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Author Topic: The Fortune System  (Read 12593 times)


Guardian 452"&cid="2751101
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2013, 12:16:20 pm »

Quote from: "Guardian 452"&cid="2751101"

It does answer my question.  Apparently I thougth a level 20 character was given more Quest XP because of the massive mountain of XP before 21. Therefore beleiving this I expected a level 20 fortune XP trade in to reflect the same thing. You're saying a level 20 gets the same XP per quest hour (or whatever the jargon is now) as a level 33.... while I dissagree with this. At least I now know how it's going to be. Thanks

No, it's always been this way since we changed from requiring an ECDQ to pass level 20 to the WLDQ system. The level 20 cliff was instituted specifically to make it more difficult to achieve level 21 without a WLDQ. It would completely defeat the purpose to have level 20 characters earn so much more XP/hour than a level 30 character in order to pass that barrier in the same amount of time.

Perhaps you were thinking of what happens when a level 20 character passes their WLDQ and the amount of XP given as a result to put them over the top into Level 21. Beyond that, the amount of XP/hour for a level 20 character is the exact same as as it was when Enzo passed his ECDQ.

Anyway, this is a little off-topic for the thread. If you (or anyone) wants to continue the hows and whys of XP at a given level, please feel free to start a new thread.



As a quick announcement, the
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2013, 11:10:00 pm »

As a quick announcement, the original post in this thread has been updated with new information and new uses for Fortune.

Refer to item #2 (Quest Benefit) under the section labeled "Spending Fortune".


Guardian 452

If a characters Fortune rate
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2013, 04:40:38 pm »

If a characters Fortune rate is adjusted for any given reason (up or down) will the person be made aware of this? If yes, will they be told why? and for how long the rate will be adjusted?


What is the best place for me to give feedback on my fortune rate for one (or all of my characters) to help the team out?


Lance Stargazer

Greetings  G .In order to be
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2013, 05:18:15 pm »

Greetings  G .

In order to be able to reply more accurately, Could you please clarify? What you mean by "adjusting the rate" ? The other questions Will be replied later,



Guardian 452

Perhaps I was reading part of
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2013, 05:48:21 pm »

Perhaps I was reading part of this wrong. The part where you talk about adjusting the rate up or down depending on various factors.

I read this to say if you feel a person is gaining fortune too fast, trying to exploit the system in some way etc. that you could adjust said persons rate at which they gain Fortune.  If I read that correctly would the person be made aware of the change, why, and for how they would remain at the adjusted rate?

Now, if I read this incorrectly then never mind the question. (My second question remains, I'll look for word on that later)





Guardian 452 wrote: Perhaps
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2013, 09:15:00 pm »

Quote from: "Guardian 452"&cid="2751475"

Perhaps I was reading part of this wrong. The part where you talk about adjusting the rate up or down depending on various factors.

I read this to say if you feel a person is gaining fortune too fast, trying to exploit the system in some way etc. that you could adjust said persons rate at which they gain Fortune.  If I read that correctly would the person be made aware of the change, why, and for how they would remain at the adjusted rate?

Now, if I read this incorrectly then never mind the question. (My second question remains, I'll look for word on that later)

Yes, you read it incorrectly.

First, I want it to be clear, to you and everyone, that I am not going to discuss the specifics of what the general rate of gaining fortune may be.  To even entertain such a discussion encourages people to microscopically monitor their Fortune accrual, try and figure out how to game the system and complain to me when they end up with 0.03343772 fewer points of fortune than they expected. So, I'm not going to disclose the exact rate now or in the future. All I will say about them is that the numbers make sense on several levels, and I am currently quite pleased with the way things are set.

But getting to the clarification adjustment, so you can know for yourself where your read diverged from intent...

This GM team, and I in particular, has far better things to do than to hover over people (in a figurative sense) to figure out if their "gaining fortune too fast".  Of all the possible reasons to step in and directly adjust a specific character's Fortune rate, this is pretty darned low on the scale. In fact, it never even crossed my mind until now. Considering that Fortune is gained simply by being actively in game or questing, if someone has a lot of time to spend in game and/or go on quests, then absolutely!  They should gain a lot of fortune. In fact, I invite them to do so! Please do come in and spend time! The more the merrier! To be honest, I'm kind of caught off-guard by the notion completely. Why would we have taken the time to come up with this and implement it when we had other, more pressing things happening, just to turn around and use it as a whip rather than the carrot it was always intended to be?

I can think of a few ways someone could exploit the Fortune system. Such a person would be a sad individual indeed, and of course I'm not going to discuss how this would happen either.  But in such a case, if such a thing was observed, it would be an exploit and an intentional one, in which case the player has worse things facing him/her than a reduction in their Fortune rate. 

As has been the stated (and repeated) policy of  this GM team, we do not arbitrarily punish people and fail to tell them about it. As with all disciplinary measures taken on this server,  IF it was decided that a particular player should have a reduced rate of Fortune for some offense, it would be made clear to that person, just as we'd make any other penalty or corrective action clear. That's how we do things.

To (hopefully) further put your mind at ease, individual GMs do not have a tool that will let them adjust the rate of an individual character's Fortune accrual. The only person who could do that on a persistent basis would be me, and as I said, I have better things to do. If someone decides that a character should receive a different rate, whether up or down, that has to go through me. There will be no arbitrary adjustments of Fortune for individual characters by any members of the GM Team.

To explain even more about what I wrote above regarding adjustments and "various factors", I stated these things simply to illustrate the capability, not the intent to make use of them. As well, I am reserving the right to "tune" the system over time to use a different rate, or include Fortune in the occasional "bonus" events we get, so that rates are increased across the board for everyone because of medium-to-long-term observations of everyone as a whole. In fact, it is much more likely that I will make a global adjustment to the rate of accumulating Fortune than I will bother to nit-pick a single character's Fortune rate. Have I mentioned I have much better things to do?

So rather than risk this reply being longer than my original post, I'll stop here and hope this answers and abates your concerns about whatever your perceptions about Fortune may be. It's really quite simple: be active in-game --> gain Fortune.

Regarding your second question, feedback is always encouraged and welcome. There's no form. No process. No procedure. You can post it here, PM it, send a telegram, whatever!  You're still on the Project Team, so if you want a smaller-scale discussion of it, you know how to make that happen. And of course, there's always the "Suggestions" forums, as usual.



Giving this thread a nudge to
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2013, 11:09:21 pm »

Giving this thread a nudge to let everyone know I've added even more uses for Fortune.  You can find these under the "Projects" heading.

As with previous updates, these are a) subject to change as we see how they work out (and yes, we'll let you know!) and b) open for discussion/questions below.


gilshem ironstone

Really awesome system! 
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2013, 12:12:58 am »

Really awesome system!



Guardian 452

Mmm I can almost taste the
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2013, 12:27:58 pm »

Mmm I can almost taste the Three Berry Pie. *winks at Dorg* Too bad that one will cost like a million Fortune I bet ;)

I like this addition, I have some ideas stirring. How do we go about starting the request process for a potential project?



Guardian 452 wrote:How do we
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2013, 12:50:18 pm »

Quote from: "Guardian 452"&cid="2751872"

How do we go about starting the request process for a potential project?

The same way you always have.  It involves GM collaboration and CDQs and things.  That part of the process hasn't changed; we've just added options for "paying" for them.


Guardian 452

So, start by contacting a GM
« Reply #30 on: November 07, 2013, 03:23:34 pm »

So, start by contacting a GM with your idea, and go from there?



P { margin-bottom: 0.08in;
« Reply #31 on: November 07, 2013, 04:03:04 pm »

It would be just like any other CDQ or GCDQ process. Fortune points can just be spent as part of away to eliminate some of the potential material barriers between your project and completion so the focus of your efforts can remain on the RP without eliminating the meaningful contribution of material components. Fortune points are meant to resemble meaningful contacts the character has or something similar that is appropriate and may well come into actual RP during the course of character and project's development.



Fian Bearsark

I just wanted to give my
« Reply #32 on: July 02, 2014, 04:12:52 pm »
I just wanted to give my opinion on the system. Its great! Points accrue not too fast, not too slow and like the idea that down the road I could fund a project with the points. A simple great idea thanks for it.

