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Author Topic: Prestige Class (PrC) Resubmissions  (Read 796 times)


Prestige Class (PrC) Resubmissions
« on: June 02, 2010, 06:47:03 am »
Hi LORE Team,

As per this thread.
Please update LORE: Character Submission.

With the text from the character submission thread.  I have copied and pasted it below.


Prestige Class (PrC) resubmissions –
PrC submissions are changing as follows:
  • Weaponmaster, Duelist, Undead Hunter and Battlerager can be approved on initial submission, providing the application supports the extra class (again, not asking much but a few lines added in for the note of RP.)
  • Bear Warrior, Skald, Arcane Archer, Spellsword and Sacred Fist require an updated biography submission and either a well kept CDT for a minimum of two (2) weeks (explaining the how and the why) or a CDQ.
  • Shifter and Shadow Dancer require an updated biography and at least one CDQ.
  • Mistone Alliance Scout, Dwarven Defender, Champions, Palemaster and Assassin are a multi step process that require an updated biography, a well tended development thread and either a WLDQ or one or more CDQs, depending on the character.
  • Red Dragon Disciple remains WLDQ only.

Please make sure you carefully read the class information on your desired PrC so that you may quicken the approval process.


Re: Prestige Class (PrC) Resubmissions
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2010, 11:22:49 am »
The LORE team is aware of this issue. More specifically milty is aware these changes are needed. As I stated in the other post, the fault was mine and I am not LORE-able. Milty now has the needed information but his plate of things to do is very, very full. He will get to it as soon as he is able.
