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Author Topic: Stuck on East server  (Read 181 times)


Stuck on East server
« on: July 14, 2005, 10:53:00 am »
Hey no matter what I do I log into Arabel, s'been like that for month now, then I get ported to where am supposed to be...This time no portalling...maybe t'is because I died *shrugs*
Can someone bring me back to lorindar?


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2005, 10:56:00 am »
Er take the ship to Karthy, then to Lorindar?

Are you connecting to the right IP?  Please verify this, it should be for west, for Central and for East.

I can't see any other reason you'd start from Arabel other then you're connecting to the wrong IP to begin with.


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2005, 11:00:00 am »
Did that Orth, tried fer lorindar and even Karthy no go always end up back in Arabel...t'is a bug, s'been like that fer months now but everytime was ported but aperently the creature skin comes on at around the time the porting occured and no porting, just a lot of screaming and a gloak atmosphere...can ye get me out of there?


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2005, 11:02:00 am »
Please detail exactly step by step what happens when you login and how you login.  Don't make any presumptions, just let me know the facts, thanks.

I really think you got your IP addresses messed up.


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2005, 11:10:00 am »
ok, and this as been happening fer a couple months now....

Wether I log in to W, C or E t'is always the same, I end up in Arabel, posted something on it in the beguinning but as no one got back to me about it and the fact that I was allways ported to the right server I direct connected to, I didn't fallow up on it.

I was with a party on Dregar, me and Ell died, we found ourselves in the void, then I got ported and ended-up in Arabel as always...except this time no portalling happened, so bought a tiket to Lorindar and tried to go there that way, it didn't work.  So tried relogging to east, west and central to see if one of them would work but none did.

Like I said the creature skin comes on just around the time the portalling used to happen, so am thinking that it's preventing me from portalling.  That's as much as can tell ye orth *shrugs*


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2005, 11:14:00 am »
freemen2 - 7/14/2005  2:10 PM
always...except this time no portalling happened, so bought a tiket to Lorindar and tried to go there that way, it didn't work.

Telling me "it didn't work" means nothing to me.  Please, what exactly happened?  

You bought a ticket?
You talked to the Ship Captain and asked to sail to Lorindar?
You saw the message to direct connect to
You get booted?
You logged into Centra at
You get ported back to Arabel?  
Is this what is happening?


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2005, 11:16:00 am »
 whether I log into west, central or east I always get ported back to arabel


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2005, 11:32:00 am »
According to the server logs you have not logged into Central since you logged off after dying.

[Thu Jul 14 10:42:14] Pathfinder Anu-pilinn(PC) Died
[Thu Jul 14 10:44:06] Loky1 Left as a Player (7 players left)

Once again are you SURE you are connecting to the proper server. ARE YOU CONNECTING TO


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2005, 11:40:00 am »
Orth am not having fun with you here, actually am not having fun at all right now. I told you like 3 times now that I've tried connecting back to all 3 servers and everytime I end back up in Arabel.  Hells man, I've just tried connecting to central 5 minutes ago and, guess what, same thing am back in Arabel, spent all the tickets I had left trying to get out of there, so am stuck in Arabel :(


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2005, 11:43:00 am »
Well this is what I see on the Central logs, I see no indication of you connecting back there again?  [Thu Jul 14 10:44:06] Loky1 Left as a Player (7 players left) O'Taogor - Deep Mining Caves Seteece: lets head out  O'Taogor - Deep Mining Caves Kayla Warcrest: That went horribally wrong.  [Thu Jul 14 10:44:45] Stirge Died [Thu Jul 14 10:44:49] Stirge Died [Thu Jul 14 10:44:59] Stirge Died [Thu Jul 14 10:47:09] Large Black Snake Died Connection Attempt made by Kenor01 (XXXXXXX) [Thu Jul 14 10:59:02] Kenor01 (XXXXXXX) Joined as Player 8 [Thu Jul 14 11:02:14] Crag Cat Died [Thu Jul 14 11:02:26] Crag Cat Died [Thu Jul 14 11:02:36] Crag Cat Died [Thu Jul 14 11:15:11] Cougar Died [Thu Jul 14 11:19:47] Mong Milkino(PC) Died [Thu Jul 14 11:20:56] YoDDa Left as a Player (7 players left) [Thu Jul 14 11:21:15] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:21:23] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:21:32] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:21:33] Ogrillion Brute Died [Thu Jul 14 11:21:38] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:21:48] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:21:59] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:22:00] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:22:31] Dire Bear Died [Thu Jul 14 11:22:54] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:23:01] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:23:08] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:23:16] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:23:17] Dire Bear Died [Thu Jul 14 11:23:25] Ogrillion Brute Died [Thu Jul 14 11:25:02] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:25:12] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:25:19] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:25:22] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:25:30] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:25:45] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:25:47] Ogrillion Brute Died [Thu Jul 14 11:32:11] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:32:12] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:32:24] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:32:31] Ogrillion Brute Died [Thu Jul 14 11:32:33] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:32:53] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:32:57] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:34:28] Gargoyle Died [Thu Jul 14 11:35:27] Gargoyle Died [Thu Jul 14 11:35:40] Gargoyle Died [Thu Jul 14 11:36:47] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:36:52] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:37:01] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:37:06] Ogrillion Brute Died [Thu Jul 14 11:37:14] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:37:20] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:37:40] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:40:46] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:40:51] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:40:57] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:41:02] Ogrillion Brute Died [Thu Jul 14 11:41:05] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:41:08] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died [Thu Jul 14 11:41:13] Ogre Warrior of the High Peak Clan Died


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2005, 11:43:00 am »
He is asking valid questions Path. When the server logs are showing that you are not logging in to central and you are saying you are well we are trying to track down what is happening.
  Please keep it calm.
  I am on East now to see if I can try to help you in some way.


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2005, 11:47:00 am »
How do you connect to the other servers anyway, do you direct connect via the IP or do you use a desktop icon or do you double click the server in your History in the GameSpy interface?


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2005, 11:58:00 am »
Yeah ok, for some reason, the addresses I put in my favorites on Gamespy? are all .70, they say West, Central and East Server but they're all the same :s....sorry orth was going by what was written down in words not numbers.
Now am in the void and it says am bound on another server, but I bound with Ell and Kayla as soon as we got on Central in Lorindar????

But I am on central though am in party with the others.


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2005, 12:04:00 pm »
looks like the bind didn't work on central fer some reason, going to try and direct connect to .68 and see if I'm still bound on West *weird*

Added: yup was still bound on west :s thanks orth and L fer helping me out going to crawl to me grave now :p


RE: Stuck on East server
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2005, 12:08:00 pm »
According to your player file you're still bound in Leilon.  If you bound in Lorindar, did you see that message that you were bound in Lorindar as you made your way up to the O'Taogor mines?