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Author Topic: Letter to The Leilon Arms  (Read 116 times)

Guardian 452

Letter to The Leilon Arms
« on: February 09, 2006, 01:29:50 pm »

Derrick, Kali and other members of The Leilon Arms.

I write you today to confirm that you will be able to cater the raffle drawing I will be hosting soon.

I've not yet set a date, untill I know how much lead time you need. (
(looks like it will be on a Saturday... 9PM CST till ?)

I do not know how many people will attend. I will put a rough guess at between 12 and 30 people attending.

I do know.... The last raffle I hosted. I rented out the main entry hall of The Hotel Layonara... and the sods ran out of drinks... needless to say the dwarven contingent of patrons were not pleased.

I trust that you guys will not have that problem.

The location of this drawing has not yet been finalised. I can tell you it will be in either The Hotel Layonara, or in The Vakhar Guild Hall in Vale.

Please let me know what your fee will be for catering this event.... I want plenty of food and drink for all who may attend.

Thank you

Enzo Reynolt



RE: Letter to The Leilon Arms
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2006, 06:45:01 am »
*Derrick reads the letter and grimaces

"How could the supposed Grandest Hotel in the world run out of Ale!  Sounds like they need new management."

*Pulls out some oak parchment and writes

Master Enzo,
   The Leilon Arms would be more than happy to host your Raffle.  Give us as much notice as possible, two weeks if you can so that we can make all the arrangements and most importantly ensure we have plenny o brews for the attendees.  Perhaps we can speak about the catering price at our next opening.


Guardian 452

Re: Letter to The Leilon Arms
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2006, 10:05:44 am »
*reply letter*
It looks like the raffle will be in about a month? (8 RL days, Saturday the 18th at 9 PM CST is looking like the date for this to go down)

I am not much of a brewer, never really tried... but I have a cabinet full of fresh pies I will bring.... once sliced up I figure I have maybe 100 slices of pie or more.

I will come to The Arms when you open, and if possible I'd like to take you aside to a quieter place to talk numbers.




