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Author Topic: Rent and vacancies at the Arms Inn  (Read 170 times)


Rent and vacancies at the Arms Inn
« on: October 31, 2006, 06:24:05 am »
Freldo places a fresh parchment on the bulletin board of the Arms Inn.  [SIZE=+3]Attention[/SIZE]  [SIZE=+1]Those that owe rent to the Leilon Arms Inn and Tavern please contact Freldo or Jharl as soon as possible if you wish to keep your room as those that are in debt will have their rooms emptied and made available in the next few months.  Also, if you wish to rent a room from the Leilon Arms Inn, please place your name below and I'll contact you as soon as a room becomes available.[/SIZE]   Waiting list: Demetri Tolbit (double room) Dacriel Ryhn'cri (single room)  
/* 10th of November is the cut off date, if you or a friend haven't contacted me by then I'll consider that there is no longer any interest in the room and it'll be vacated. */


Re: Rent and vacancies at the Arms Inn
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2006, 12:47:43 pm »
Added Dacriel to the list, with him all available rooms are filled, the next names go to the waiting list.


Re: Rent and vacancies at the Arms Inn
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2006, 03:09:10 pm »
*Plenarius dispatches a halfling to Leilon to submit a message on the board and gather his belongings*

Leilon Arms.

I will pay final arrears for my room at the next available opportunity.  My room is now vacant and open for rent.  Please inform me if you need a longer notice and I will be fine to pay for that extension.
