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Author Topic: Playing Layo When you Really Aren't  (Read 403 times)


Playing Layo When you Really Aren't
« on: January 15, 2008, 07:13:25 am »
How many other people play Layonara's campaign in other games, I wonder?  I've found myself going through the motions many a time... First when replaying Final Fantasy 7 over half a decade After...  I chose the names for the PCs as "Dyness, Farros, Celgar, Xiao and etc.  Now, while playing Sim Societies, I find myself in the throes of Layo Lore yet again... BjornCo Industries, the Plenarius & Rhizome druid's treehouse sector complete with Drogo's Tomb, Czukay's haunted Castle Ruins sector with Skabot's Tower and citezen zombies, Rakish's Pirate Cove, Farros' Mansion and complete with accompanying Black Sun Monestaries and Corathite Temples, Acacea's Carnival Tents w/ cotton candy and games, Jennera's Dojo and Soup Kitchens & other assorred charitable organizations, Akki's Theatres of Interperative Sexy Dances, Flynn's Jester Acadamy, Kor's Huts, Warsinger's Skald Lodges, Skabot's Tower, The Black Sun Academy, Barion's brews, Ketibjorn's Nervous Chicken Coops, BjornCo Foundaries, Arkolio's Vice Syndicate of seedy bars and speakasies, Pyrran's Brewery, Temples of Corath, Prunilla, Katia and Toran...  I can't get Layo out of my head!

Right now I have about 1/4 a map worth of Layo-Appropriate Sim Society Civilizations mapped out.  I just can't stop reproducing this campaign in other games!  Whether it be Final Fantasy, Sim Cities, any of the old NES emulated games or anything else... My brain is hotwired Layo.  I don't even remotely remember the gods pantheon from Forgotten Realms anymore... Egads!

How often do find yourself playing Layo in other games?  Once I finish this SimSocieties map I'm working on, I'll post.  Anybody else have naughty Layo Secrets?

Oh yeah, btw... Sim Societies Rules!  Never Before have I found a game where I wake up, sit down at the computer, look out the window "five minutes later" and notice that its aleady dusk... a mere perceptive 5 minutes of funtime into the game!  The Communist Collective buildings really draw me in!  I cold-turkeyed GalCivII, the Witcher and Two Worlds overnight over this game...

And since I find myself terminally recreating Layo with every game, I'm just going to have to st aside a day per week to come back... I'll be posting in the calendar events section when I'm around... Bjornigar Industries needs to live up to these false expectations of mine!  Maybe a worker's union of Layo?  The people need to rule... So march the masses!

OK, OK, I'm back... I can't get this game out of my head!
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Re: Playing Layo When you Really Aren't
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2008, 09:55:51 am »
You are correct sir!

SimCity Societies rocks the casbah.


Re: Playing Layo When you Really Aren't
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2008, 12:57:13 pm »
I'll take a copy of Sim Layo please :)


Re: Playing Layo When you Really Aren't
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2008, 12:59:49 pm »
*smiles and nods and slowly backs away*


Re: Playing Layo When you Really Aren't
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2008, 03:59:59 pm »
Sim Layo would actually probably be pretty fun.  You set up adventuring housing, near natural resources and dungeons...

Or, take it one level further up.  You have to set up player housing, deal with griefing and grievances, roll out new features, interview team members... ;)


Re: Playing Layo When you Really Aren't
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2008, 06:23:42 pm »
Hey!  You forgot Shiff's Discount Jewelry!  AKA Beryl's Bargain Boutique!


Re: Playing Layo When you Really Aren't
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2008, 02:35:10 pm »
"You're stark raving mad I tell you! mad! mad! maaaaahahahahahaaad!"

No, really, I sometimes sleep and dream of Layonara, in NWN style *shudders* :D