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Author Topic: Sore Feet  (Read 179 times)


Sore Feet
« on: September 03, 2005, 05:20:00 am »
Wizards have a tome and druids have a branch but a cleric just has sore feet.  Wouldn't it be great if the cleric too could have a holy symbol of teleport as well?  However I see one difference to the others...the clerics would not teleport you to a place of your choosing but to the bindstone of the nearest temple of your deity.  

I'm not sure that this could happen or even if people really wanted but I thought it would be nice for a cleric to to have a shortcut of sorts to his deities temple.


RE: Sore Feet
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2005, 08:32:00 am »
If you do that, then the bards
and sorcerers will want it as


RE: Sore Feet
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2005, 08:46:00 am »
Another possibility could be thinking about giving clerics a bit more roleplay abilties.

For example, a level 14 cleric can speak with the dead. Would only work on quests of course.

I think there are plenty of other possibilities here.

EDIT: although I've no idea what these possibilities are. :)

Talan Va'lash

RE: Sore Feet
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2005, 12:33:00 am »
I think the only cleric with teleportation abilities is one with the travel domain (in PnP.)  Think thats why it wasn't added for clerics.  At least I think thats correct, never was a big cleric player.



RE: Sore Feet
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2005, 03:57:00 pm »
Well I still have my 2.0 players hand book and there is roughtly3 tranportation spells that Move Clerics/preists about the land and if you wanna call planes walk then that is a 4th spell.


RE: Sore Feet
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2005, 04:23:00 pm »
  Personally, I like the idea that was passed around before. "Clerics with the travel domain would get a teleportation item at level 16." It's a high enough level that it'd not be easily attained... and it makes the cleric have to pay something to get it (one of their domains). Makes sense to me...
    Also I find that if you work it out with the GMs, you can "speak with the dead" on quests. You can check your crystal ball for signs of what the future holds, you can scry, or try to block scrying. Most of these things would be no good unless you have a GM there anyway, and most GMs will give you a reasonable check in order to succeed.
  Player: "I'd like to try scrying to find the man named X."
  GM: Decides that the DCs will be 10-The Continent He's on, 20-The City/Major Geographical Place he's in, 30-Within a mile of X, 40-Shows you exactly where he is. "Alright spell craft check."
  Player: Rolls 5 + Modifier 10 = 15
  GM: "X is somewhere on Mistone, you can't desipher where though."
    And there you go, instant scrying. (Ok so it's not instant, but it sounded good)


RE: Sore Feet
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2005, 04:49:00 pm »
Well first of all just to make it clear. Clerics wont be getting the Teleportation Tome simply because in the version of DnD we are playing Teleportation only goes to Sorcerers and Wizards and Tree walking only goes to druid.
  The only exception to this rule is clerics with the Travel domain which get basically every teleportation spell as  a domain spell. So regarding them I see no issue getting it.
  We have to be careful with this however because every domain has a granted ability in PnP that hasn't been implemented in NWN. A simple example, Travel Domain dudes get 1 rnd/level freedom of movement per day. That is just a simple example, but I can list one for almost every domain and if I'm not mistaken to make such fundamental changes those involved would need a remake.


RE: Sore Feet
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2005, 05:20:00 pm »
Still think sorcerers should get the teleportation power before any clerics do.

Heh, though I still would prefer a teleportation spell over the tome. Saw that on on some servers (was from some spell pack I think) and it was cool. Of course you had to learn the spell or take it as a sorc like all other spells. Thing let you choose the area to teleport though... each area had a unique code you could check with an item. Mass teleport worked the same way except you took your party with you. Cool stuff. Hehe, would so make me want to play a mage again though... so maybe leave it. *grins*

