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Author Topic: For the Fans of Star Trek...  (Read 138 times)


For the Fans of Star Trek...
« on: August 02, 2006, 09:05:12 am »
"On April 2006, it was announced by Associated Press that the 11th Star Trek movie will be directed and produced by J. J. Abrams and co-produced by Damon Lindelof and Bryan Burk, who worked with Abrams on Lost. The movie would indeed be a prequel to the original series, with Matt Damon cast as a young James T. Kirk. The expected release date is anticipated to be in 2008."

Matt Damon.  *blinks* Okay, not a bad actor, but....

Might as well cast Ben Affleck as Spock and let Kevin Smith direct it.

Ben (as Spock):  Ensign Kirk.  It appears we're being chased by bullies down the halls of the Academy.



Re: For the Fans of Star Trek...
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2006, 10:07:29 am »
I like Abrams' work on Lost, but honestly I am opposed to any more Trek prequels after the flop known as Enterprise.  Matt Damon also has NO place on the screen of a Trek movie, unless he's willing to spend 4-7 years of his life doing a series on television 1st.

What the Trek franchises NEEDS is to finally break away from the Starfleet idealism and make a series about a Klingon ship.  After so many Doe-eyed Laforges, Wesley Crushers, Harry Kims and Malcoms, the moral superiority and naivity of Starfleet is beginning to make me ill.  We need a Klingon pirate vessel with a master orator capable of soul-sparking monologues, a captain Ahab shakespearian anti-hero who doesn't always do the 'right' thing, but at least does so with his own personal honor and style.  Somebody who was exhiled by the Klingon Empire, his house fallen and who has no choice but to set out on his own as a privateer.

Furthermore, there haven't been any decent ALIENS since the original series, bar Species 8472 of Voyager.  In the Original Series we had Horta, Salt Sucking Dopplegangers, toxic oozes, tribbles, omnipotent Q-like entities... the sky was the limit.  Then we hit the Next Generation and ever since have endured nothing but political struggles between humanoids with nose ridges, pointy ears or bum scales.  The Trek franchise should take a cue from Farscape and get a Jim Henson-like creatures shop, or at least a decent CGI crew.  If I don't see a klingon Targ on the bridge as a pet, they aren't trying hard enough.

Bring back the GORN!  I want my series to have the main engineer a Gorn, and scenes in the midst of battle where enemies try to transport in and take engineering, just to have their arms ripped off and eaten alive.  I'd also want him so prideful that he refuses to use the Universal Translator, so all of his dialogue is hisses and shrieks while Lucas-era subtitles crawl across the screen.  The cybernetic technology available to the series should also have improved following the Borg invasion, not just silly visors and mechanical hearts...  I want to see Klingon amputees with jacked up hydrolics plowing through enemies, hidden compartment, microchips, cerebral enhancement, etc.  I imagine the "Science Officer" of my series to be an exhiled Starfleet Medical officer who studied the borg and was kicked out for dangerous self-augmentation.  Make him brilliant, cold, cunning, twitchy and machiavellian... no longer truly human, and no more loyal to the captain than his circumstances need him to be.  With a cybernetic link to the ship's computer, he'd be the resident expert on everything, much to the captain's ire.

The series sells itself once you add Worf as an antagonist... chasing the vessel down out of law & duty, and the captain having too much pride to surrender peacefully, but too much honor to kill him.

Oh yeah, I'm currently converting Shadowrun 4's ruleset to a customized Star Trek PnP campaign and playtesting it with Pooser, Az-Ptol and Pelordeas of my Orlando crew.  This is because I have downloaded the current RPG set for TNG->Voyager and have been unimpressed by their ruleset.  Shadowrun's perfect for it though... full flexibility, no "classes", and instant death can occur on ANY weapon if you hit just the right spot.  Now if only I could get Paramount and Wiz Kids at the same table...  it's been iffy since the FASA walkout.  The current Trek RPG feels like some producer in Paramount hired his nephew to write up a disaster piece, just to spite Roddenberry's memory.


Re: For the Fans of Star Trek...
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2006, 10:08:31 am »
*spoofing Team America: World Poliece* Maaat Daaamon!


RE: For the Fans of Star Trek...
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2006, 10:19:58 am »
lonnarin; how about all of the above and let Joss Whedon direct the new series :) after Firefly, I would LOVE to see what he could do with Star Trek...


Re: For the Fans of Star Trek...
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2006, 10:26:41 am »
Well I am the one of the many who loved Enterprise.  Just a shame it was cut on the forth season when the cast was finaly getting it.


Re: For the Fans of Star Trek...
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2006, 12:26:39 pm »
My version would be best directed by John Carpoenter or David Lynch, lol!  Carpenter caught my eye with They Live and The Thing, and Lynch is purely the MASTER of directing the human condition at its worst moments.  Of course, all the series had guest directors and more than a few producers.  After seeing First Contact and due to his extensive firsthand experience witht he series, Jonathan Frakes would make an ideal lead producer.  

As for Enterprise, I did like the action sequences, lighting, set design, directing etc... what blew it for me was the casting and character development.  Other than Archer, T'Pal and Phlox, the rest of the cast really didn't fit in well, nor did I really identify with them.  Trip felt like a carbon-copy of Lt. Paris, Yoshi didn't recieve any decent camera-time or development, that black guy who was born on the mars colony had so few significant scenes that I don't even remember his name.  (sad, because he was a decent actor).  It's what's known as the "Harry Kim Complex" among die-hard fans... having a reocurring character show up every week but only ever get to punch buttons.  I would have liked to have seen the Mars Colony, seen Yoshi fall in love, Trip do something other than act like Tom Paris... etc, but the producers seemed more intent on showing T'Pal's cleavage, Bakula pe his dog and relying on cheesy one-liners.

Speaking of cleavage, remember when Star Trek women were strong, smart and sexy without being strippers?  Uhura was not only the 1st miniskirt on television, an amazing orator and sporting an afro, but she also was THE person on the ship to go to when the communications relay or main computer fried.  They had many scenes of her saudering microchips onto circuit boards and helping come up with communications-based technical solutions.  Crusher portrayed a brilliant medical biologist, a strong single mother and a love interest for Picard without ever having to bare skin.  Troi was the resident hotty of TNG, and the most affluent of the human condition.  Then... you had Major Kira, passionate, stubborn and idealistic with terrorist cell tactics and guerrilla warfare training as well as Dax the neigh omniscient science officer who could swing a bat-leth on par with Worf.

Then Voyager and Enterprise came.  Catherine Janeway, the first female captain with a scientist's mind and a school principal's attitude and shakespearian acting was a good start, and B'lanna Torres' hot-headed half-Klingon personality were classic.  Things were seriously looking up for female empowerment in the 24th century.  Then they decided to hire a swimsuit model (Jeri Ryan) and have her run around in a skin-tight butt-clinging unitard all day, getting naked every 3 episodes, with this cold drone-like personality that bordered upon dominatrix fantasy.  Rinse, recycle, repeat... T'Pal was re repackaged form.  More skin-tight uniforms, cleavage, scenes of her getting oiled up with "anti-bacterial gell" from the leading men, and the same cold, stereotypically unattainable personality.  Yoshi was practically unused the entire series, and although T'Pal was strong and competent enough, getting naked every 3 episodes and wearing the textbook skin-tight unitard of Jeri Ryan's totally ruined it.

Which is why we need Klingon women...  even scantily clad ones retain their dignity.


RE: For the Fans of Star Trek...
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2006, 01:32:20 pm »
Two words:  Lursa and B'Etor

Although they were a little too comical at times...ya gotta hand it to them.

*remembers what this thread was about*

...MATT DAMON??  *puts her head in her hands*

