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Author Topic: shops closed at night.  (Read 377 times)


shops closed at night.
« on: March 31, 2007, 03:12:45 am »
I was going through vehl yesterday and IG it was night and it hit me. Wouldnt be better rp wise if the shops bank and such except for the inn, temple and bars to be closed at night? Lets say from 7 pm to 6 or 7 am. Since the time it would be closed is about 45 min Rl I think its not a bad trade off to get a better feal to the world.


Re: shops closed at night.
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2007, 03:25:20 am »
I like this idea.


Re: shops closed at night.
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2007, 03:38:02 am »
And now I will be the implementation wet blanket. *grins*

The only really feasible way to do this would be to have the shopkeeper say "Sorry, we're closed"... which doesn't make any sense.

There is no "Day/Night" event which fires, so the only way that all the doors could be locked would be to use a *shudders* heartbeat script.

That being said, perhaps one of the guards on patrol could go about locking the appropriate doors... or the auto-close could lock as well.. in which case the UN-locking would be the concern.

Or, a third option would be a "night shift".  Since onEnter can be fired from any area, a simple check fired on the onEnter of the appropriate stores could swap out the normal shopkeeps.


Re: shops closed at night.
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2007, 04:07:13 am »
Actually this is possible, but I think that the fun novelty would quickly wear off the first time you want to get potions for you and your party and the temple shop is shut, or when you have 3000 True on you and want to join a party on a trip the "Land of Certain Doom" and the bank is closed and no one else in the party is willing to wait 40mins for you


Re: shops closed at night.
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2007, 04:26:28 am »
Like i said temples, Inn and barrs could be open. Inn is pretty easy the rooms need to be available, temples - the priest sleeps at it so it not unlogical that there would be someone hearing you knock or have somone on duty for emergencies ( temple usualy being concidered as the time period hospital). As for the Barrs (ie vehl) the more he sells ale to the not so good people, the more he makes money.

So for thos reasons, ther is a IC reasons to back the fact they could stay open. But for those like the craft hall, the range weapon merchants and such, those rarely sleeps in their stores and have families to go back to, so there is a reason there for it to be closed rp wise. Also, it is for you to better plan yourself. A 45 min wait to realy plan your trip discuss strategy find a well balance party, is a good thing after all and would even promot rp by giving a waiting time where what you would be doing is RP.


Re: shops closed at night.
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2007, 06:01:04 am »
Implementation issues aside, I have to say this is one of those times that I am completely content to let this just be a game and put realism aside for a few minutes. I see no reason why the shops need to close at night. If you feel that it's bad RP to have your character running around doing their weekly shopping at 3 am, then simply don't do it.

Besides, Layonara is roughly based on a medieval time period, isn't it? And if I remember my medieval history correctly, shops and markets weren't even open all day. Morning was the busiest period for local merchants, with most shops closing in the early afternoon and only a few staying open until dusk.

I'd say that this would only cause players with little time to spend in game a lot of grief. It's a neat idea RP-wise, but I think most players would end up just finding this inconvenient.


Re: shops closed at night.
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2007, 06:28:58 am »
I will be honest here and say that given the amount of work it would require to change all the shops in all towns and the human resources available to the project team this one isn't likely to happen.

If there are enough people clamouring for it then it will be considered, but we have what we think are more enjoyable things in the pipeline and would rather work on them for you.


Re: shops closed at night.
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2007, 10:21:34 am »
There's always a realism vs. fun-factor aspect that we try to look at when adding things and in this case restricting players from their activities.  I personally think that if this were implemented the initial reaction would be a resounding "Oh, that's kind of neat..." followed by a roar of frustration of making people wait while time slogs on to buy crafting supplies.

I'll point out a comment that has resounded several times recently, and that is some people have a very limited amount of play time, and this would just kick them in the teeth. Imagine a casual gamer who has a free hour and decides to log on to take care of some quick crafting, and gets into-game just after the stores close.  Well, now that player may not be able to do anything that he/she wanted for the next 45 minutes.

I know some of us have a ton of time to play, and a 45 minute wait amidst RP is nothing much really.  But for the more casual gamer or the person who just kind of wanted to get on for a bit and take care of some business/crafting, it is a huge deal.

It's important to support both types of players, and in my personal opinion it's a reasonable compromise to "reality" to have a "convenience store" model of merchants rather than a more 9-to-5 (or whatever) model.


Re: shops closed at night.
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2007, 10:38:49 am »
Dorg hits the nail on the head. I posted with my "Oh, that's neat" reaction. As I usually do.

But time constraints... You guys are right on that.


Re: shops closed at night.
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2007, 02:46:25 pm »
It would be neat, however, if certain towns like Vehl got shadier at night... :)


Re: shops closed at night.
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2007, 02:51:37 pm »
That, would be interesting

