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Author Topic: A truly dynamic world  (Read 211 times)

Pen N Popper

A truly dynamic world
« on: March 31, 2007, 08:55:03 am »
For a long time now, I've wondered where the "world shaping" part of Layonara comes into play.  I see PCs work at changing the world ICly, but the module does not get updated to reflect this.  I know this is due to: 1) The fact that altering the module is not a trivial thing, even for simple changes. 2) Players have their own agendas that don't always mesh with the team's ideas. 3) Picking some things to change and not others would smack of favortism and be upsetting to some.

However, just like there are housing remodel requests could there also be area remodel requests?  A temple interior remodel, new walls for Bloody Gate, war and destruction removed from the old Roldem, etc.

The requirements for these remodels would be more involved.
  • I would suggest that each player (not each PC) would be allowed to put their karma towards just a single project.  Their PCs can always help with the IC efforts of as many projects as they'd like, but their "vote" for getting one implemented is a one-time shot.
  • The more players that vote for a project, the higher on the list such an update would be pushed.
  • Only players that have been playing for six months can apply a vote to a project.
  • A failed project does not return your vote.
The IC efforts would also be greatly increased:
  • A price tag in gold of unknown amount.  Lots of projects have cost overruns.
  • A price tag of gathered material (be it clay molds to represent bricks, wood to represent furniture, finished armor to equip guards, etc.)
  • A minimum and maximum RL time.  The organizer(s) have some amount of time to gather the material, but it cannot be less than three to six months RL time.  These projects are world changing, they do not happen in a RL week.
[/INDENT]I would also suggest that there is upkeep necessary for such a project as well.  Perhaps temple donations are withdrawn for a temple's continued upkeep, or a player event must happen at the site every other month, or something.

Ideally, the module changes for such projects would be limited to a single area (like a player house would be).  Perhaps one project every three months would be implemented.  There would be a public list, with groups of players racing each other to gather support and material to move themselves up the list by their IC efforts.  (These IC efforts are entirely player-run without GM intervention.)

I would actually suggest that this could be the start of kingdom building. Factions of players would begin grouping and gathering three new resources in addition to gold: stone, lumber, and research.  (Stone is a new minable material. Lumber is a new choppable material. And research is a repeatable quest in the great library where the PCs are given the task of finding books in exchange for research scrolls. None are used for CNR.)

Each group (like a guild in that a PC can only belong to one group) would be listed on the forums in their order of wealth (perhaps the actual wealth details are hidden and they are just given a one to ten star rating).

Anyway, I could ramble on but will end it here.  Hopefully you see the possibilities for the world but also see that the goal is to limit the work that the project team would have to do and the frequency.  Put the burden on the players to keep it going.
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Re: A truly dynamic world
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2007, 09:36:49 am »
I like the idea but how about putting a timer for the vote return. Like lets say you could only vote for one porject a RL year?