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Author Topic: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!  (Read 583 times)


Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
« on: March 09, 2005, 07:25:00 am »
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly news stories on the Yahoo web site shut down when I start ranting.  I never manage to say anything vulgar or hate filled... no, those kinds of posts from other people stay up for days and days and days.

Meanwhile I make a 2000 word essay that convinces 30+ people to click "recommend" next to my post within the next 10 minutes, get the newsgroup populace all riled up, leftwing or rightwing alike to go storm their local congressman's office and have him brought up on criminal charges and... poof.  Gone.  All the links, the citings of the constitution, the Black's Law quotations, the step by step dissection of the half-truths in their propaganda mechanism... gone.  Not just the newsgroup forum linked to the story... but the ENTIRE story vanishes.  Search the archives and there's not a trace.

Free speach rules.  If you can call them on their inconsistancies and lay it out simple enough that even the most close-minded flame-war monger stops to think, Big Brother REALLY gets nervous.  The surest way to be censored in this new era other than overtly cussing somebody out is to tell the truth well enough for others to see it from your view.  Those people who argue politics via name-calling and slander are inconsequential and get very little flak about it.  

On the down side... I may unexpectedly vanish from the face of the earth soon.  You'll find me rolled up in a carpet in the dumpster behind the Neo-Macarthyist Center for Subordinate Patriotism.  It's right across the street from the Homeland Security/Unconstitutional Surveillance Department.  ;)


RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2005, 08:08:00 am »
    I'm limmited to 14 years of experiance on earth, however I think in my short time here, I've come to understand that it's kinda like the laws of physics..... lift, drag, thrust, ect... What you're describing is mimicked pretty much everywhere on eath. No one likes to have someone say something harmful to them or an organization they're connected to, truth or not. The only difference is you're dabbling with the two most powerful groups of lying and scheeming on the face of the each. Republicans and Democrats, it's politics dude. ;)
    Doesn't matter how much you like your party (I currently have none can't vote yet ya know?) there's no denying that both sides like to cover anything that could possibly hurt their party and attempt to ruin their opponent at the same time. Therefor the only smart thing to do would be to apply that same form of covering up to everyone, not just a single party (that meaning, parties, countries, and citizens). The truth in that was blinding in the 2004 Presidential Elections.
    I have to say, it's hard not to get involved in politics or voicing your thoughts, be they truth or opinions. However you're gonna get a heck of a lot of resistance. More or less depending on where you choose to show your stuff. Good luck though, with getting it up on Yahoo for over 10 minutes the next time.

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RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2005, 08:48:00 am »
It doesn't just span into politics, it spans into everything that can be debated except science, even then it's met with heavy resistance by people who use half-truths and claims to get their points across.

Yahoo isn't out to get you personally, the only thing Yahoo is doing is covering their own butts so that "big brother" doesn't come along, tap them on the shoulder and wag it's finger under their noses. "Ah ah ah, that's a no-no, remove that or we'll send our lawyers to deal with you."

Corporate policy, nothing more. People who are willing to think are dangerous, people who are sheep and believe the first thing you say to them are relativly harmless. Hence the people who are allowed to scream and flame and insult on their forums, they're harmless, they look like un-educated children fighting over a candy bar, and the company knows this, but when someone comes along with either the truth or a completly contradictory idea, they get scared, they might lose their masses of blind followers to this person.

Sadly, it's the way the world works now. For politics, I simply remember the old saying: It's latin, when broken down, poly meaning many, tics being blood sucking creatures.


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RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2005, 02:28:00 pm »
Equinox2032 - 3/9/2005  8:48 AM

People who are willing to think are dangerous, people who are sheep and believe the first thing you say to them are relativly harmless.

Even Sheep can be dangerous when in large numbers and led by a tyrannical shepard.
Ex. Nazi Germany

Food for thought.


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    RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
    « Reply #4 on: March 09, 2005, 04:59:00 pm »
    Before the election last year there was some very heated, very ascerbic dialogue going on in the forums at my former server over a wide range of points about the candidates.  Hundreds of news articles and website addresses were posted.  The anti-bushites were presenting much clearer arguments (although I was perhaps too caustic, as always) with better sources to back those arguments up.  A few weeks before the election... WHAMMO... the forum got corrupted and had to be restored from a month old backup.
    Your TV is your enemy, most of all.  Everything on it is washed and scoured free of any real news.  The only way to get good dirt via the TV is thru comedic sarcasm, such as Jon Stewart.  That the internet is equally vulnerable to such censorship is easily believeable and probably easier to enforce.  On tv, you never know when some radical might show a nipple.  ~gasp~  And try as they did, Moore still got his movie out to the world.  Don't worry, lonnarin, you won't hear the silenced whirr of the black op helicopters when they come for you.


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    RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
    « Reply #5 on: March 09, 2005, 06:46:00 pm »
    [sarcasm]Because we should all trust Michael Moore to tell us the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth[/sarcasm]

    The fact is, that you are being censored because too many people get upset. One screwup sees your post and sends it to all his/her screwup friends and then they go on a holy crusade.

    Point is, people don't like things they don't believe. It is why the crusades happened. "Hey, look at those guys, they aren't christians, and they have a crapload of money and goods. Let's beat the crap out of them! .... errr ... for God"

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    RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
    « Reply #6 on: March 09, 2005, 07:35:00 pm »

    The problem with censorship is people with too much time on their hands and minorities screaming at eachother and the governments to do something about it.

    Things like political correctness, and the inability for people to take responsibility for what they see, do, think, and believe is what has caused the world to take a downfall. Anyone remember the old quote from history class "The wheel that squeaks the loudest gets the grease"? The same principle is what is driving people to become sheep.

    Very few people want to take responsibility, they leave it up to others to decide what is right for them, rather than think for a moment and decide for themselves. A simple example:

    Seatbelts in vehicles. Why can't we choose for ourselves whether or not to wear them? Why does there have to be a law stating you must wear one? I can see it for if you're under the legal age wherever you live then yes, you're not considered an adult, therefore you do need guidance. If you are the legal age, why is there no choice?

    The reason: Someone most likely hit something in a vehicle and decided to see what pavement tastes like and people screamed murder, everyone must now wear a seatbelt, we can't have this happen to anyone else, you have to wear a seatbelt now.

    Where's the choice? There is none. Society has put that choice into the hands of officials, beuracrats, and thinkers, so that they do not have to decide for themselves to wear a seatbelt. Yes it can save your life, at the cost of broken bones, yes that might be a better solution, but why not give people of the age of majority the option?

    Anyone remember the man trying to rob the house by going in through the sun roof and fell on a knife on the kitchen? He sue'd the family for unsafe storage of a knife. The man was breaking into a house, he should be thrown into jail and never let out not suing people for money because of his own stupidity.

    Or what about the lady who sued Mc Donalds when she spilt coffee on her lap while driving saying it was too hot? That woman is a complete idiot, duh it's hot, what did you want cold coffee? That's why they have cup holders.

    What about all the crime cases where people now plead insanity or that it's their parents fault? Come on, give me a break.

    Chris Rock said it best: You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named 'Bush', 'Dick', and 'Colon'.

    End of rant.

    *bows out*


    RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
    « Reply #7 on: March 09, 2005, 08:03:00 pm »
    lonnarin - 3/9/2005  10:25 AM
    The surest way to be censored in this new era other than overtly cussing somebody out is to tell the truth well enough for others to see it from your view.

    Well said.


    RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
    « Reply #8 on: March 09, 2005, 09:05:00 pm »
    Man, D&D players are wise beyond their years.  No wonder we get targeted by anti-satanism groups so often.  People who can read are their boogeymen, hahah!  Excellent points all!

    What truly drives me mad about the rest of the populace is the whole labeling syndrome and the hypocracy.  Whenever the two extremes collide, all they usually do is call eachother "Conservative Nazis" or "Yuppie Liberal Traitors" and such.  Policies passed through the house and senate that go directly against the constitution are pushed by both sides, they both demonize the other, and nobody bothers to read the fine print of the Acts and Bills getting passed.  

    The Simpsons shows this type of gung ho knee-jerk crowd reaction and fear perfectly in their segments.  Whenever a debate is waged, the main populace in the show can only ever see one side of the debate, and their attention span is limited to only the last point made.  "what about the children?! *screaming mother... the entire crowd starts murmering in unison, the children yes the children!*  Then the opponent shouts "But it'll cost you in taxes..."  *whole crowd starts grumbling angrilly and growling about more taxes.  Then it flip flops back and forth because they can't weigh both extremes to find a workable plan.

    Where I stand politically is pretty much as a strict constitutionalist with a desire for far less moral regulatory laws, greater States Rights vs. Federal, a reduction in invading other nations, less welfare programs, lower taxes, increased educational funding (college should be a right),  increased rights to bear arms, strict death penalties with full abortion rights, less people in jail for choosing to smoke things other than cigarettes, more accountability in public offices for the felonies they commit and strict regulation of workers rights and corporate outsourcing.  I think that makes me a Neoconbabykillinghippiebumfascitmurderingrightleftwingliberalsocialistredstatelover. Labels are meaningless anyhow.  It's the debate that's key, and not willingly letting either side continue to take away the rights granted to us by our own sovereign, self-ruling destiny.

    I greatly dislike Rush Limbaugh as he doesn't really prove or debate anything.  All he does is say the word "Liberal" 800 times and cut people off when they try to debate with him.  Micheal Moore does point out a lot of shady things the Bush administration are doing, but his personality irks me a bit too much.  Particularly when he shows up unscheduled to major corporations where everybody wears suits and ties, and he's wearing a baseball cap, sweat pants, and about 3 lbs of dried mustard all over his sports jacket.  I mean, yeah security's going to excort him out, they probably thought he was just there to plug the toilet and shave in the men's room.  He is very right on many things though, but Bowling for Columbine made me want to smack him, just a little. (moral regulatory views)

    Pretty much the only news personality I enjoy listening to is Alex Jones at , but even he gets a little goofy and sounds like Dale Gribble sometimes.  I think that's why I like him so much.  He also photocopies and highlights the acts and laws passed, tells you the code number so you can look it up at the library in full, and shows you the proof of what he's saying.  He also messes with authority figures and other reporters in such a hilarious way, it's so worth watching.  He got arrested for refusing to be fingerprinted when renewing his driver's liscense in his county in Texas, snuck up on a Skull and Bones meeting, followed undercover cops around telling every person walking by that "He's not a cop I swear! I repeat, he's not a cop!"  He also puts together exposes and video in kind of the same media style that Micheal Moore does, but a bit better documented and quite a bit funnier.  If you have winamp installed with the media library window for streaming internet TV, they usually play his stuff on PatriotTV or FreedomTV.  (don't worry... no censorship or fries there)

    Jon Stewart.... is amazing!  He truly has a personal view deviant from both extremes, and his presentation is incredibly entertaining.

    I think by 9th grade in this country, one of the 1st mandatory classes one should take in high school is one detailing every single point in the US constitution, their lists of rights and with a firm understanding of how to look up acts and bills and assess them.  Maybe by 11th or 12th though, the non D&D players might take a little longer than us folk who memorize rule books for fun. ;)

    Since not everybody has 60 grand to blow on law school, legalese translation should be a class available by 11th or 12th.  If they can force-feed us Latin or French by 7th, I don't see why not.


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      RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
      « Reply #9 on: March 09, 2005, 10:30:00 pm »
      Yeah, baby.  Jon is da whip... or he should be (in Congress)!


      RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
      « Reply #10 on: March 09, 2005, 11:23:00 pm »
      Anyone seen the bit of him on the show Crossfire?

      "Stop the hurting..."

      Simply priceless.


      RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
      « Reply #11 on: March 10, 2005, 05:17:00 am »
      Hey lonnarin, don't worry about about it, we'll never find you anyways or what's left of you, that is ;)


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        RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
        « Reply #12 on: March 11, 2005, 10:25:00 pm »
        Lon... the truth hurts.  Especially when *you* tell it.  The government hates you because you are intelligent.  Give up, get a job flipping burgers until you are 65, watch Leno and don't laugh too loudly when he makes jokes about Bush.  Then you can say whatever you want about the administration and no one will bother with it because you will, for once in your life, have said the proper things.  In the immortal words of Bart Simpson: "Gotcha.  Can't win, don't try."

        On the other hand, we need folks to point out the truths, even if the truth is only seen for a few moments.  "Yahoo is a part of the conspiracy."  "Some recreational substances are not as bad for you as we have been led to believe."  "I once blew my own @$$ off when I was smoking on the can after eating bad tacos and dropped the cigarette into the toilet before I flushed."  These are priceless Karma Virus-isms and must be kept alive.

        Fenthon Quill would have made a great cullinary creation out of Michael Moore.  Liberal Slob, lightly coated with mustard, served in a commie-red sauce.


        RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
        « Reply #13 on: March 11, 2005, 11:24:00 pm »
        Ugh, the cigarette incident.  In Taco Bell's defense, it was the hybrid Long John SIlvers recipe that really put me under.  Fried fish was never meant to sit in the same vat for more than 48 hours thawed before serving...  I consider the incident an act of terrorism from my digestive system upon my globalist cullinary preferences.


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          RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
          « Reply #14 on: March 14, 2005, 04:35:00 am »
          You know, at 35 (easy Dorganath), I woul figure I could read the vacuous rant and diatribe and blow it off as the ever mal-contnents that will complain about everything, and do nothing that involves leaving their keyboard.

          However, that being said, and in light of the fact I have left my three gorgeous kids and my loving wife for my second stint in the war on terror, I cannot abide my peace.  Ignorance is painful for me to watch.

          First off, I apologize for all of you who feel that your rights and privacies are being trampled to death.  What a terrible country you must love in.  I believe the State Department is tolerent of your desire to move.  Feel free to try Sudan.

          I apologize to all of you who feel like you are being taxed to death.  Please submit your request for transfer to Sweden.

          All of you who are supremely offended about the US invasionist policies- again my apologies.  I am sure Phol Phot (sp?), Hitler, Napoleon, the Kaiser, Saddam Hussein, and the Taliban would have succumbed to economic sanctions and strong political rhetoric.  For all of you that have enjoyed the pleasure, like me, of serving in the armed forces, only to be too late to save a 12 year old girl from being bound to chain link fence, gang-raped, and set on fire while alive because of her religion might lend you some perspective as to why some nations try to intervene.

          I apologize for being part of the war machine that sends one third of its GDP to countries that directly oppose us in the form of humanitarian aid, which almost never makes it down to the people who are being suppressed by the oligarchies.  We should just send them more money.

          It is terrible we have laws that protect the many, when the savnt few seem to know everything that is best for them, and should have no obligation to follow laws put in place by the proletariat or body-politic.  Obviously, you have no vote in....oh, wait a minute....yes you do.

          Go find another country that lets you have direct input on its entire policy every four years.  Ok, sorry, there is none.

          My opinion?  Democrats are for the re-distibution of income.  If you work hard and make more, we should give that to those who don't work and have less.  This will help cultivate the victim mentality, and make the poor and disenfranchised voter dependent on them.  Republicans are for re-distribution of opportunity.  If you want to make your way, the government will do its best to make sure you are afforded every opportunity to DO IT YOURSELF.

          If you believe what you see on TV, well, you deserve it.

          And I thank all of you, who have been politically active, regardless of cause or affiliation.  I thank all of you who have been civic minded and served your community in some form (from public service to donating time to support a school).  I thank those of you, like me, who have chosen a career to humbly serve others as a firefighter, teacher, police officer, medic, etc.  You don't get a lot of money to help people who are in their greatest need.  I particularly thank all of you who work hard at whatever you do, making your way, taking care of your families and yourself- look in the mirror with some pride, you are in the minority.

          And for those of you that have family or friends that served in the military, you have my salute for making a sacrifice that has raised this country to one of opportunity and freedom that is foun nowhere else on the planet.  Nobody celebrates Memorial Day or Veteran's Day, or stops to think about Independence Day any more.

          ANd for those that I have offended, I apologize that patriotism is so unfashionable.  You all must be right.


          RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
          « Reply #15 on: March 14, 2005, 02:13:00 pm »
          Nice I could hear the star spangle banner blairing as I read your post.  Too bad your reality isn't one I believe as truth.


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            RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
            « Reply #16 on: March 14, 2005, 10:34:00 pm »
            Spoken exactly as I expected from somebody who has not walked 10 feet in any of the shoes he likes to bash on.  And from France?  Let me put on my surprised face.


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            RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
            « Reply #17 on: March 14, 2005, 10:51:00 pm »
            Civil or locked.

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            RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
            « Reply #18 on: March 15, 2005, 12:29:00 am »
            On the opposite note...

            We have people who are crying murder for stubbing their toes in a supermarket, suing the owners for not having the mats placed properly. Drunken drivers killing hundreds a day in cities, civil disputes leaving woman AND men AND children homeless, beaten, battered, bruised.

            We have gangs, violence, terrorism, invasion of privacy, laws locking people down so tightly that they can't even sneeze for fear of being persecuted. They can't speak without fear of being discriminatory. They cannot walk safely down the street at night without fear of being robbed or raped.

            We have censorship, we have people not willing to think for themselves, take responsibility for themselves, or even care for themselves. We have names made up in medical terminology to diagonse fantasy illnesses.

            The FDA has put sanctions on cures for things like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, ulcers, heartburn and arthuritis. Did you know there are cures for such things? I bet you didn't. The reason they're not well known: The government does not want you to know about them.

            The reason why? There's no money in herbs and natural remedies. Do you know what the FDA has said on the issue? Only a drug can cure an illness, disease, or disability. A drug. By that clause, they can then shut down businesses who offer natural remedies that can cure things like that. The reason: You're selling a drug, because only a drug can cure, and you don't have a lisence to do as such.

            Take a step back and look at the shape your own country is in. I don't point to any specific person here on this forum, or in this thread even. I speak to everyone who reads this post. Take a step back, and look at your country, and see the problems it has before you start judging what is right, and what is wrong for others.

            Then do something about it.

            What can you do? Simple. Start writing letters. Do your MLA's, to your Governors, to your mayors, to your councillers. Start voicing your opinions to them. Start voicing your concerns to them. If you make a solid case, and people can agree with you. I guarentee they will listen. They might shrug it off at first, but as more public outcry occurs, they're going to get restless, they're going to get uneasy. You know why? Because it lessens their chances of getting into office when the next election comes.

            A whisper is heard more clearly in a noisy room than the shouts of 100 people.


            RE: Yahoo Newsgroup Propagandists 0-5 tonight!
            « Reply #19 on: March 15, 2005, 01:32:00 am »
            Well let's see the person who's living in france and who was simply saying he doesn't believe your speech, lived 13 years in France, 13 in America and 8 years travelling on his own around the globe.  I think if one of us was bashing it was you.  Now for your letter idea and to get people to move themselves a little to change things, well applauses.  However people in general do not want to change and forcing them will not bring anything positive, point.
            The person who can't live in other peoples shoes was in Kosovo while leathal things were still flying around as a humanitarian in 1999/2000.  Not to "change" things but to help what people he could.  Because that's all one can really do, try to help.  He's also been a paramedic in one of the worst cities of this planet: LA, a kindergarden teacher and just someone that helps people as often as he can. I also don't judge people with or without knowing them...before you have the presumption of judging someone have at least the rightousness of knowing who and what they are on your side.
            You brought a very good point, all isn't well in the fix it there before going in someone elses country, by force, thinking you're better then them.
            What's going on in Afganistan right now?  Remember that country or is a few years too long for memory to serve you?  How many civilian deaths there and in Irak since american armed forces showed up...are you even aware that good old Sadam was in power and kept in power by occidental countries, America included in order to have a non-musulman buffer country, smack-dab in the middle of oil countries which are musulman and that up to the day America invaded Irak, the second time around, let's not forget that one either...for what reason again?...oh yeah, non existant, weapons of mass destruction.    
            So you keep wasting good wine down the gutter that you've bought, calling french fries: freedom fries when they were created in Belgium and keep forgetting or plain not knowing things like recent and long term history so you can stay just the way you are and not change one bit.  That's the way to evolve ;)