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Author Topic: What is your build?  (Read 3095 times)


Re: What is your build?
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2012, 05:53:55 pm »
Heh may as well give this thread a shot :)


Age: almost 13

Ranger-5 (involved in archery contests), Bard-5(first chair trumpet in band), Duelist-5 (not a bad fencer)
Chaotic Good/Neutral, definitely border-lining.

STR-10, except in wrists, got a 14 there heh
CON-10, no running stamina and a bit lazy
DEX- 16, great reflexes and coordination.
INT-16, 3 grade levels ahead in math and in all honors classes
WIS-8, no forethought at all
CHA-10, not really one either side of the scale there.

Parry- 14, not great at parrying but I'm not bad at my blocks.

Discipline/balance- 20, good at a lot of balanced based things.

Bullheaded- don't take insult at anything and very stubborn

Weapon Focus- Rapier- Again with fencing.


Re: What is your build?
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2012, 06:03:22 pm »
I'm a zero level commoner, having never taken the opportunity to kill any monsters or customers in my life of retail and customer service.  I suppose I took a road trip and almost gained xp once, but I lost my wallet and got too drunk to remember anything.  Pretty sure I used a graceful plea to survive that weekend.