit and puzzles.  Pay attention to the trickery of words!

Keep them coming.



Re: A Game Master is Like an Author
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2008, 04:34:19 pm »
Moved to appropriate forum, but yeah, keep 'em coming. Neat idea, though I'm not sure where I'd fit into the current or past set of fantasy authors.


Re: A Game Master is Like an Author
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2008, 05:18:11 pm »
Pseudonymn reminds me of Stan Lee.  Kindly and wholesome like your favorite grandpappy, great zany sense of imagination but with a seedy 70s moustache and liesure suit that makes honest folks uncomfortable.

Darkstorme I see much like the Black Hand Adventure Club leader from Knights of the Dinner Table who rules the gaming table with an iron fist of logic.  He'll let you try anything you want, just don't complain if it comes back to bite you in the kiester hard.

Makashi is like the wild Ronin of the bunch who honestly gets what playing an evil PC is like and isn't afraid to offer those types of players morally questionable situations to help gain in powers of the light and dark side.  He's kind of like Darth Traya in that he seems neutral, but secretly you know he's rooting for evil and basking in your character's choices of corruption.

Leanther reminds me of the lead GM from Knights of the Dinner Table.  Really nice to all the players, encourages them to roleplay to their fullest, yet you can almost hear the forehead smacking the desktop when that one player decides to charge the main plot NPC on impulse.  My only complaint is that he doesn't use the kill wand nearly often enough, heheheh.

Mixafix/The Stranger is right up there in whackyness and humor with Pseudonmyn.  One of those GMs that doesn't mind the main plot going offtrack a wee bit to engage in some hearty RP dialogue and jesting.  Used to be one of my favorites, but haven't managed to sign up on one of his quests in maybe over a year now!


Re: A Game Master is Like an Author
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2009, 11:56:43 pm »
*bumps an old thread*

Mr Mixafix and Ms Minerva, Layo's own British (and British Columbian) romanticists, in the mold of Barbara Cartland!!

They just keep on consistently churning out the quests, week after week, month after month, year after year. It ain't easy to keep doing it on an ongoing long-term basis. These two GMs, with totally different styles, are examples to us other GMs in terms of enthusiasm, commitment and consistency.