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Author Topic: Layonara Project Team Applications  (Read 283 times)


Layonara Project Team Applications
« on: June 26, 2005, 11:22:00 pm »
Our project team needs to grow, and I know there are a few of you wanting to give a hand, but until we've had a proper structure in order I've been hesitant to do this.  So now is the time when we've got some systems in place and I'm happy to open up for positions.    I'm going to be looking for something a little different in this, but it's not necessarily mandatory.  What I would like to see is when you wish to apply, if you know of someone else who would be interested in applying then apply as a team.  Tasks can be completed much easier and responsibilites shared, you can help each other learn in your respective strengths etc.  This will not be mandatory, and I may even choose to do some pairing up if that's okay with you.  I'm going to be looking for people with strong NWN skills already, as I have not the time to teach, this is another benefit to the team philosophy where you can help each other out, and if both of you are stumped then you can ask on the forum or me directly.  However there will be positions where these NWN skills are not so important, and someone who has a creative flair would team up nicely with a builder.  These skills include:
  • scripting
  • 2da editting
  • tlk editting
  • area building
  • content creation
  • art submissions
  • fleshing out history
We're looking for people who take initiative yet are not afraid to go back to the drawing board.  Keeping a good log of the things they do is important too as is dependability and communication.  I hope many of you look forward to being part of the Project Team here and help build the community you enjoy.  Applications will be open until next Sunday night.  Let me know in this thread if you are interested and why and what sort of things you wish to help with.  If there is any reason you wish to keep your application private, then PM it to me.  I'd also like to see an indication of the experience you have that you think would be an asset to the team.  Any samples would be great too, and may even get incorporated into the world.  You can email them to me at  Thanks for your interest!


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RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2005, 11:42:00 pm »
I am very interested in Area Building and fleshing out histories.  I will have been with this server for 9 months as of July fourth and have a good knowledge of how things run, where things are at, what fits, and what doesn't fit.  I have also been a GM for Layonara for around 4 to 5 months before i resigned which gives me a knowledge of how things operate in Layo, both in front and behind the scenes.

I am fairly familiar with the NWN Toolset itself, though scripting and such are not my strong points, I love building areas and submitting content.  For examples of written content I have added follow these links:

I can send you a couple of maps I've been working on in the toolset as well.  If you have any more questions please feel free to contact me via PM here or


I am not opposed to learning some basic scripting and editing, though I would need to be taught (Which the buddy system would be great for) so I'm open to learn as well.

Kimiko Kariudo

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    RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
    « Reply #2 on: June 26, 2005, 11:54:00 pm »

    Because of a recent formatting (I don't want to talk about it.  :( ) I've lost just about everything I've made. But I've been playing NWN since it landed on the shelf. I've been building off and on for myself for a while, and I built player houses on World of Caenyr for a few months before retiring from the team due to boredom. I think this would be great for me. I'm a first semester computer science major at Holyoke Community College, and I'm in the computer programming section. I have a good eye for areas, and creative use of placeables. I have experience with Haks. NWNscript is not unfamiliar to me. NPCs are no trouble at all. I have -some- CNR experience in the back ground, but not much. My only draw-back would be my habit of finishing something, then going back and changing an aspect of it over and over again until I feel it is RIGHT.

    I would like to get myself into this community some more. And I think this would be a great opportunity. I would like, if possible, to work on building areas and scripting. My most favorite aspect of building would be making a very unnatural area appear to be over run with plants and such. I have the free time and desire to do well with this. Not to mention it will be nice to get my work out there in the world early, before I get any deeper into my Major.

    If you would like to see more, I would be glad to post it up. : )



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      RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
      « Reply #3 on: June 27, 2005, 10:02:00 am »
      Before I came to play on Layonara, I had played on another server for quite some time before it was shut down. Almost all of my design experience for nwn is from making things I thought would improve the server I used to play on. I actually was on the builder time for the other server for a while, but none of my work was ever implemented on that server due to politics. I would have to say I'm strongest at scripting, but I also have done work with the toolset and haks.

      My work:

      Foe Hunter Prestige Class - based off the Foe Hunter D&D class

      Plane Shifter Prestige Class - transportation spell caster prestige class

      Server Ideas - a bunch of small items all grouped together

      My Spawn System

      Ideas - a few of the ideas I've had for Layonara


      RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
      « Reply #4 on: June 27, 2005, 02:37:00 pm »
      I would like to apply for a team position.  I have been playing/ DM/ building in the toolset since the game came out.  I am familiar with the hak utilities, 2da editing, area building, minor scripting (though this is where I would need the most help) and leto.  I have co-created on another weekly game and can provide examples of some of my work on request.  I am interested in aiding with whatever the team needs.  I am very familiar with the toolset.  I DM'd a pnp game serveral years ago under the 2nd ed. rules and have spent enough time on Layonara to have a basic feel for this world.


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        RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
        « Reply #5 on: June 27, 2005, 04:42:00 pm »
        I would like to apply for the Project team. I have a lot of experience with the toolset event though i cant script for anything. I would really like to be making new areas, editing and improving old ones, and trying to fill in some of the open space.  I have a ton of ideas and even if im not a toolsetter would really like to get them out. Once i get the hak format for layonara(the order of them that is), ill start making a lot of stuff.  I can make armor, weapons, NPC's, Merchants, and any items. I cant make these things useable however. Making a chair form nothing ...yes.  Making people

        Thanks A Lot, Killizzal

        Chief Waha

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          RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
          « Reply #6 on: June 28, 2005, 08:54:00 am »
          I'd like to help out now that I'm getting some free time again.  

          I've done a little playing with scripting and editting but nothing in depth.  I've done area building and some of the city home interiors here on V2 are my work.  I'm willing to help out where ever I'd be needed or paired up as necessary.


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          RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
          « Reply #7 on: June 29, 2005, 01:49:00 pm »
          Orth, I would love to be part of the project team.

          I am very familiar with the NWN toolset, have DM'ed some games with friends and built some basic modules....Scripting leaves me angry usually, but am interested and capable in area building and some content creation.

          However, my real strength is in writing, editing, creative and "fleshing out history."  I write and edit for a living and have 20 plus years as DM in "real world."  ;)  Have put together worlds, background materials, etc. Fleshing out stories, backgrounds, histories and making sure everything works and is consistent is something I love to do, and happy to partner with whomever.

          Have only been on Layo for a few weeks, but perhaps I might be able to bring new perspective…or at least ask the dumb questions that perhaps no one else might ask that occasionally might bring insight -- or more typically, just make me look dumb!  ;)  

          In short, I really enjoy Layo and would be pleased to help out however I can.



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            RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
            « Reply #8 on: June 29, 2005, 10:44:00 pm »
            I would love to help out with the fleshing out of the history.  While I have only been on Layonara for not quite a month I would really like to know more of the history. I have read most of the forum and the entire player handbook. I have also read all the books in the great library and gleamed a bit of missing history from the books. I have done 15 years of table top and most of that was as a DM and I have created a few worlds for my various groups.  My current character is a Lore Master so the history and lore is something very important to me.  I am competent as an area builder and can do scripting but it’s far from my favorite thing.  I mostly fall back on Lilac souls scripting tool and the NWN forum for anything really hard on scripting, and I don’t really work with hack packs at all. But I would be happy to do up some lore and history especially for the elves and ancient history and I could turn it into books for the library as well as introduce some of it via my historian/lore master.  I am creative but feel that I have the basic concept of the timeline and history so that I wouldn’t go overboard and try to rewrite allot of history.  
            You can read my char submissions and development logs to see that I do keep track of what I am doing as well as my creativity especially in my new lore master chars background.  If you would like samples of what I would do with some of the history let me know. I have been forced to invent allot of history from the vague time line for my characters as elves are over 100 and that requires allot of missing information to go into the back story.  
            I would be happy to team up or partner with anyone.  I think the history might also be handled best by splitting up the continents and races among the people interested. I would be most happy and comfortable with elves as that is what I play and have been doing the most in-depth research on but I would be happy to flesh out any continent or races history.  I work as a security guard and for 2 nights a week all I do is sit in front of a computer reading and writing and I have allot of free time on the nights I do patrol as well. Then the different groups could work together to make sure all the histories mesh well together. The easiest way would be to do the same time periods and follow the time line as an outline and agree on the major points in history each would focus on and do say 100 years or so a week as an example.  Again depending on how much history we want fleshed out and how much detail is to be included. And someone who is good at proof reading would be an ideal partner as I am a horrid speller and spell check only goes so far.
            Thank you for reading and considering this.


            RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
            « Reply #9 on: June 30, 2005, 03:27:00 am »
            With-drawing due to lack of time now

            Belak Gutbuster

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              RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
              « Reply #10 on: July 03, 2005, 04:49:00 pm »
              I'd love to donate my time and skills in building any content you find yourself in need of creation. In addition, I do have some basic scripting experience.

              The server I just departed yesterday was due to real world issues, if you feel the reasons for my departing are important; I will share them with you privately. I had built and scripted the 5 MOD Korda War used yesterday for the server by myself. It was quite robust containing much content; from the actual two front multi-zoned battles (one zone used for the siege for lower to mid level players, and the other being the main siege for the higher level players), to completely new races with unique race items and back stories. The War was done in 5 parts, so as the battle progressed, the next mod was loaded and played.

              I've also done some scripting work specific to the more mature zones as needed.

              Please feel free to contact me at:

     *also Yahoo messenger*
     *also MSN messenger*

              I can log into either Ventrillo or Team Speak servers if needed.

              I look forward to working with your staff in the near future.

              Very Respectfully,


              Belak Gutbuster, Dwarven Battle Priest


              RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
              « Reply #11 on: July 03, 2005, 05:21:00 pm »
              Applying for mapping/history/content creation and possibly scripting

              Ive messed around with the NWN toolset and ive gained some experience with creating areas but they lacked scripting and the sort
              My main focus is history, my imagination will serve very well here.

              I posted "Possibly scripting" mainly because i have no skill in scripting what-so-ever but i am willing to learn how
              I dont have official previous work, i just built areas for fun on my pc and deleted them when i got bored
              After RPing for 6 years i have a very good imagination and would like to contribute to layo



              RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
              « Reply #12 on: July 04, 2005, 01:19:00 am »
              Applications are closed.  I will be contacting each of you folks some time soon.


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              RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
              « Reply #13 on: July 05, 2005, 09:08:00 am »
              Sorry, I know applications are closed, but I see a common thread here.
              (speaking of threads, i didn't even see this one until now. :P)

              I see many people have minor, or no knowledge of scripting, I could help with this.

              I can use C++, php, SQL, and java ( javascript, html,basic blah blah who doesn't know those :P).

              I took a quick look at the NWN scripting language and it seems very simple. I would have to learn it, but it looks extremely similar to C or C++.

              So if you're in need, I can help. I'm a really quick learner when it comes to this stuff, plus I've played every RPG under the sun. Someone with a bit of programming experience might be a little more useful than one just trying to learn scripting fresh?

              Again I apologize about the deadline, I didn't know of the thread until I PM'd Leanthar.


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                RE: Layonara Project Team Applications
                « Reply #14 on: July 14, 2005, 08:22:00 am »

                I know I'm late getting this to you, but I have tons of scripting experience with NWNScript, as well as being a software engineer out here in the "real world", so if you need any SQL, XML, C, C++, C#, perl or lisp code written, I can help with that as well! BTW, I've also done heavy scripting work on a different crafting system (ATS), but the experience should still be useful if you need CNR scripting done. If you need a hand, just let me know! I'm more than happy to help out!
